sh: 1: node: Permission denied
Tried to run this command on ubuntu 18.04 ``` npm install -g pngquant-bin ``` but I got this error, ``` [..................] | fetchMetadata: sill resolveWithNewModule npm-conf@1.1.3 checking ins...
The child/dependent side could not be determined for the one-to-one relationship
I am trying to update my database with "update-database" command in package manager console, But I have this kind of error: ``` The child/dependent side could not be determined for the one-to-one re...
- Modified
- 8 Dec at 16:51
ASP.NET Core MVC Localization Warning: AcceptLanguageHeaderRequestCultureProvider returned the following unsupported cultures
I have an ASP.NET Core MVC app that use resource localization. It currently supports only one culture (fa-IR) and I want to all localizations be processed based on this culture. In ASP.NET Core 1.1 I ...
- Modified
- 13 Aug at 15:51
IdentityServer4 discovery document returns 404
I am following the quick start for ID Server 4 with one exception that I am working on a Mac with .NET Core 2.1.302. Somehow when I navigate to `http://localhost:5000/.well-known/openid-configuration...
- Modified
- 21 Apr at 11:52
Xamarin.Essentials "The current Activity can not be detected. Ensure that you have called Init in your Activity or Application class."
My application gives an error: > The current Activity can not be detected. Ensure that you have called Init in your Activity or Application class. I use the emulator Genymotion. GPS enabled ``` pub...
- Modified
- 12 Aug at 17:6
Android Material and appcompat Manifest merger failed
I have next grade ``` dependencies { implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) implementation '' implementation 'com.androi...
- Modified
- 19 Aug at 13:44
Random values seem to be not really random?
Trying to make a simple bacteria-killing game using WinForm in C#, but the bacteria (I am using `Panel` for the time being) doesn't seem to move around at random. Specifically, the problem I am havi...
load WCF service by environment in .net core project
I have a problem while adding WCF in the .NET core project. When I used .net in the past I can add multiple environments in `web.config` so I can load the correct web service at runtime (Dev, Rec, Pro...
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- 21 Dec at 18:41
Logging using AOP in .NET
I want to implement AOP for the logging in my .NET Core solution. I've never used it before and I've been looking online and cant seem to see any examples of people using it with Core. Does anyone kno...
- Modified
- 7 May at 08:21
AADSTS70011: The provided value for the input parameter 'scope' is not valid
So I have a scenario wherein the application should add users to a group on certain conditions. Also when the application starts running users should not be asked to login their microsoft id/pwd. So I...
- Modified
- 27 Jun at 14:52
Read custom settings from local.settings.json in Azure functions
I am trying to retrieve a custom setting from local.settings.json file. Example I am trying to read tables list present in the below local.settings.json file ``` { "IsEncrypted": false, "Values":...
- Modified
- 10 Aug at 07:37
Difference between readonly keyword/Expression-bodied members in c#?, which is better?
In c# readonly members can be reduced to readonly auto properties/expression-bodied members for immutable members is expression-bodied members are better then using readonly keywords? Using readonly ...
Hangfire .NET Core - Get enqueued jobs list
Is there a method in the Hangfire API to get an enqueued job (probably by a Job id or something)? I have done some research on this, but I could not find anything. Please help me.
- Modified
- 10 Aug at 05:15
The Specified SDK "Microsoft.NET.Sdk" was not Found
So I'm using Rider without Visual Studio installed and its working fine for .NET but for .NET Core I'm getting the error: > Project 'Test2' load failed: Das angegebene SDK "Microsoft.NET.Sdk" wurde ni...
- Modified
- 24 Feb at 08:17
Using a custom sink with ServiceStack.Logging.Serilog?
Is there a non-obvious way (to me at least) to add a custom sink e.g. MongoDB or MicrosoftTeams as part of instantiating the Serilog factory in the ServiceStack framework or will it be a case of rolli...
- Modified
- 9 Aug at 22:8
append dictionary to data frame
I have a function, which returns a dictionary like this: ``` {'truth': 185.179993, 'day1': 197.22307753038834, 'day2': 197.26118010160317, 'day3': 197.19846975345905, 'day4': 197.1490578795196, 'day5...
- Modified
- 9 Aug at 20:41
TryValidateModel in core throws Null Reference Exception while performing unit test
I'm trying to write unit tests for ModelState validation for an Asp.Net Core Web API. I read that, the best way to do so is to use `TryValidateModel` function. But, every time I run the unit test, it...
- Modified
- 10 Aug at 04:34
Generic Repository or Specific Repository for each entity?
## Background At the company I work for I have been ordered to update an old MVC app and implement a repository pattern for a SQL database. I have created the context of the database using Entity ...
- Modified
- 15 May at 09:45
How to add Mime Types in ASP.NET Core
When developing an application using .NET Framework 4.6 (MVC4/5), I used to add custom mime types in the web.config file, like this (this is the actual mime types I need to add in my app): ``` <syste...
- Modified
- 9 Aug at 19:48
Why do HTTPS requests produce SSL CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED error?
Here is my Python code: ``` import requests requests.get('') ``` This is the error: ``` requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retri...
- Modified
- 2 Sep at 12:54
Is there a way to print a console message with Flutter?
I'm debugging an app, but I need to know some values in the fly, I was wondering if there's a way to print a message in console like console.log using Javascript. I appreciate the help.
How to get user id from email address in Microsoft Graph API C#
I want to add User to a Group but I don't have the User's `id`, I only have the email address. Here is the code: ``` User userToAdd = await graphClient .Users["objectID"] .Request() .Get...
- Modified
- 9 Aug at 13:30
exceptions in my service stack service not moving messages to dead letter queue
I have a service stack service with the standard service stack RabbitMQ abstraction. Message queues are automatically created for my type MyRequest, and I have a service method which I have set up to ...
- Modified
- 10 Aug at 10:15
Element in unit tests left pending after completion
I'm seeing this warnings in Resharper after running tests, all the tests pass. > 2018.08.09 11:11:58.524 WARN Element Data.Tests.Infra.IntegrationTests.ResolvedIdentityTests was left pending aft...
- Modified
- 9 Aug at 10:17
Why is there Console.Error() in C#, but no Console.Warning?
In C#, if we want to output an error to the console, we can simply write: ``` Console.Error.Write("Error!"); ``` But when I try to write a warning to the console, I found that there isn't any: ``` Co...