tagged [user-controls]

Is it Possible to Make a Generic Control in .Net 3.5?

Is it Possible to Make a Generic Control in .Net 3.5? I've got the following Generic usercontrol declared: ``` public partial class MessageBase : UserControl { protected T myEntry; public Me...

Get access to parent control from user control - C#

Get access to parent control from user control - C# How do I get access to the parent controls of user control in C# (winform). I am using the following code but it is not applicable on all types cont...

11 Jan at 14:9

How do I hide some of the default control properties at design-time (C#)?

How do I hide some of the default control properties at design-time (C#)? I have a custom control that I made. It inherits from `System.Windows.Forms.Control`, and has several new properties that I ha...

30 Aug at 20:53

expose and raise event of a child control in a usercontrol in c#

expose and raise event of a child control in a usercontrol in c# Hi. I have a UserControl which contains a textbox. I wanted to access the textchanged event of the textbox but in the event properties ...

How to render a formula in WPF or WinForms

How to render a formula in WPF or WinForms TL;DR; LaTEX for WPF [https://github.com/ForNeVeR/wpf-math](https://github.com/ForNeVeR/wpf-math) I need to have a way to draw a mathematical formula in Wind...

10 Oct at 19:36

A 'Binding' can only be set on a DependencyProperty of a DependencyObject

A 'Binding' can only be set on a DependencyProperty of a DependencyObject From a custom control based on `TextBox`, I created a property named `Items`, in this way: When using the custom control in XA...

Loaded event of a WPF user control fires more than once

Loaded event of a WPF user control fires more than once To implement a tab-based environment in we need to convert our forms to user controls, however when doing this, the `Loaded` event of the user c...

6 Jun at 01:57

Invoke ToolStripMenuItem

Invoke ToolStripMenuItem I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to Invoke ToolStripMenuItem. For example,I am calling a web service(ASynchrously) when result is returned.i populate drop down items ...

Is there any way to detect a mouseclick outside a user control?

Is there any way to detect a mouseclick outside a user control? I'm creating a custom dropdown box, and I want to register when the mouse is clicked outside the dropdown box, in order to hide it. Is i...

18 Apr at 11:9

Pass values from page to user control

Pass values from page to user control I am storing name and last name in two labels in main page. I also have those values in a class (class doesnt do much but i am using them for future expansion). I...

14 Nov at 04:54

Difference between Resize and SizeChanged events

Difference between Resize and SizeChanged events In C# .Net in Winforms, I found two events in almost all components, Resize() and SizeChanged(). Is there any difference between them? If both events a...

5 Apr at 16:50

When to add a Component Class vs User Control?

When to add a Component Class vs User Control? I have a general idea, and there are some obvious cases, but there are also some gray areas for me - when is it best to use to extend from a component an...

asp.net user control, getting htmlAnchor resolve to href="#"

asp.net user control, getting htmlAnchor resolve to href="#" How do you get a server control HTMLAnchor to have href="#". It keeps resolving the "#" to the control path. I can't seem to get a google s...

28 Sep at 21:22

asp.net custom web user control -- button

asp.net custom web user control -- button Is it possible to create a custom button -- web user control? I want certain java scripts to trigger when buttons are clicked. If so, are there any articles o...

5 May at 15:50

Assign Null value to the Integer Column in the DataTable

Assign Null value to the Integer Column in the DataTable I have a datatable with One ColumnName "CustomerID" with Integer DataType. Dynamically I want to add rows to the DataTable. For that, I had cre...

15 Jun at 12:51

How to open a child windows under parent window on menu item click in WPF?

How to open a child windows under parent window on menu item click in WPF? I am developing an application in C#. I'm using .Net under WPF. I want to open a new child window (like a dialog) and it shou...

How do I add Dispose functionality to a C# UserControl?

How do I add Dispose functionality to a C# UserControl? I have a class which implements UserControl. In .NET 2005, a Dispose method is automatically created in the MyClass.Designer.cs partial class fi...

3 Oct at 16:4

How do I make an Event in the Usercontrol and have it handled in the Main Form?

How do I make an Event in the Usercontrol and have it handled in the Main Form? I have a custom usercontrol and I want to do something relatively simple. When ever a numeric up down in that usercontro...

How to fix the flickering in User controls

How to fix the flickering in User controls In my application i am constantly moving from one control to another. I have created no. of user controls, but during navigation my controls gets flicker. it...

10 Apr at 06:24

Difference between DesignWidth and Width in UserControl in WPF

Difference between DesignWidth and Width in UserControl in WPF When I create a new `UserControl` in WPF, studio creates some XAML: ```

19 Feb at 04:59

Winforms user controls custom events

Winforms user controls custom events Is there a way to give a User Control custom events, and invoke the event on a event within the user control. (I'm not sure if invoke is the correct term) ``` publ...

Document.Ready() is not working after PostBack

Document.Ready() is not working after PostBack I have a page that contains a user control within an update panel. `$(document).ready(function() ) {` is called and executes the code correctly when the ...

Content is not allowed between the opening and closing tags for user control

Content is not allowed between the opening and closing tags for user control I want to build a user control suppose MyDiv.ascx. This control renders the div tag and do few more code behind stuff like ...

21 Aug at 13:57

SizeToContent on UserControl

SizeToContent on UserControl In fact the UserControl lacks the property 'SizeToContent' that we have in Window. So the question is: what's the easiest and right way to simulate SizeToContent=WidthAndH...

3 Aug at 13:57

C# WPF : slider going to exact position

C# WPF : slider going to exact position I'm using a slider in a WPF window and I want that when the user clicks somewhere on the track of the slider, the thumb to go to that exact position. Currently,...