tagged [soap]

SoapFault exception: Could not connect to host

SoapFault exception: Could not connect to host Sometimes fail to call the web service. This problem happens all the time. What could be the problem? ``` Error: SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Could not ...

30 Nov at 21:29

Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found

Fatal error: Class 'SoapClient' not found I'm trying a simple web service example and I get this error even though I uncommented `extension=php_soap.dll` in the `php.ini` file: > Class 'SoapClient' no...

17 Aug at 08:7

ServiceStack not showing up in Visual Studio

ServiceStack not showing up in Visual Studio According to this documentation: [https://youtu.be/EaUcPXVeLpk?t=20](https://youtu.be/EaUcPXVeLpk?t=20) I should be able to right click and select "Add Ser...

12 Aug at 13:24

ServiceStack: implement existing SOAP API

ServiceStack: implement existing SOAP API Say I have an existing SOAP service which I a would like to re-implement using e.g. ServiceStack. Is that possible - or more specifically: can I e.g. take an ...

27 May at 15:12

SOAP with Attachment (SwA) in C#

SOAP with Attachment (SwA) in C# I need to use .NET in order to consume a JAVA written SOAP service which expects simple MIME attachments on some of its method. Does anybody know how to accomplish it?...

5 May at 08:12

SOAP in .NET Core?

SOAP in .NET Core? How you do SOAP in .NET Core? Are there any equivalents of [Apache CXF](https://cxf.apache.org/) in .Net Core (not just a simple SOAP client but full featured stack)? Sorry if this ...

28 Feb at 12:48

How do you determine a valid SoapAction?

How do you determine a valid SoapAction? I'm calling a `webservice` using the `NuSoap PHP library`. The `webservice` appears to use `.NET`; every time I call it I get an error about using an invalid `...

5 Jun at 21:48

SOAP object over HTTP post in C# .NET

SOAP object over HTTP post in C# .NET I am trying to compose a SOAP message(including header) in C# .NET to send to a URL using HTTP post. The URL I want to send it to is not a web-service, it just re...

25 Nov at 18:27

Using the HttpWebRequest class

Using the HttpWebRequest class I instantiate the HttpWebRequest object: When I "post" the data to this service, how does the service know which web method to submit the data to? I do not have the code...

12 Mar at 18:11

Using a C# Service Reference SOAP Client with different Endpoint URIs

Using a C# Service Reference SOAP Client with different Endpoint URIs I have a SOAP Webservice that is available on multiple servers, thus having multiple endpoints. I want to avoid adding multiple Se...

9 Aug at 11:42