tagged [url]
How to encode URL to avoid special characters in Java?
How to encode URL to avoid special characters in Java? i need java code to encode URL to avoid special characters such as spaces and % and & ...etc
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- 27 Jan at 10:13
How to get URL of current page in PHP
How to get URL of current page in PHP In PHP, how can I get the URL of the current page? Preferably just the parts after `http://domain.example`.
YouTube-like GUID
YouTube-like GUID Is it possible to generate short GUID like in YouTube (N7Et6c9nL9w)? How can it be done? I want to use it in web app.
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- 19 Oct at 17:56
How to write URLs in Latex?
How to write URLs in Latex? How do you write a URL in Latex? The subscripts and everything else make the font look very strange when it compiles.
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- 3 May at 18:31
Get URL from browser to C# application
Get URL from browser to C# application How can I get the url from a running instance of Chrome or Opera using C# .NET windows form app? Thanks!
How do I decode a URL parameter using C#?
How do I decode a URL parameter using C#? How can I decode an encoded URL parameter using C#? For example, take this URL:
Does Request.Url.Host include the subdomain?
Does Request.Url.Host include the subdomain? e.g. for mail.google.com would it return google.com or mail.google.com? I can't actually test it myself
How to parse user credentials from URL in C#?
How to parse user credentials from URL in C#? I have a link in this format: How to get `user` and `pass` from this URL?
Access a URL and read Data with R
Access a URL and read Data with R Is there a way I can specify and get data from a web site URL on to a CSV file for analysis using R?
How to read GET data from a URL using JavaScript?
How to read GET data from a URL using JavaScript? I'm trying to pass data from one page to another. > www.mints.com?name=something How to read `name` using JavaScript?
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- 15 Jan at 09:10
Clickable URL in a Winform Message Box?
Clickable URL in a Winform Message Box? I want to display a link to help in a message box. By default the text is displayed as a non-selectable string.
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- 2 Dec at 15:48
urlencode vs rawurlencode?
urlencode vs rawurlencode? If I want to create a URL using a variable I have two choices to encode the string. `urlencode()` and `rawurlencode()`. What exactly are the differences and which is preferr...
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- 30 Nov at 14:26
How do I replace all the spaces with %20 in C#?
How do I replace all the spaces with %20 in C#? I want to make a string into a URL using C#. There must be something in the .NET framework that should help, right?
How to encode a URL in WinForms?
How to encode a URL in WinForms? I'm creating a Windows application and I need to pass an encoded URL. But I'm not sure how to encode it in WinForms C#?
Get current URL from IFRAME
Get current URL from IFRAME Is there a simple way to get the current URL from an iframe? The viewer would going through multiple sites. I'm guessing I would be using something in javascript.
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- 2 Jun at 06:33
How do I get the current absolute URL in Ruby on Rails?
How do I get the current absolute URL in Ruby on Rails? How can I get the current URL in my Ruby on Rails view? The `request.request_uri` only returns the URL.
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- 29 Mar at 19:33
ASP.NET Routing with Web Forms
ASP.NET Routing with Web Forms I've read [ASP.NET Routing… Goodbye URL rewriting?](http://chriscavanagh.wordpress.com/2008/03/11/aspnet-routing-goodbye-url-rewriting/) and [Using Routing With WebForms...
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- 16 Dec at 18:6
How to find Port number of IP address?
How to find Port number of IP address? We can find out `IP` address of a `domain name` or `URL`. But how to find out `Port` number on which a domain name is hosted?
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- 30 Sep at 18:36
.htaccess - redirect anchor link
.htaccess - redirect anchor link I want: [http://www.example.com/#test](http://www.example.com/#test) to be redirected to [http://www.example.com/test](http://www.example.com/test) With .htaccess, is ...
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- 13 Aug at 17:43
How to read the query string params of a ASP.NET raw URL?
How to read the query string params of a ASP.NET raw URL? I have a variable How do I read the query string parameters for this url?
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- 26 Jul at 19:50
Vue.js redirection to another page
Vue.js redirection to another page I'd like to make a redirection in `Vue.js` similar to the vanilla javascript How could I achieve this in Vue.js?
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- 25 Nov at 05:52
Get protocol, domain, and port from URL
Get protocol, domain, and port from URL I need to extract the full protocol, domain, and port from a given URL. For example:
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- 16 Feb at 05:57
How do I parse a URL into hostname and path in javascript?
How do I parse a URL into hostname and path in javascript? I would like to take a string and process it into an object such that and
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- 21 Jan at 11:2