tagged [upload]

Upload Progress Bar in PHP

Upload Progress Bar in PHP Does anyone know how to get a progress bar for an upload in php? I am trying writing code for a photo album uploader. I would like a progress bar to display while the photos...

30 Apr at 00:42

Uploading multiple files using formData()

Uploading multiple files using formData() uph.php: This works, but obviously for the `files[0]` only. How to get this working for chosen file? I tried removing the

File Upload with Angular Material

File Upload with Angular Material I'm writing an web app with AngularJS and angular-material. The problem is that there's no built-in component for file input in angular-material. (I feel that file up...

Multiple Image Upload PHP form with one input

Multiple Image Upload PHP form with one input I've been trying to make this work for quite some time now. But I can't seem to make it work. I wanted to have a multiple image upload form with only usin...

How to upload, display and save images using node.js and express

How to upload, display and save images using node.js and express I need to upload an image, and display it, as well as save it so that I don't lose it when I refresh the localhost. This needs to be do...

4 Dec at 14:49

FileUpload.PostedFile always null inside UpdatePanel

FileUpload.PostedFile always null inside UpdatePanel I have a FileUpload control inside an UpdatePanel. I have successfully registered the upload button with the scriptmanager to do a full postback. T...

7 Jun at 14:57

Multi file upload using c# on ASP.NET 4.0 environment

Multi file upload using c# on ASP.NET 4.0 environment I am looking for a solution to upload multiple files (click on browse button, and select multiple files using shift key). I see several solutions ...

1 Apr at 02:42

Uploading and Downloading large files in ASP.NET Core 3.1?

Uploading and Downloading large files in ASP.NET Core 3.1? I am working on an ASP.NET Core 3.1 API project using clean architecture and I have the following classlibs (tiers): - - - - - I want to serv...

How can I select and upload multiple files with HTML and PHP, using HTTP POST?

How can I select and upload multiple files with HTML and PHP, using HTTP POST? I have experience doing this with single file uploads using ``. However, I am having trouble doing uploading more than on...

8 Jun at 08:18

Android file chooser

Android file chooser I want to make a file uploader. And I hence I need a file chooser but I don't want to write this by myself. I find OI file manager and I think it suits me. But how can I force use...

MVC3 How to check if HttpPostedFileBase is an image

MVC3 How to check if HttpPostedFileBase is an image I have a controller like this: How can I make sure that uploadFile is an image (jpg, png etc.) I have tried with which throws an ArgumentException i...

HTML - Display image after selecting filename

HTML - Display image after selecting filename I have a form that allows me with to browse and select a file. What I want to do is display that image immediately after the image has been selected. And ...

23 May at 12:2

Should I check the response of WebClient.UploadFile to know if the upload was successful?

Should I check the response of WebClient.UploadFile to know if the upload was successful? I never used the WebClient before and I'm not sure if I should check the response from the server to know if t...

15 Dec at 16:54

Increase upload file size in Asp.Net core

Increase upload file size in Asp.Net core Currently, I am working with Asp.Net Core and MVC6 need to upload file size unlimited. I have searched its solution but still not getting the actual answer. [...

Getting "Cannot access a closed file" errormessage when getting file from session

Getting "Cannot access a closed file" errormessage when getting file from session I have a asp.net FileUpload control. I can successfully upload file to store in session, but when I am tring to get it...

How to upload images to server in Flutter?

How to upload images to server in Flutter? I would like to upload a image, I am using http.Client() for making requests, ``` static uploadImage(String id, File file) { var httpClient = createHttpClie...

Uploading images using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose

Uploading images using Node.js, Express, and Mongoose Since many new Node.js libraries are quickly being rendered obsolete and there are relatively few examples anyways I want to ask about uploading i...

PHP post_max_size overrides upload_max_filesize

PHP post_max_size overrides upload_max_filesize In my site host, I have seen (via phpinfo) that - - This led me to think that I should be able to upload as file as big as 16Mb. However, when I do this...

1 Oct at 08:36

ASP.NET - Limit file upload available file types

ASP.NET - Limit file upload available file types I have added a file upload to my asp.net website. However, I want to limit the file types that user can select. For example, I only the user to select ...

13 Dec at 15:14

How to clear file upload text in server side (c#)

How to clear file upload text in server side (c#) I want to clear the file path from the file upload. The file upload is inside the update panel and I am using a `AsyncFileUpload`. How can I clear the...

How to upload multiple files using PHP, jQuery and AJAX

How to upload multiple files using PHP, jQuery and AJAX I have designed a simple form which allows the user to upload files to the server. Initially the form contains one 'browse' button. If the user ...

Check upload file for virus in MVC3

Check upload file for virus in MVC3 How can i check upload file for virus before store it? I previously read this topic,but how can i do it programmatic and return result for user? > The best way to a...

Upload files with HTTPWebrequest (multipart/form-data)

Upload files with HTTPWebrequest (multipart/form-data) Is there any class, library or some piece of code which will help me to upload files with ? I do not want to upload to a WebDAV folder or somethi...

19 Feb at 18:55

How to handle large file uploads via WCF?

How to handle large file uploads via WCF? I am looking into using WCF for a project which would require the ability for people to upload large files (64MB-1GB) to my server. How would I handle this wi...

20 Dec at 06:29

Upload file to FTP using C#

Upload file to FTP using C# I try upload a file to an FTP-server with C#. The file is uploaded but with zero bytes. ``` private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var dirPath = @"C:/Do...

16 Aug at 06:23