tagged [sharepoint]

SharePoint UserData and the ;# Syntax in returned data

SharePoint UserData and the ;# Syntax in returned data Can a SharePoint expert explain to me the ;# in data returned by the GetListItems() call to the Lists web service? I think I understand what they...

To SharePoint Or Not (as a foundation for application development)(vs ASP.NET)

To SharePoint Or Not (as a foundation for application development)(vs ASP.NET) I have a POV that you should only use SharePoint for application development under these conditions. 1) The application u...

Sending HTTP Headers with HTTP Web Request for NTLM Authentication

Sending HTTP Headers with HTTP Web Request for NTLM Authentication I want to login to a Sharepoint portal which brings up a login dialog but is using NTLM authentication. How can I modify the HTTP hea...

5 Oct at 15:15

How to implement an IFilter for indexing heavyweight formats?

How to implement an IFilter for indexing heavyweight formats? I need to develop an IFilter for Microsoft Search Server 2008 that performs prolonged computations to extract text. Extracting text from o...

8 Oct at 07:15

SharePoint get the full URL of the current page in code behind

SharePoint get the full URL of the current page in code behind In SharePoint how do you get the url of the page you are on from the code behind? e.g. with the blah.aspx page included... SPContext.Curr...

9 Oct at 15:19

How to raise a 401 (Unauthorized access) exception in Sharepoint?

How to raise a 401 (Unauthorized access) exception in Sharepoint? As the title said, I need to raise (from the C# code behind a custom SharePoint page) a 401 error page. Any help?

21 Oct at 08:31

SharePoint - An unexpected error has occurred

SharePoint - An unexpected error has occurred In SharePoint I am getting the following when I go to my new web part page: > ErrorAn unexpected error has occurred.Web Parts Maintenance Page: If you hav...

30 Oct at 09:57

How to prevent VSeWSS 1.3 from adding assemblies to the solution manifest

How to prevent VSeWSS 1.3 from adding assemblies to the solution manifest I recently upgraded my SharePoint development machine to VSeWSS 1.3 and have noticed a behavior that I didn't think existed be...

3 Nov at 15:41

How to obtain SPSite for remote server from URL, username and password?

How to obtain SPSite for remote server from URL, username and password? I'm trying to get an `SPSite` for a remote SharePoint URL: ...but I get an exception. The is no problem when i try to connect to...

12 Nov at 22:39

How to access sharepoint data using C#?

How to access sharepoint data using C#? I am working on project where I have to access SharePoint data in C#. I've never done this before; and have the following questions? How would I access SharePoi...

Design question about SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPriviledges in multi-tiered design

Design question about SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPriviledges in multi-tiered design I have a question re: performance and design. Crux of the problem is: do I wrap RunWithElevatedPriviledges around a s...

19 Nov at 13:54

How do you change the "click to edit" column in sharepoint?

How do you change the "click to edit" column in sharepoint? How do you change the "click to edit" column in sharepoint?

7 Dec at 06:43

SharePoint for a C# ASP.NET Developer

SharePoint for a C# ASP.NET Developer I've been asked to create a website in [SharePoint](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_SharePoint) within the next couple of weeks or so and I'm entirely new ...

14 Dec at 20:49

how to change SharePoint search page URL?

how to change SharePoint search page URL? I am using SharePoint Server 2007 Enterprise with Windows Server 2008 Enterprise. I am using publishing portal template. By default, the search page is using ...

Importing bulk data into sharepoint

Importing bulk data into sharepoint I have an issue with a new sharepoint install that we've recently deployed to replace an ageing content management system that I implemented a few years ago. What I...

26 Jan at 18:41

sharepoint cms development

sharepoint cms development i am an asp.net (C#) developer and have been devloping cms for quite a while now now i need to develop cms in sharepoint...can u plz suggest me steps , methods or tutorials ...

4 Feb at 08:55

ViewFormPagesLockDown and excluding specific lists/pages

ViewFormPagesLockDown and excluding specific lists/pages I am working on a public facing MOSS 2007 site that uses the ViewFormPagesLockDown feature to stop anonymous users from accessing the standard ...

Adding JavaScript, CSS and others to a WebPart using WSPBuilder

Adding JavaScript, CSS and others to a WebPart using WSPBuilder So, I'm trying to do what I thought was a simple task... But I'm not getting anywhere... All I want to is to get some .js and .css files...

Using Office 2010 web apps with ASP.NET

Using Office 2010 web apps with ASP.NET Would it be possible to use the Office 2010 web apps with an ASP.NET application? For example: - For each user of my ASP.NET application there is a folder with ...

22 Mar at 16:16

Sharepoint always down on the weekend?

Sharepoint always down on the weekend? For some reason, our sharepoint site always goes down on Saturday. It's the stangest thing and I can't figure out why. I'm a total noob at sharepoint and have be...

22 Apr at 13:45

Sharepoint WSS 3.0 Attributes returned from GetListItems

Sharepoint WSS 3.0 Attributes returned from GetListItems Is there some definition around the attributes that are returned from the Lists.GetListItems? I am able to view the attributes retuned just fin...

9 May at 20:0

Authentication Error when accessing Sharepoint list via web service

Authentication Error when accessing Sharepoint list via web service I wrote a windows service a few months ago that would ping a Sharepoint list using _vti_bin/lists.asmx function GetListItemChanges. ...

Choose dynamically at runtime which version of a .dll to use

Choose dynamically at runtime which version of a .dll to use I'm working on a utility for SharePoint. It's an app that works for both SharePoint 2007 and 2010. When I have a reference to the ...

What does square bracket [] mean in the below code?

What does square bracket [] mean in the below code? I got below code from [http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd584174(office.11).aspx](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd584174(office.11)...

27 Aug at 21:21

How to programatically publish an HTML file at a Sharepoint site

How to programatically publish an HTML file at a Sharepoint site I'm pretty new to SharePoint and I need to publish HTML files (they are generated reports) in an existing SharePoint site. I've been to...