tagged [treeview]

Find ItemTemplate control in TreeView

Find ItemTemplate control in TreeView My tree definition is: Having a TreeViewItem element, I try to find corres

13 Mar at 11:46

Right click select on .Net TreeNode

Right click select on .Net TreeNode I am trying to show a popup menu on my treeview when users right click - allowing them to choose context sensitive actions to apply against the selected node. At th...

24 Jan at 16:16

C# Winforms bold treeview node doesn't show whole text

C# Winforms bold treeview node doesn't show whole text I'm using the following code to make my treenodes bold: ``` Font font = new Font(tvQuestionSequence.Font, FontStyle.Bold); foreach (Questionnaire...

16 Feb at 11:31

TreeNode mouse hover tooltip not showing up

TreeNode mouse hover tooltip not showing up I am trying to show a tooltip when mouse hovers on a treeview node. But the tooltip is not showing up. This is my code: ```csharp private void treeView1_Mou...

30 Apr at 17:30

OnExpanded event for any item in a treeview

OnExpanded event for any item in a treeview I'd like to get an event for any expansion of a treeviewitem in my treeview. The reason for this, a bit unrelated to the original question: I am creating a ...

8 Sep at 00:12

Get list of all checked nodes and its subnodes in treeview

Get list of all checked nodes and its subnodes in treeview I have a treeview list check boxes and the list contains nodes, subnodes and in some cases subnode of subnode. When user check some items i w...

25 Oct at 07:32

Disable SelectedImageIndex in Treeview

Disable SelectedImageIndex in Treeview I'm using a treeview-control in winforms and an imagelist to display different states of the treeview-elements. But i don't want to use the selected element to u...

1 Dec at 15:13

Winform Treeview find node by tag

Winform Treeview find node by tag I have a treeview where the display member could possibly have duplicates, and the tag would not. Example: So, when searching, I know I can search by the itemName by ...

7 Oct at 13:59

How do I set an image for some but not all nodes in a TreeView?

How do I set an image for some but not all nodes in a TreeView? I have a `TreeView` windows forms control with an `ImageList`, and I want some of the nodes to display images, but the others to not hav...

5 May at 10:11

How to add node into TreeView Control with Javascript

How to add node into TreeView Control with Javascript I just wanna learn how to add a node to TreeView control (which takes its data from database with a parent-child relationship). Of course when I s...

8 Jan at 17:36

How can I programmatically click a TreeView TreeNode so it appears highlighted in the list and fires the AfterSelect event?

How can I programmatically click a TreeView TreeNode so it appears highlighted in the list and fires the AfterSelect event? I have a TreeView control in a Winforms app, and basically the objective is ...

8 May at 17:16

TreeViewItem with TextBox in WPF: type special characters

TreeViewItem with TextBox in WPF: type special characters I need to edit some hierarchical structure and I use `TreeView` with `TextBoxes` Short example ```

15 Aug at 09:59

TreeNode Selected BackColor while TreeView not focused

TreeNode Selected BackColor while TreeView not focused Is there an easy way to have a selected TreeNode retain its SystemColors.Highlight BackColor while the TreeView doesn't have focus? Because even ...

20 Nov at 15:52

WPF Remove ScrollViewer from TreeView

WPF Remove ScrollViewer from TreeView I was wondering if it is possible to turn off the TreeView's ScrollViewer easily. I have a UserControl with a Grid. One of the Cells has a few TreeViews inside a...

28 Oct at 14:51

Treeview flickering?

Treeview flickering? I came to know that by adding TreeView.BeginUpdate will prevent flickering of treeview, but when i added it in to my project all nodes of my treeview disappears, Can any body tell...

7 May at 15:57

populate treeview from a list of path

populate treeview from a list of path I'm trying to populate a treeview from a list of folder path, for example: with an ouput like this: ``` ├─

Recursive TreeView in ASP.NET

Recursive TreeView in ASP.NET I have an object of type list from which I wish to use to populate a treeview in asp.net c#. Each object item has: so for example: In the above example, the parent would ...

3 Apr at 23:8

Having HierarchicalDataTemplates in a TreeView

Having HierarchicalDataTemplates in a TreeView [WPF: Correctly storing an object in a TreeViewItem](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/718858/wpf-correctly-storing-an-object-in-a-treeviewitem/718895#...

23 May at 12:1

Data binding to SelectedItem in a WPF Treeview

Data binding to SelectedItem in a WPF Treeview How can I retrieve the item that is selected in a WPF-treeview? I want to do this in XAML, because I want to bind it. You might think that it is `Selecte...

13 Feb at 17:31

Copy all treeView parent and children to another treeView c# WinForms

Copy all treeView parent and children to another treeView c# WinForms I am trying to copy the entire tree (exactly all nodes) of a treeview (completely) to another treeview using this code: ``` TreeNo...

30 Mar at 20:23

How to display context menu for treeview item in a hierarchial data template in wpf

How to display context menu for treeview item in a hierarchial data template in wpf How to display context menu for tree view item in wpf using the hierarchical data template? How to display context m...

3 Feb at 23:1

TreeView label editing question

TreeView label editing question I have a treeview with nodes like this: "Foo (1234)", and want to allow the user to rename the nodes, but only the Foo part, without (1234). I first tried to change the...

8 Oct at 09:24

Clear a TreeView

Clear a TreeView I'm loading a TreeView from a list, and the user has a button to delete an item and it deletes it from the list no problem, but there is also a button to update the TreeView with the ...

26 Apr at 16:36

C# WinForms - DragDrop within the same TreeViewControl

C# WinForms - DragDrop within the same TreeViewControl I'm attempting to implement a DragDrop of a treeview item within the same control. I want to be able to move an item from 1 node to another. Here...

4 Jan at 00:41

populate treeview from list of file paths in wpf

populate treeview from list of file paths in wpf There are several examples of how to populate a tree view from a collection of file paths such as [this](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/673931/fil...

23 May at 11:47