tagged [vim]

vim commands in Eclipse

vim commands in Eclipse I have been doing some java development lately and have started using Eclipse. For the most part, I think it is great, but being a C/C++ guy used to doing all of his editing in...

26 Aug at 18:26

How can I automatically add some skeleton code when creating a new file with vim

How can I automatically add some skeleton code when creating a new file with vim When creating a new file with vim, I would like to automatically add some skeleton code. For example, when creating a n...

2 Oct at 14:33

How to move screen without moving cursor in Vim?

How to move screen without moving cursor in Vim? I recently discovered + and + shortcuts for Vim that respectively move the screen up and down with a one line step, . Do you know any command that leav...

20 Nov at 14:30

Tab key == 4 spaces and auto-indent after curly braces in Vim

Tab key == 4 spaces and auto-indent after curly braces in Vim How do I make [vi](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vi)-[Vim](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vim_%28text_editor%29) never use tabs (converting s...

Move entire line up and down in Vim

Move entire line up and down in Vim In Notepad++, I can use + + / to move the current line up and down. Is there a similar command to this in Vim? I have looked through endless guides, but have found ...

15 Jul at 20:59

How to effectively work with multiple files in Vim

How to effectively work with multiple files in Vim I've started using Vim to develop Perl scripts and am starting to find it very powerful. One thing I like is to be able to open multiple files at onc...

13 Dec at 05:53

Project Explorer ,Mini buf expl Use in VIM

Project Explorer ,Mini buf expl Use in VIM Any tricks for using project explorer in VIM? How can I search from all files in project? I tried \g \G but they dont work . How to toggle on off Project exp...

14 Nov at 22:10

What's a quick way to comment/uncomment lines in Vim?

What's a quick way to comment/uncomment lines in Vim? I have a Ruby code file open in vi, there are lines commented out with `#`: ``` class Search

25 Dec at 02:0

Turning off auto indent when pasting text into vim

Turning off auto indent when pasting text into vim I am making the effort to learn Vim. When I paste code into my document from the clipboard, I get extra spaces at the start of each new line: I know ...

Do you know of any "best practice" or "what works" vi tutorial for programmers?

Do you know of any "best practice" or "what works" vi tutorial for programmers? There are thousands of `vi` tutorials on the web, most of them generically listing all the commands. There are even vide...

Vim: good way to setup makeprg=xcodebuild?

Vim: good way to setup makeprg=xcodebuild? What is the best way to set `makeprg=xcodebuild` in vim? I'm using filetype line in files to indicate that the file is objective-c (as opposed to matlab or c...

4 Dec at 12:39

Is there any way to get vim to auto wrap python strings at 79 chars?

Is there any way to get vim to auto wrap python strings at 79 chars? I found this [answer](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1302364/python-pep8-printing-wrapped-strings-without-indent/1302381#13023...

23 May at 11:48

How can I expand/collapse a diff sections in Vimdiff?

How can I expand/collapse a diff sections in Vimdiff? I've started using vimdiff today, and wanted to do some of the things that I've taken for granted on Windows based diff editors (like expand/colla...

Vim 80 column layout concerns

Vim 80 column layout concerns The way I do 80-column indication in Vim seems incorrect:`set columns=80`. At times I also `set textwidth`, but I want to be able to see and anticipate line overflow with...

26 Nov at 04:10

How do I switch between command and insert mode in Vim?

How do I switch between command and insert mode in Vim? I just started using Vim as an IDE. I was using it as a test editor for a while now, so I didn't have to go to command mode very often. But, sin...

29 Apr at 14:22

GVim highlighting with matchadd eventually slows down?

GVim highlighting with matchadd eventually slows down? I have the following in ~/.vim/ftplugin/python.vim to highlight long lines, accidental tabs and extra whitespace in Python files: ``` hi CustomPy...

4 Apr at 03:27

Vi editing for Visual Studio

Vi editing for Visual Studio I'm used to the Vi(m) editor and am using MS Visual Studio 2005 at work. I couldn't find a free Vi add-in (there's only one for the 2003 version). I googled a bit, saw tha...

13 Dec at 01:56

In Vim, what is the best way to select, delete, or comment out large portions of multi-screen text?

In Vim, what is the best way to select, delete, or comment out large portions of multi-screen text? Selecting a large amount of text that extends over many screens in an IDE like Eclipse is fairly eas...

12 Sep at 11:44

Viewing all `git diffs` with vimdiff

Viewing all `git diffs` with vimdiff I setup `git diff` to wrap into vimdiff, using "[Git Diff with Vimdiff](http://technotales.wordpress.com/2009/05/17/git-diff-with-vimdiff/)" as a guide, and it's w...

20 Apr at 16:34

Vim [m motion with c#

Vim [m motion with c# Vim provides very useful motion commands to jump to next start/end of a method: ]m, ]M, [m and ]m. These works for Java or similar structured language. (as described in :help ]m ...

28 Jul at 20:36

Vim with Powershell

Vim with Powershell I'm using gvim on Windows. In my _vimrc I've added: If I execute this function (:Test) I see nonsense characters (non number/letter ASCII characters). If I use cmd as the shell, it...

23 May at 12:34

How to view UTF-8 Characters in Vim or gVim

How to view UTF-8 Characters in Vim or gVim I work on webpages involving non-English scripts from time to time, most of them are encoded using UTF-8. Vim and gVim do not display those UTF-8 characters...

16 Jun at 08:17

What is newline character -- '\n'

What is newline character -- '\n' This is a very basic concept, but something I have never been able to articulate that well. and I would like to try to spell it and see where I go wrong. If I have to...

16 Jul at 17:13

What is your most productive shortcut with Vim?

What is your most productive shortcut with Vim? I've heard a lot about [Vim](http://www.vim.org/), both pros and cons. It really seems you should be (as a developer) faster with Vim than with any othe...

16 Aug at 10:58

Vim: insert the same characters across multiple lines

Vim: insert the same characters across multiple lines Sometimes I want to edit a certain visual block of text across multiple lines. For example, I would take a text that looks like this: And make it ...

18 Jan at 17:24