In Xamarin.Forms Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread() doesn’t show message box from notification callback *only* in Release config on physical device

I'm rewriting my existing (swift) iOS physical therapy app "On My Nerves" to Xamarin.Forms. It's a timer app to help people with nerve damage (like me!) do their desensitization exercises. You have th...

15 Oct at 06:13

Chart with multi-level labels on x-axis

I'm creating a VSTO add-in that among other things is supposed to create a line chart for some annual data. This data contains datapoints on a weekly basis. I would like the horizontal axis to be grou...

2 Oct at 00:10

MUI customize button color?

I am struggling to modify button colors in MUI next (v1). How would I set muitheme to behave similarity to bootstrap, so I could just use "btn-danger" for red, "btn-success" for green... ? I tried wit...

4 Nov at 08:8

How to move the debug pointer to change the execution flow in Visual Studio Code Debugger

I have used Visual Studio 2008 to 2017, all having this feature as shown below: []( The () which can be used to manipulate executing line(or execution flow) while d...

Writing chrome extension in C#?

Today I started looking at the Chrome extensions the first time ever, I have a very silly questions, I am sure the answer is NO to this as per google search but I just wanted to make sure from the com...

How to have Visual Studio 2017 accept modifications to csproj file

I've developed a code generator for internal use where code assets (POCOs) are generated based off of C# interfaces. The code generation process programmatically adds/removes items to csproj file. T...

SendGrid SMTP integration issue

I am trying to integrate SendGrid in ASP.NET MVC application using SmtpClient and MailMessage methods on Azure. Code: ``` MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); message.IsBodyHtml = true; message....

29 Sep at 01:25

Is it possible to have multiple GETs that vary only by parameters in ASP.NET Core?

I want to build truly RESTful web service so don't want to leverage RPC-style, so have currently this: ``` [HttpGet] [ActionName(nameof(GetByParticipant))] public async Task<IActionResult> GetByPartic...

Can't create project on Netbeans 8.2

I have windows 10 OS, I just downloaded JDK 9, and Netbeans 8.2 version with All features. When I want to create (Java) project, it just can't do it. Doesn't give me an error or something, just this b...

28 Sep at 18:58

Dependency injection of multiple instances of same type in ASP.NET Core 2

In ASP.NET Core 2 Web Api, I want to use dependency injection to inject `httpClientA` instance of `HttpClient` to `ControllerA`, and an instance `httpClientB` of the `HttpClient` to `ControllerB`. Th...

MailKit From Address

Im using mailKit in asp mvc core to collect email from a IMAP mailbox. I return the message using the command ```csharp var message = inbox.GetMessage(uid) ``` This returns all the results...

2 May at 14:13

Stream output of command to ajax call with ServiceStack

I have a ServiceStack service that executes a long-running (like 10-20 seconds) program under the hood given an input file. On the client side, a file gets uploaded to the service and the file is then...

28 Sep at 16:5

Why can't I declare an implicitly typed array without an initializer?

Why do I have to write `int` after `new` when I am declaring the array `num` without an initializer? E.g. For another array, `num1,` I just declared it first and then gave it values, and I didn't type...

5 May at 16:52

Ajax LARAVEL 419 POST error

I would really appreciate some help on this. I tried tons of solutions as posted in this forum, but I cannot get it to work. My ajax call is something like ``` $(document).ready(function() { $(...

28 Sep at 16:23

Azure Searching Metadata in blobs

I am try to find a way to bring back only items in blob storage with metadata that matches a particular piece of data. All fields will have a key called 'FlightNo'. What I want really want is a way...

2 May at 02:48

Can I programmatically move the steps of a mat-horizontal-stepper in Angular / Angular Material

I have a question regards Angular Material (with Angular 4+). Say in my component template I add a `<mat-horizontal-stepper>` component, and within each step `<mat-step>` I have stepper buttons to nav...

c# split string and remove empty string

I want to remove empty and null string in the split operation: ``` string number = "9811456789, "; List<string> mobileNos = number.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries...

28 Sep at 10:47

Laravel 5.5 ajax call 419 (unknown status)

I do an ajax call but I keep getting this error: > 419 (unknown status) No idea what is causing this I saw on other posts it has to do something with csrf token but I have no form so I dont know how...

28 Sep at 09:54

Entity Framework logs duplicates

We're running Entity Framework 6 and have a DatabaseLogFormatter that formats our data, and it's logged via an NLog AsyncTargetWrapper to a file. The application is an MVC5 web app. The DatabaseLogFo...

24 Oct at 08:54

InvalidOperationException: Cannot use table 'xxxx1' for entity type 'xxxx2' since it is being used for entity type 'xxxx1'

i'm trying to make a database in entity-framework code-first but im always getting a error like this: > InvalidOperationException: Cannot use table 'Device' for entity type 'IpMac' since it is bei...

ServiceStack client routes for ExpressJs conditional routes

ExpressJs allows you to match conditional (aka dynamic or ambiguous) route matching. A route like `GET '/people(/sex/:sexFilter)?(/age-over/:ageOverFilter)?'` would match the following examples: `/pe...

27 Sep at 16:34

Stripe .net "The signature for the webhook is not present in the Stripe-Signature header."

I am using SDK from NuGet. I always get the > The signature for the webhook is not present in the Stripe-Signature header. exception from the `StripeEventUtility.ConstructEvent` method. ```...

20 Jun at 09:12

MIssing method in System.Web.Http.ApiController.get_Request()

I have a controller. ``` public sealed class AccountsController : BaseApiController { private readonly IDatabaseAdapter _databaseAdapter; public AccountsController(IDatabaseAdapte...

27 Sep at 15:22

cmake error 'the source does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt'

I'm installing opencv in ubuntu 16.04. After installing the necessary prerequisites I used the following command:- ``` kvs@Hunter:~/opencv_contrib$ mkdir build kvs@Hunter:~/opencv_contrib$ cd build k...

27 Sep at 13:11

Custom ServiceStack OAuth2 provider

We are trying to communicate with a REST server, which uses its own OAuth2 implementation. This server is written by another company in Java, so I don't have much influence about it. I've got all the ...

29 Sep at 13:56