tagged [vertical-alignment]

iTextsharp, PdfPCell.VerticalAlignment and PdfPCell.HorizontalAlignment

iTextsharp, PdfPCell.VerticalAlignment and PdfPCell.HorizontalAlignment Im trying to figure out how to get my text inside a PdfPCell to show in the middle. I have tried many different options, like: N...

5 May at 18:10

DataGrid row content vertical alignment

DataGrid row content vertical alignment I have a regular DataGrid from WPF 4.0 RTM, where I put data from a database. In order to make clean & light style of `DataGrid` I use a tall/high rows and by d...

Add centered text to the middle of a horizontal rule

Add centered text to the middle of a horizontal rule I'm wondering what options one has in xhtml 1.0 strict to create a line on both sides of text like-so: I've thought of doing some fancy things like...

15 Jul at 21:19

Bootstrap how to get text to vertical align in a div container

Bootstrap how to get text to vertical align in a div container What is the best/proper way to vertically align the text in the middle of its column? The image height is statically set in the CSS. I ha...

How to vertically align an image inside a div

How to vertically align an image inside a div How can you align an image inside of a containing `div`? ## Example In my example, I need to vertically center the `` in the `` with `class ="frame`": `.f...

20 Jun at 09:12

How to vertically center a container in Bootstrap?

How to vertically center a container in Bootstrap? I'm looking for a way to vertically center the `container` div inside the `jumbotron` and to set it in the middle of the page. The `.jumbotron` has t...