tagged [string.format]

String Interpolation in Visual Studio 2015 and IFormatProvider (CA1305)

String Interpolation in Visual Studio 2015 and IFormatProvider (CA1305) The new string interpolation style in Visual Studio 2015 is this: But if I use this the code analysis tells me I break [CA1305: ...

Use String.Format on a TimeSpan to output full seconds without milliseconds

Use String.Format on a TimeSpan to output full seconds without milliseconds I want to display the elapsed time between two dates in a string. Let's say I have the following code: What I expect:

4 Apr at 05:57

Escaping arguments for string.Format in a C# multiline verbatim string

Escaping arguments for string.Format in a C# multiline verbatim string When I format it as a usual string with string.Format, naturally i get an exception that the input string was not in correct form...

8 Oct at 19:31

How to do Alignment within string.Format in C#?

How to do Alignment within string.Format in C#? I have this line of code in C#: It draws its data from a text file and is output in a list box. I want to justify half of it to the left and half to the...

18 Feb at 00:8

Is String.Format as efficient as StringBuilder

Is String.Format as efficient as StringBuilder Suppose I have a stringbuilder in C# that does this: would that be as efficient or any more efficient as having: If so, why

How to format TimeSpan to string before .NET 4.0

How to format TimeSpan to string before .NET 4.0 I am compiling in C# using .NET 3.5 and am trying to convert a TimeSpan to a string and format the string. I would like to use `myString = myTimeSpan.T...

How to Conditionally Format a String in .Net?

How to Conditionally Format a String in .Net? I would like to do some condition formatting of strings. I know that you can do some conditional formatting of integers and floats as follows: The above c...

10 Mar at 15:13

String.Format vs ToString()

String.Format vs ToString() Can anyone explain if there is any benefit in either one of the following methods: Just to clarify, I'm not querying what the methods do, I'm obviously happy with that, jus...

1 May at 15:40

How to use string.Format() to format a hex number surrounded by curly brackets?

How to use string.Format() to format a hex number surrounded by curly brackets? `uint hex = 0xdeadbeef;` `string result = "{deadbeef}"` First approach: Explicitly add the `{` and `}`; this works: Outp...

20 Oct at 11:12

Need a custom currency format to use with String.Format

Need a custom currency format to use with String.Format I'm trying to use String.Format("{0:c}", somevalue) in C# but am having a hard time figuring out how to configure the output to meet my needs. H...

12 Feb at 18:40

String.Format: Input string was not in a correct format

String.Format: Input string was not in a correct format The following code keep giving me error saying Input string was not in a correct format, but I am pretty sure it is right, isn't it? ``` int i...

29 Jan at 00:35

Can I format NULL values in string.Format?

Can I format NULL values in string.Format? I was wondering if there's a syntax for formatting NULL values in string.Format, such as what Excel uses For example, using Excel I could specify a format va...

7 Oct at 15:14

Localization of singular/plural words - what are the different language rules for grammatical numbers?

Localization of singular/plural words - what are the different language rules for grammatical numbers? I have been developing a .NET string formatting library to assist with localization of an applica...

Pad left or right with string.format (not padleft or padright) with arbitrary string

Pad left or right with string.format (not padleft or padright) with arbitrary string Can I use String.Format() to pad a certain string with arbitrary characters? ``` Console.WriteLine("->{0,18}{0,-18}...

23 May at 10:30

String.Format exception when format string contains "{"

String.Format exception when format string contains "{" I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 2.0. When executing the following statement, there is FormatException thrown from String.Format statement, any ...

15 Jul at 17:31