tagged [transparency]

Is it possible to have two overlapping PictureBox controls with transparent images?

Is it possible to have two overlapping PictureBox controls with transparent images? Having two overlapping [PictureBox controls](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.picturebox...

Hex transparency in colors

Hex transparency in colors I'm working on implementing a widget transparency option for my app widget although I'm having some trouble getting the hex color values right. Being completely new to hex c...

10 Aug at 15:14

WPF Window with transparent background containing opaque controls

WPF Window with transparent background containing opaque controls I have a window with the following appearance: ![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/7Jegp.png) What I would like,...

Determine if Alpha Channel is Used in an Image

Determine if Alpha Channel is Used in an Image As I'm bringing in images into my program, I want to determine if: 1. they have an alpha-channel 2. if that alpha-channel is used is simple enough with u...

How to make non-interactive graphical overlay on top of another program in c#?

How to make non-interactive graphical overlay on top of another program in c#? To give some background, I am developing a piece of software that assists players with the game Star Wars: The old republ...

WPF - Transparency - Stream Desktop Content

WPF - Transparency - Stream Desktop Content Greetings I'm in the process of making a Scoreboard for a game (Starcraft II). This scoreboard is being made as a WPF Application with a C# code-behind. I a...

16 Dec at 02:14