Replacing DefaultModelBinder in MVC core

I am converting an MVC 5 project over to core. I currently have a custom model binder that I use as my nhibernate entity model binder. I have the option to fetch and bind by fetching the entity out ...

ServiceStack MQ: how to populate data in RequestContext

I'm developing a JWT-based multi-tenancy system using ServiceStack. The JWT token contains shard information, and I use `JwtAuthProvider` to translate the JWT token to session object following instruc...

UseSqlite with Entity Framework Core in ASP.NET Core 2.1 not working

I am starting a Razor pages project in ASP.NET Core 2.1. I am trying to use SQLite but when configuring the database only SQL Server seems to be an option. ``` using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder; u...

8 Jan at 10:41

Why ref structs cannot be used as type arguments?

C# 7.2 [introduced]( `ref struct`s. However, given a `ref struct` like this: ``` public ref struct Foo { public i...

27 Nov at 11:19

ServiceStack not deserializing Dictionary<string,object> properly

I'm using ServiceStack v5.1.0 and here is the issue I'm having: I have a DTO that looks like this: ``` [Route("/TablesV2/{Id}/Query/{QueryId}/Edit", Verbs = "POST")] public class EditTableRecord ...

15 Jun at 07:30

Why is casting a struct via Pointer slow, while Unsafe.As is fast?

## Background I wanted to make a few integer-sized `struct`s (i.e. 32 and 64 bits) that are easily convertible to/from primitive unmanaged types of the same size (i.e. `Int32` and `UInt32` for 32-...

15 Jun at 14:4

Is union available in LINQ query syntax?

I noticed that I was unable to structure a linq query with a `union` of two selects, using [ANSI syntax][1]. The .net documentation has an article on [query syntax examples][2] where union is not show...

7 May at 07:13

Seed entity with owned property

I am trying to seed an user entity in my database. The `User` entity has an owend property `EmailPermissions`. When I run the command > dotnet ef migrations add Initial; I get the error > The see...

14 Jun at 17:34

System.NotSupportedException: No data is available for encoding 1252

I'm working with a [Trust Commerce Tutorial]( on how to generate a payment token that will allow customers to use the TC Trustee Host payment form. I was given an exam...

20 Jun at 09:12

Debugging x64 Azure Functions in Visual Studio

I'm writing a C# Azure function via Visual Studio. This function is triggered through blog storage, and the blob is processed using an x64 C++ DLL. The issue is that the default Azure functions toolin...

ServiceStack session not being saved after authenticating from client

I have implemented a custom authentication provider (CredentialsAuthProvider) to authenticate myself. Everything works perfect here. I authenticate via the following code in my ASP.NET Client applicat...

14 Jun at 08:16

Breakpoints set but not yet bound in Visual Studio

Running Visual Studio Community 2017. Created a WebAPI project, have a controller class in there, with some basic stuff, but when I go to run in debug mode, I get the following error on my breakpoints...

13 Jun at 19:46

EF: db.SaveChanges() vs dbTransaction.Commit

I am fairly new to entity framework and I have a doubt on EF's db.SaveChange. From some posts and MSDN I learned that `db.SaveChange` by default does all the changes in transaction. Also there is a wa...

Data protection in ASP.NET Core 2.1 only works on one machine

I'm using the [ASP.NET Core Data Protection system]( to encrypt data...

20 Jun at 09:12

EF Core 2.1.0 set default string length and column type

Since Entity Framework uses `nvarchar(max)` as default for strings I would like to set something else as default. [

Check string content of response before retrying with Polly

I'm working with a very flaky API. Sometimes I get `500 Server Error` with `Timeout`, some other time I also get `500 Server Error` because I gave it input that it can't handle > SqlDateTime overflow....

30 Jul at 09:40

Split and then Joining the String step by step - C# Linq

Here is my string: `` I split it with `/` into a list of separated words:`myString.Split('/').ToList()` Output: ``` questions ask ...

13 Jun at 10:34

Replacing service layer with MediatR - is it worth to do it?

Do you think it might be reasonable to replace my service layer or service classes with MediatR? For example, my service classes look like this: ``` public interface IEntityService<TEntityDto> where ...

ServiceStack: Authorize from client using a CustomCredentialsAuthProvider

I have a service stack REST-API that I want to access from a client. I have implemented an authorization mechanism using a custom CredentialsAuthProvider. This is my CustomCredentialsAuthProvider. I ...

13 Jun at 08:54

Get context connection and use it as a connection in other place

I am working in an environment in which enterprise host application is calling client applications with implemented COM interface via ProgID. This is the way how programmers of host application allow ...

26 Jul at 09:50

How to determine whether two "ref" variables refer to the same variable, even if null?

How can I determine whether two `ref` variables refer to the same variable – even if both variables contain `null`? Example: ``` public static void Main( string[] args ) { object a = null; o...

13 Jun at 21:42

ServiceStack Performance

Let me start by saying I love the design of ServiceStack as a client. (I've never used it for server side) I'm writing a C# wrapper for API calls and I keep getting timeout and authentication errors...

13 Jun at 04:23

The type or namespace name 'Hosting' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor'

I've created a project using the Visual Studio . I'm met with the following error when running the project: > One or more compilation references are missing. Ensure that your project is referencing ...

7 May at 02:5

Default values missing for ServiceStack.XmlServiceClient response

While using TestCaseSource in unit testing for multiple ServiceStack service clients, deserialized to a string format for the XmlServiceClient does not match the deserialized for JsonServiceClient or ...

12 Jun at 20:56

Razor Pages, form page handler not working with GET method

I have a small ASP.NET Core Razor Pages project. I'm making a simple list display page with a basic search functionality. In my model, I have 4 page handlers (2 of them are added for debug purposes): ...

23 Apr at 00:28