tagged [zip]

Alternatives to SharpZipLib for use with .Net C# application

Alternatives to SharpZipLib for use with .Net C# application Does anyone have recommendations for an alternative library to SharpZipLib for full featured ZIP file handling using C#? The reason we're l...

3 Nov at 17:45

How to Unzip all .Zip file from Folder using C# 4.0 and without using any OpenSource Dll?

How to Unzip all .Zip file from Folder using C# 4.0 and without using any OpenSource Dll? I have a folder containing . Now, I want to Extract the ZIP Files to specific folders using C#, but without us...

17 Apr at 06:35

Extract a ZIP file programmatically by DotNetZip library?

Extract a ZIP file programmatically by DotNetZip library? I have a function that get a ZIP file and extract it to a directory (I use [DotNetZip](http://dotnetzip.codeplex.com/) library.) ``` public vo...

10 Mar at 02:28

How to zip a whole folder using PHP

How to zip a whole folder using PHP I have found here at stackoveflow some code on how to ZIP a specific file, but how about a specific folder? inside in `My Folder`, there are files. after zipping th...

27 Dec at 01:21

'IBM437' is not a supported encoding name from ZipFile Read Method

'IBM437' is not a supported encoding name from ZipFile Read Method I have a problem when my code execute this using: ``` using (ZipFile archive = ZipFile.Read(File)) //

22 May at 13:49

SharpZipLib: 1 is not a supported code page

SharpZipLib: 1 is not a supported code page I use SharpZipLib to compress file and user got this error: > 1 is not a supported code page I found [here](http://community.sharpdevelop.net/forums/t/19065...

26 Oct at 09:18

Set password on Zip file using DotNetZip

Set password on Zip file using DotNetZip I'm using [DotNetZip](https://www.nuget.org/packages/DotNetZip/) to zip my files, but I need to set a password in zip. I tryed: ``` public void Zip(string path...

18 Oct at 18:41

Is there a python module for regex matching in zip files

Is there a python module for regex matching in zip files I have over a million text files compressed into 40 zip files. I also have a list of about 500 model names of phones. I want to find out the nu...

2 Sep at 15:44

How do I generate and send a .zip file to a user in C# ASP.NET?

How do I generate and send a .zip file to a user in C# ASP.NET? I need to construct and send a zip to a user. I've seen examples doing one or the other, but not both, and am curious if there are any '...

7 May at 13:13

Read a zipped file as a pandas DataFrame

Read a zipped file as a pandas DataFrame I'm trying to unzip a csv file and pass it into pandas so I can work on the file. The code I have tried so far is: ``` import requests, zipfile, StringIO r = r...

19 Sep at 20:50

How to compress a directory into a zip file programmatically

How to compress a directory into a zip file programmatically I want to compress an entire directory which can have any number of subdirectories into a single ZIP file. I am able to compress a single f...

23 Mar at 09:2

Create Zip archive from multiple in memory files in C#

Create Zip archive from multiple in memory files in C# Is there a way to create a Zip archive that contains multiple files, when the files are currently in memory? The files I want to save are really ...

9 Nov at 19:4

Handling Zip Files Without Third Party Lib in .NET 4.0?

Handling Zip Files Without Third Party Lib in .NET 4.0? There is a similar question for 3.5 here: [Is there a built-in zip library in .NET 3.5?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/593026/is-there-a-b...

23 May at 12:32

Creating Zip file from stream and downloading it

Creating Zip file from stream and downloading it I have a DataTable that i want to convert it to xml and then zip it, using DotNetZip. finally user can download it via Asp.Net webpage. My code in belo...

27 Feb at 10:1

I didn't find "ZipFile" class in the "System.IO.Compression" namespace

I didn't find "ZipFile" class in the "System.IO.Compression" namespace I can't use "Zipfile" class in the name space "System.IO.Compression" my code is : ``` using System; using System.IO; using Syste...

6 Mar at 08:1

Zip folder in C#

Zip folder in C# What is an example (simple code) of how to zip a folder in C#? --- Update: I do not see namespace `ICSharpCode`. I downloaded `ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll` but I do not know where to ...

25 Mar at 15:3

Using System.IO.Packaging to generate a ZIP file

Using System.IO.Packaging to generate a ZIP file I know that the likes of the DotNetZip or SharpZipLib libraries are usually recommended for creating ZIP files in a .net language (C# in my case), but ...

17 Jun at 13:1

Installed .Net 4.5 but can't use ZipFile class in Visual C#

Installed .Net 4.5 but can't use ZipFile class in Visual C# I'm kind of a newbie to Visual Studio programming. I recently upgraded .Net 4.0 to 4.5 in order to use the ZipFile class under System.IO.Com...

How to extract .war files in java? ZIP vs JAR

How to extract .war files in java? ZIP vs JAR I have a web program where I want the user to be able to import a `.war` file and I can extract certain files out of the `.war` file. I have found two cla...

5 Feb at 13:31

how to zip a folder itself using java

how to zip a folder itself using java Suppose I have the following directory structure. Inside january there are suppose two excel files say A.xls and B.xls. There are many places where it has been w...

12 Apr at 10:22

Decompressing password-protected ZIP files with .NET 4.5

Decompressing password-protected ZIP files with .NET 4.5 Microsoft introduces improvements for ZIP file handling in .NET 4.5 in the [System.IO.Compression](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/3z72...

31 Oct at 14:46

How to extract just the specific directory from a zip archive in C# .NET 4.5?

How to extract just the specific directory from a zip archive in C# .NET 4.5? I have zip file with following internal structure: What would be the best way to extract files from "directoryABC" folder ...

2 Mar at 20:32

How do I ZIP a file in C#, using no 3rd-party APIs?

How do I ZIP a file in C#, using no 3rd-party APIs? I'm pretty sure this is not a duplicate so bear with me for just a minute. How can I programatically (C#) ZIP a file (in Windows) without using any ...

3 Jun at 01:1

PHP (PCLZIP) - Creating a zip file from array with URLs?

PHP (PCLZIP) - Creating a zip file from array with URLs? The title pretty much speaks for itself, i have an array with URLs to images on another server, and i want to push them all down into a zip arc...

2 Dec at 20:51

The name 'zipfile' does not exist in the current context

The name 'zipfile' does not exist in the current context I have an SSIS project that I can run as is, but when I try to edit it, I get an error: > The name 'zipfile' does not exist in the current cont...

14 Sep at 18:14