In Angular, What is 'pathmatch: full' and what effect does it have?

In here it is use pathmatch as full and when i delete this pathmatch it doesn't even load the app or run the project ``` import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { BrowserModule } from '@angu...

22 Jun at 11:7

Passing arguments to dotnet test project?

I have the test class below in a .NET Core 1.1 Unit Test project (not an xUnit Test project) in Visual Studio 2017. How do I pass command line arguments to `TestMethod`? ``` [TestClass] public class T...

What is the purpose of "pip install --user ..."?

From `pip install --help`: ``` --user Install to the Python user install directory for your platform. Typically ~/.local/, or %APPDATA%\Python on Windows. (See the Python documentat...

25 Feb at 18:58

TypeError: cannot convert the series to <class 'float'>

I have a dataframe (df) that looks like: ``` date A 2001-01-02 1.0022 2001-01-03 1.1033 2001-01-04 1.1496 2001-01-05 1.1033 2015-03-30 126.3700 2015-03-31 1...

5 May at 12:32

Multithread error not caught by catch

Following is a complete console program that reproduces a strange error I have been experiencing. The program reads a file that contains urls of remote files, one per line. It fires up 50 threads to d...

Why am I getting the error "Cannot instantiate implementation type" for my generic service?

I have a generic repository that I have been instantiating right in my WEB API Controller no problem for a while. This is what my controller used to look like: ``` [Route("api/[controller]")] public...

Performance impact of using GUID in SQL Server

I have tried searching this before asking but every result I have found mentions GUIDs as a PK which is not the case here. I have a database that's using INT as the PK on all tables. However the data ...

17 Jul at 08:29

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver

I'm running an AWS EC2 g2.2xlarge instance with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I'd like to observe the GPU utilization while training my TensorFlow models. I get an error trying to run 'nvidia-smi'. ``` ubuntu@ip...

15 Jun at 09:26

ServiceStack OrmLite - Physical Project Structure

Based on this documentation here: []( I wasn't able to quite figure out where \ how woul...

23 Mar at 20:23

Python Requests - How to use system ca-certificates (debian/ubuntu)?

I've installed a self-signed root ca cert into debian's `/usr/share/ca-certificates/local` and installed them with `sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates`. At this point `true | gnutls-cli mysite.loca...

How to register multiple (different) redis connection pools in IOC

I have to connect to different Redis instances from one service (we have one redis instance per database because they require different storage policies). For each Redis DB I have several (different)...

23 Mar at 15:48

C# - Use of wildcards inside csproj file and new files addition

Inside files Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio as default keep a reference to every file used inside the project. ``` <ItemGroup> <Compile Include="Utils\Foo1Utils.cs" /> <Compile Include="Ut...

2 Jan at 11:49

Format the nested property serialized json

I have a CSV string, and one of it's column value is json serialized. ``` "Id,Name,Seo\r\n13,SpecialCollections,\"{\"\"SeoUrl\"\":\"\"special-collections\"\",\"\"SeoPageTitle\"\":null,\"\"SeoKeywords...

23 Mar at 18:43

How to mock an exported const in jest

I have a file that relies on an exported `const` variable. This variable is set to `true` but if ever needed can be set to `false` manually to prevent some behavior if downstream services request it. ...

C# File.Exists returns false, file does exist

Using VS 15, C# with .Net 4.5.2 The computer is on an AD network, with the ad name "AD". This problem happens with AD normal-user rights, AD admin rights, and local admin rights. It doesn't matter wha...

23 Mar at 16:13

Remote deploy/debug Visual Studio 2017 .NET Core

How can I set up remote deploy + debugging in VS2017 using a net core app which targets net framework? I have the remote tools installed and working on my target device. I can connect to it and debug...

CommonOpenFileDialog cause Windows Form to shrink

I've been working on a Windows Forms application, and have recently added a simple settings page that allows the user to select a folder for where the output goes. The `OpenFileDialog` is ugly and not...

Create object from array

I want to create an object from a list inside an array. I have an array which is dynamic and supposed to look like this: `var dynamicArray = ["2007", "2008", "2009", "2010"];` And I want to make an ob...

Create Unit Tests context menu option missing in Visual Studio 2017?

The 'Create Unit Test' context menu option seems to be missing from my copy of VS2017. I know there was a bit of history where it was removed and [then re-added in VS2015](https://blogs.msdn.micros...

26 Mar at 10:0

How to share x axes of two subplots after they have been created

I'm trying to share two subplots axes, but I need to share the x axis after the figure was created. E.g. I create this figure: ``` import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt t = np.arange(100...

17 Jul at 12:40

Getting value from appSettings.json?

I'm unable to retrieve the value set in appsettings.json, when I run the code below, I get an error > System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' What am I d...

Get the execution time of a ADO.NET SQL Command

I have been searching over to find if there is any easy way to get the Execution time of a ADO.NET command object. I know i can manually do a StopWatch start and stop. But wanted to if there are any e...

Creating a custom query with Spring DATA JPA?

I'm working on a project with Spring Data JPA. I have a table in the database as my_query. I want to create a method which takes a string as a parameter, and then execute it as a query in the database...

How to use Object.values with typescript?

I am trying to form a comma separated string from an object, ``` const data = {"Ticket-1.pdf":"8e6e8255-a6e9-4626-9606-4cd255055f71.pdf","Ticket-2.pdf":"106c3613-d976-4331-ab0c-d581576e7ca1.pdf"}; ...

11 Apr at 19:27

How to remove first and last character of a string in C#?

``` String: "hello to the very tall person I am about to meet" ``` What I want it to become is this: ``` String: hello to the very tall person I am about to meet ``` I can only find code to trim ...

22 Mar at 22:54