Interface with default methods vs abstract class, and what's the motivation?

I've recently came across this C# proposal [default interface methods]( I've read both the specification and ....

15 Jan at 07:46

Select all occurrences of selected word in VSCode

Are there any trick or extension to select all instances of selected word in visual studio code, to facilitate editing or deleting those instances without search and replace, like ِ+ in sublime text

22 Aug at 23:3

React - clearing an input value after form submit

I'm presented with a rather silly problem. I am in the process of creating my first React application and I have encountered a little issue, where I am not able to clear my input value, after I submit...

18 Feb at 22:52

Including a file when I publish my Azure function in Visual Studio

I know this seems like a simple thing but I can't find any help online. I want to include a file (.html) along with my Azure function when I publish it using Visual Studio. Then I want to be able to a...

Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between System.DateTime and null

``` DateTime tempDate = calculatesomedatetime(); someDateTimeControl.Value = null; //no issue someDateTimeControl.Value = (tempDate > DateTime.MinValue)? tempDate : null; ``` > Type of conditional e...

3 Oct at 04:17

Left join with ServiceStack.OrmLite returns an empty object instead of null

I've created [a repository with a complete example of what I'm trying to do]( I have the following schema: ``` class Order { public int OrderId { get; se...

NSubstitute ILogger .NET Core

I am trying to write unit tests around my exception handling so that I can verify the my logger is properly logging the exception. I am using NSubstitute as a mocking framework and `Microsoft.Extensio...

Windows Lock Screen display text programmatically C#

Sample Screenshot - Spotify Lock-Screen information []( How can I display information on the lock screen? Like Spotify does. EDIT: Can see question is duplicated...

2 Oct at 18:37

MongoError: connect ECONNREFUSED

I'm using NodeJS wih MongoDB using mongodb package. When I run mongod command it works fine and gives "waiting for connection on port 27017". So, mongod seems to be working. But MongoClient does not w...

11 Apr at 07:54

How to solve 'Redirect has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header'?

I am working on an app using `Vue js`. According to my setting I need to pass to a variable to my URL when setting change. ``` <!-- language: lang-js --> $.get('

26 Oct at 23:23

C# is not working in release build

Trying to debug a problem on a C# application, I stumbled upond this problem which is the cause of the app malfunctioning. Basically I have this code: ``` double scale = 1; double startScale = 1; .....

20 Dec at 12:47

Filter Serilog logs to different sinks depending on context source?

I have a .NET Core 2.0 application in which I successfully use Serilog for logging. Now, I would like to log some database performance statistics to a separate sink (they are not for debugging, which ...

How can I use async/await at the top level?

I have been going over `async`/`await` and after going over several articles, I decided to test things myself. However, I can't seem to wrap my head around why this does not work: ``` async function m...

How to downgrade Java from 9 to 8 on a MACOS. Eclipse is not running with Java 9

How to downgrade Java from 9 to 8 on a macOS Sierra 10.12.6(16G29) . I tried removing the Java plugin and installed Java 8, however the Java and javac version shows 9 in terminal, but In system prefer...

12 Mar at 03:23

HTTP Error 404.13 - core 2.0

> HTTP Error 404.13 - Not Found The request filtering module is configured to deny a request that exceeds the request content length.Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFilte...

How can I send a fax for a pdf from a Windows Service using FAXCOMEXLib?

I've seen this question asked before, but I have not seen any definite answers, and definitely not any answers that solve my problem. I created a windows service to send faxes (semi-automatically) usi...

2 Dec at 14:43

How can I check if a password reset token is expired?

I'm using ASP.NET Identity, and I have the basic Forgot Password/Reset Password functionality in place. When you fill out the form that you forgot your password, it creates a reset token using `_userM...

5 May at 16:51

Is it possible to inherit documentation from specific parameters?

I am trying to inherit the documentation of a method's parameter by using the `select` attribute, but it doesn't seem to work as expected. According to this article ( [http://tunnelvisionlabs.githu...

Restore Previous State of app on database migration failure (ClickOnce)

I want to restore previous version of C# application published using ClickOnce, if database migration fails because database wont be latest and it will not support latest version of application. I ...

6 Oct at 11:48

Using Singular Table Names with EF Core 2

I want my domain class name to match my db table name (no pluralisation). In EF Core 1.1, I used this code to do that: ``` public static void RemovePluralisingTableNameConvention(this ModelBuilder m...

In Xamarin.Forms Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread() doesn’t show message box from notification callback *only* in Release config on physical device

I'm rewriting my existing (swift) iOS physical therapy app "On My Nerves" to Xamarin.Forms. It's a timer app to help people with nerve damage (like me!) do their desensitization exercises. You have th...

15 Oct at 06:13

Chart with multi-level labels on x-axis

I'm creating a VSTO add-in that among other things is supposed to create a line chart for some annual data. This data contains datapoints on a weekly basis. I would like the horizontal axis to be grou...

2 Oct at 00:10

MUI customize button color?

I am struggling to modify button colors in MUI next (v1). How would I set muitheme to behave similarity to bootstrap, so I could just use "btn-danger" for red, "btn-success" for green... ? I tried wit...

4 Nov at 08:8

How to move the debug pointer to change the execution flow in Visual Studio Code Debugger

I have used Visual Studio 2008 to 2017, all having this feature as shown below: []( The () which can be used to manipulate executing line(or execution flow) while d...

Writing chrome extension in C#?

Today I started looking at the Chrome extensions the first time ever, I have a very silly questions, I am sure the answer is NO to this as per google search but I just wanted to make sure from the com...