tagged [stack-overflow]

Weird stackoverflow in c# when allocating reference types

Weird stackoverflow in c# when allocating reference types While doing some fancy code generation, I've encountered a stack overflow that I don't understand. My code is basically like this: ``` static ...

21 May at 19:56

Why does a recursive call cause StackOverflow at different stack depths?

Why does a recursive call cause StackOverflow at different stack depths? I was trying to figure out hands-on how tail calls are handled by the C# compiler. (Answer: [They're not.](https://stackoverflo...

What is and how to fix System.TypeInitializationException error?

What is and how to fix System.TypeInitializationException error? ``` private static void Main(string[] args) { string str = null; Logger.InitUserLogWithRotation(); //

Is there a way to increase the stack size in c#?

Is there a way to increase the stack size in c#? I'm coming back to programming after having done none for several years, and created a Sudoku game to get my feet wet again. I've written a recursive f...

Different Behaviour Unwinding Stack in x64 and x32

Different Behaviour Unwinding Stack in x64 and x32 Why in the scenario detailed below does the stack space increase in x64 but decrease in x32 with identical code? Our customers can write scripts in a...