tagged [variables]

Creating CSS Global Variables : Stylesheet theme management

Creating CSS Global Variables : Stylesheet theme management Is there a way to set global variables in css such as:

8 Mar at 14:30

What is the use of python-dotenv?

What is the use of python-dotenv? Need an example and please explain me the purpose of python-dotenv. I am kind of confused with the documentation.

19 Aug at 03:12

Default values and initialization in Java

Default values and initialization in Java Based on [my reference](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/datatypes.html), primitive types have default values and Objects are null. I ...

How do I get and set Environment variables in C#?

How do I get and set Environment variables in C#? How can I get Environnment variables and if something is missing, set the value?

how many character can set for string variable?

how many character can set for string variable? I have a variable with string type. For example `string test;`. How many character i can set for test? Thanks.

23 Jan at 15:41

Is there any way to set environment variables in Visual Studio Code?

Is there any way to set environment variables in Visual Studio Code? Could you please help me, how to setup environment variables in visual studio code?

How do I check if a variable is an array in JavaScript?

How do I check if a variable is an array in JavaScript? How do I check if a variable is an array in JavaScript?

10 Apr at 12:59

Class (static) variables and methods

Class (static) variables and methods How do I create class (i.e. [static](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_(computer_programming)#Static_methods)) variables or methods in Python?

3 Dec at 07:36

How to get the type of a variable in MATLAB

How to get the type of a variable in MATLAB Does MATLAB have a function/operator that indicates the type of a variable (similar to the `typeof` operator in JavaScript)?

28 Mar at 17:15

C# Pointers in a Method's arguments?

C# Pointers in a Method's arguments? I wish to directly modify a variable's value outside of a method from inside it. Pointers are the way, correct? How?

6 Sep at 18:29

How to modify a global variable within a function in bash?

How to modify a global variable within a function in bash? I'm working with this: I have a script like below: Which returns: But if I assign the result of the function to a variable, the global variab...

20 Mar at 10:4

How to read a user environment variable in C#?

How to read a user environment variable in C#? How can I read a user specific environment variable? I know how to get a system wide one, like Thanks in advance!

4 Aug at 08:42

How do you create different variable names while in a loop?

How do you create different variable names while in a loop? For example purposes... So I end up with string1, string2, string3... all equaling "Hello"

22 Dec at 06:32

ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code in C

ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code in C I declared a variable in this way: I get the warning: > ISO C90 forbids mixed declarations and code How can I fix it?

16 Jan at 14:42

How to change value of process.env.PORT in node.js?

How to change value of process.env.PORT in node.js? I'd like to change the value of `process.env.PORT`, how can I do this? I'm running Ubuntu 12.04.

30 Jun at 19:20

Implicit typing; why just local variables?

Implicit typing; why just local variables? Does anyone know or care to speculate why implicit typing is limited to local variables? But why not...

5 May at 12:59

How do I check if a variable exists?

How do I check if a variable exists? I want to check if a variable exists. Now I'm doing something like this: Are there other ways without exceptions?

9 Apr at 09:48

How can I concatenate these values and perform an md5 calculation

How can I concatenate these values and perform an md5 calculation I have some values: I want to concatenate these variables and then perform an md5 calculation how is it done??

8 Jun at 11:54

How to check if type of a variable is string?

How to check if type of a variable is string? Is there a way to check if the type of a variable in python is a `string`, like: for integer values?

19 Apr at 17:47

const vs constexpr on variables

const vs constexpr on variables Is there a difference between the following definitions? If not, which style is preferred in C++11?

List all environment variables from the command line

List all environment variables from the command line Is it possible to list environment variables from a Windows' command prompt? Something equivalent to PowerShell's `gci env:` (or `ls env:` or `dir ...

How to check a not-defined variable in JavaScript

How to check a not-defined variable in JavaScript I wanted to check whether the variable is defined or not. For example, the following throws a not-defined error How can I catch this error?

3 Mar at 19:35

What is the purpose of the single underscore "_" variable in Python?

What is the purpose of the single underscore "_" variable in Python? What is the meaning of `_` after `for` in this code?

@ variables in Ruby on Rails

@ variables in Ruby on Rails What's the difference between `@title` and `title`? Since both of them can be variable names. Also, how do I decide which kind of variable I should use? With `@` or not?

19 Feb at 02:33

Recommended way to get hostname in Java

Recommended way to get hostname in Java Which of the following is the best and most portable way to get the hostname of the current computer in Java? `Runtime.getRuntime().exec("hostname")` vs `InetAd...