tagged [styles]
Disable Style in WPF XAML?
Disable Style in WPF XAML? Is there anyway to turn off a style programatically? As an example, I have a style that is linked to all textboxes I would like to add some code to actually stop the style e...
How to create style based on default DataGrid style?
How to create style based on default DataGrid style? I have custom control that extends `DataGrid`. It is called `ExtendedDataGrid`. I want to provide style for `ExtendedDataGrid` that is the same as ...
WPF TextBlock Style Underline on Mouse Hover
WPF TextBlock Style Underline on Mouse Hover Simple question. Can the following WPF C# code cut down some weight? I mean, WTF, uh... I mean WPF, come one. Have you every seen CSS? I only want to under...
Set EditText cursor color
Set EditText cursor color I am having this issue where I am using the Android's Holo theme on a tablet project. However, I have a fragment on screen which has a white background. I am adding an `EditT...
- Modified
- 5 Dec at 13:39
Generating inline font-size style using ReactJS
Generating inline font-size style using ReactJS I am trying to do something like this in ReactJS: ``` var MyReactClass = React.createClass({ render: function() { var myDivText = "Hello!"; va...
- Modified
- 5 Nov at 14:38
WPF DataGrid with cell style -- different cell style in same column
WPF DataGrid with cell style -- different cell style in same column I was just wondering how can I assign different cell style for same column? Cell style might be combo box or text box. Image uploade...
- Modified
- 13 Aug at 15:55
How to use style for GroupBox header?
How to use style for GroupBox header? I have lost of `GroupBox` in my form that their header text must be . I know how to do it for a single `GroupBox`: But I'm interested to know how to do it with `...
How to set default WPF Window Style in app.xaml?
How to set default WPF Window Style in app.xaml? I am trying to set the default Style for every window in my WPF Windows application in my app.xaml. So far i have this in app.xaml: ```
BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TextBox}}" in Code Behind for Style
BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TextBox}}" in Code Behind for Style How can you set the following in code behind? I'm using a Theme merged in App.xaml. It works great for all Controls but when I defi...
Style bottom Line in Android
Style bottom Line in Android I need to create an android shape so that only the bottom has stroke (a dashed line). When I try the following, the stroke bisects the shape right through the center. Does...
- Modified
- 11 Nov at 09:36
Border Color of Controls Using VisualStyles
Border Color of Controls Using VisualStyles Microsoft's visual styles for winforms have always befuddled me. I am trying to have a `Panel` sit next to a `TreeView` and just have the same VisualStyle b...
- Modified
- 2 Sep at 14:13
How to Set style for DataGrid header in WPF
How to Set style for DataGrid header in WPF I have a `DataGrid` like this: ```
How to Apply a Cell Style to DataGrid Cell
How to Apply a Cell Style to DataGrid Cell I have the following `DataGrid` ```
Change a button's content in a style?
Change a button's content in a style? I'm trying to do something similar to this: ```
- Modified
- 25 Nov at 13:57
C# var keyword usage
C# var keyword usage > [What to use: var or object name type?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/236878/what-to-use-var-or-object-name-type) [Use of var keyword in C#](https://stackoverflow.com/qu...
How to set Toolbar text and back arrow color
How to set Toolbar text and back arrow color Toolbar background is dark color, I want text and back arrow to be white. I tried following, but it doesnt work. ``` @color/blue @color/blue_darker...
- Modified
- 17 Jul at 06:3
How to organize resources (styles, ...) in a complex WPF scenario?
How to organize resources (styles, ...) in a complex WPF scenario? How can WPF resources - including styles, templates, etc. - be organized, so that I can use them across Windows, Pages or even Projec...
How to put a MouseDown event in a Style?
How to put a MouseDown event in a Style? This works: ```
- Modified
- 26 Jan at 13:52
Which C# XML documentation comment tag is used for 'true', 'false' and 'null'?
Which C# XML documentation comment tag is used for 'true', 'false' and 'null'? Which C# XML documentation comment tag is used for the literals `true`, `false` and `null`? In Microsoft's own documentat...
- Modified
- 12 Feb at 12:26
How to set background color based on bool property in WPF
How to set background color based on bool property in WPF I want to set the backgroun color for a GridViewColumn that is databound inside of a listview in WPF. I'm not sure how to ask this question be...
- Modified
- 15 Aug at 18:15
Validation Error Style in WPF, similar to Silverlight
Validation Error Style in WPF, similar to Silverlight By default, the `Validation.ErrorTemplate` in is just a small red border without any `ToolTip`. In , the validation error is nicely styled out-of-...
- Modified
- 13 Mar at 15:7
Changing EditText bottom line color with appcompat v7
Changing EditText bottom line color with appcompat v7 I am using appcompat v7 to get the look consistent on Android 5 and less. It works rather well. However I cannot figure out how to change the bott...
- Modified
- 4 Jun at 21:34
Changing the styles at runtime in WPF
Changing the styles at runtime in WPF I am trying to allow the user to customize the elements in a WPF application. What I am trying to achieve is, if I have a list box which specifies all the form el...