tagged [stored-procedures]

Returning multiple tables from a stored procedure

Returning multiple tables from a stored procedure In my winform application I have the following scenario: I want to get multiple tables on a single event. Returning all tables as `dataset` in `singl...

How do you debug MySQL stored procedures?

How do you debug MySQL stored procedures? My current process for debugging stored procedures is very simple. I create a table called "debug" where I insert variable values from the stored procedure as...

How do I call a stored procedure from NHibernate that has no result?

How do I call a stored procedure from NHibernate that has no result? I have a stored procedure that logs some data, how can I call this with NHibernate? So far I have: What should the method `?????` b...

19 Jun at 15:29

ssis variable syntax conflicts with mysql output variable

ssis variable syntax conflicts with mysql output variable I've created an SSIS package that needs to execute a MySQL SPROC with an output parameter. The MySQL SPROC works fine from Query Browser. The ...

10 Jul at 16:40

Truncating a table in a stored procedure

Truncating a table in a stored procedure When I run the following in an Oracle shell it works fine But when I try to put it in a stored procedure it fails with ``` ERROR line 3, col 14, ending_line 3,...

7 Apr at 16:17

How to write a stored procedure using phpmyadmin and how to use it through php?

How to write a stored procedure using phpmyadmin and how to use it through php? I want to be able create stored procedures using `phpMyAdmin` and later on use it through php. ### But I dont know how t...

How do I execute a stored procedure once for each row returned by query?

How do I execute a stored procedure once for each row returned by query? I have a stored procedure that alters user data in a certain way. I pass it user_id and it does it's thing. I want to run a que...

6 Apr at 04:31

Stored procedure - return identity as output parameter or scalar

Stored procedure - return identity as output parameter or scalar When you insert a record into a table with an identity column, you can use SCOPE_IDENTITY() to get that value. Within the context of a ...

29 Jun at 15:57

Execute stored procedure with an Output parameter?

Execute stored procedure with an Output parameter? I have a stored procedure that I am trying to test. I am trying to test it through SQL Management Studio. In order to run this test I enter ... The f...

9 Oct at 02:54

Execute a stored procedure from a windows form asynchronously and then disconnect?

Execute a stored procedure from a windows form asynchronously and then disconnect? I am calling a stored procedure from my application that can take 30 minutes to execute. I don't want to make my user...

MySQL create stored procedure syntax with delimiter

MySQL create stored procedure syntax with delimiter I am trying to create a stored procedure in MySQL using a delimiter like this: It gives me an error: What is the

6 Dec at 19:9

Why do I need Stored Procedures when I have LINQ to SQL

Why do I need Stored Procedures when I have LINQ to SQL My understanding of Linq to Sql is it will take my Linq statement and convert it into an equivalent SQL statement. So Just turns into If that

Insert current date into a date column using T-SQL?

Insert current date into a date column using T-SQL? I'm trying to insert a date when a user decides to deactivate or activate an UserID. I'm trying to use a SP to trigger that but apparantly this is h...

2 Nov at 14:13

Convert textbox text to integer

Convert textbox text to integer I need to convert the text in the textbox of my xaml code to an integer value in C#. I am using .NET 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010. Is there a way to do it in xaml tags it...

How to declare a variable in SQL Server and use it in the same Stored Procedure

How to declare a variable in SQL Server and use it in the same Stored Procedure Im trying to get the value from BrandID in one table and add it to another table. But I can't get it to work. Anybody kn...

SQL Server: Invalid Column Name

SQL Server: Invalid Column Name I am working on modifying the existing SQL Server stored procedure. I added two new columns to the table and modified the stored procedure as well to select these two c...

SQL Server WITH statement

SQL Server WITH statement My goal is to select result from one CTE and insert into other table with another CTE in the same procedure. How to do it? My error is... > invalid object name xy. My query i...

Capture Stored Procedure print output in .NET

Capture Stored Procedure print output in .NET Is it possible to capture print output from a T-SQL stored procedure in .NET? I have a lot of legacy procs that use the print as means of errorMessaging. ...

6 May at 13:10

Call a stored procedure with another in Oracle

Call a stored procedure with another in Oracle Does anyone know of a way, or even if its possible, to call a stored procedure from within another? If so, how would you do it? Here is my test code: ```...

6 Mar at 17:13

Postgres FOR LOOP

Postgres FOR LOOP I am trying to get 25 random samples of 15,000 IDs from a table. Instead of manually pressing run every time, I'm trying to do a loop. Which I fully understand is not the optimum use...

Temporary tables in stored procedures

Temporary tables in stored procedures I have been wondering about temp tables in sp's and how all that can effect concurrency. SP made on a MSSQL 08 server. If I have a SP where I create a temp table ...

13 May at 13:2

if condition in sql server update query

if condition in sql server update query I have a SQL server table in which there are 2 columns that I want to update either of their values according to a flag sent to the stored procedure along with ...

SQL Server - How to lock a table until a stored procedure finishes

SQL Server - How to lock a table until a stored procedure finishes I want to do this: Is something like that possible? Ultimately I want my SQL server reporting services report to call procedure A, a...

Passing Output parameters to stored procedure using dapper in c# code

Passing Output parameters to stored procedure using dapper in c# code I have a stored procedure in this format I am

Entity Framework Return List from Stored Procedure

Entity Framework Return List from Stored Procedure I'm trying to return a list of int from a stored procedure in Entity Framework. I created the stored procedure fine, and added it into Entity Framewo...