tagged [window]
Dynamic in the immediate window causes 'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Binder' is not defined or imported error
Dynamic in the immediate window causes 'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.Binder' is not defined or imported error If I use `dynamic` in the immediate window of Visual Studio I get an error > Predefined ...
- Modified
- 19 Jun at 09:9
JavaScript window resize event
JavaScript window resize event How can I hook into a browser window resize event? There's [a jQuery way of listening for resize events](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/599288/cross-browser-window-...
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- 7 Sep at 20:15
How to Add a Scrollbar to Window in C#
How to Add a Scrollbar to Window in C# I have created a window as follows: How can I add a Vertical Scroll Bar to this Windows and make the Scroll Bar only visible if the Height isn't large enough to ...
- Modified
- 20 May at 07:36
Chrome, Javascript, window.open in new tab
Chrome, Javascript, window.open in new tab In chrome this opens in a new tab: this opens in a new window (but I'd like this to open in a new tab as well: Is this feasible?
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- 26 Oct at 13:14
WPF: What is between the Initialized and Loaded event?
WPF: What is between the Initialized and Loaded event? I want to run some code when the Window or Control is first displayed. I can't use Loaded because that can fire more than once. I can't use Initi...
Can I create links with 'target="_blank"' in Markdown?
Can I create links with 'target="_blank"' in Markdown? Is there a way to create a link in Markdown that opens in a new window? If not, what syntax do you recommend to do this? I'll add it to the markd...
- Modified
- 7 Oct at 11:14
How can I make a HTML a href hyperlink open a new window?
How can I make a HTML a href hyperlink open a new window? This is my code: When you click it, it takes you to Yahoo but it does not open a new window?
- Modified
- 16 Oct at 10:37
How can I open a Shell inside a Vim Window?
How can I open a Shell inside a Vim Window? I can open a shell by using the :shell command in Vim, however I can't edit a file and at the same time use the shell. Is there any way to split Vim in many...
Aero windows in WPF (C#)
Aero windows in WPF (C#) I'd like to implement a `Window` much like how the newer versions of IE have the URL bar kind of incased in the Vista/7 aero. I've looked around and not found too much useful ...
WPF set parent (Window)
WPF set parent (Window) How do you set the parent of a WPF window when you want to show it as a dialog? Both methods Show() and ShowDialog() don't seem to have that option. This was possible in Java a...
Open button in new window?
Open button in new window? How would I go about making the button open in a new window, emulating "a href, target = _blank"? I currently have: The button isn't in a form, I just want to make it open i...
- Modified
- 4 Jun at 06:54
Installing Python 2.7 on Windows 8
Installing Python 2.7 on Windows 8 So I'm trying python 2.7 on my Windows. It is running Windows 8. I cannot add it to my path. I've done the usual: using the advanced system settings, environment var...
- Modified
- 27 Jan at 03:42
Get viewport/window height in ReactJS
Get viewport/window height in ReactJS How do I get the viewport height in ReactJS? In normal JavaScript I use but using ReactJS, I'm not sure how to get this information. My understanding is that only...
- Modified
- 24 Jan at 19:12
Get locale specific directory in My documents
Get locale specific directory in My documents I have my custom application that generates a directory in My documents path, after installation the application uses that directory, but i got an issue i...
how to keep objects in place when window is resized in C#
how to keep objects in place when window is resized in C# How can I keep the objects of my window (buttons, labels, etc) in center when the window is resized? Currently, I have 3 buttons in a Windows ...
Minimizing all open windows in C#
Minimizing all open windows in C# I saw this C++ code on a forum which minimizes all open windows How can I access the
js window.open then print()
js window.open then print() print() doesn't work in IE after opening a new window. It works in Chrome. Here's a [tester](http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?filename=try_win_focus): ``` function op...
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- 24 Mar at 13:37
How to recover closed output window in netbeans?
How to recover closed output window in netbeans? It often happens to me that I want to clear the current output window by using the context menu, but instead of hitting the `Clear` entry, I accidently...
VS 2017 immediate window shows "Internal error in the C# compiler"
VS 2017 immediate window shows "Internal error in the C# compiler" I use Visual Studio 2017 (15.6.6). When debugging, I try to evaluate simple expressions like `int a = 2;` in the immediate window. An...
- Modified
- 26 Apr at 09:32
How to close a .Net Form from its PreFilterMessage()?
How to close a .Net Form from its PreFilterMessage()? I'm filtering the messages that come to a form with PreFilterMessage like this: `print("code sample");` `print("code sample");` but the matter
Return Window handle by it's name / title
Return Window handle by it's name / title I can't solve this problem. I get an error: It sounds very easy and probably is... sorry for asking so obvious questions. Here's my code: ``` public static In...
Oracle "Partition By" Keyword
Oracle "Partition By" Keyword Can someone please explain what the `partition by` keyword does and give a simple example of it in action, as well as why one would want to use it? I have a SQL query wri...
- Modified
- 28 Oct at 05:55
.NET / Windows Forms: remember windows size and location
.NET / Windows Forms: remember windows size and location I have a Windows Forms application with a normal window. Now when I close the application and restart it, I want that the main window appears a...
JavaScript - Get Browser Height
JavaScript - Get Browser Height I am looking for a code snippet to get the height of the viewable area within a browser window. I had this code, however it is somewhat bugged as if the the body doesn'...
- Modified
- 26 Jul at 08:37
Detect HTTP or HTTPS then force HTTPS in JavaScript
Detect HTTP or HTTPS then force HTTPS in JavaScript Is there any way to detect HTTP or HTTPS and then force usage of HTTPS with JavaScript? I have some codes for detecting the HTTP or HTTPS but I can'...
- Modified
- 18 Nov at 15:53