tagged [restore]

How to fix `Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" framework...`

How to fix `Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" framework...` I got this error `Your project does not reference ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" framework. Add a reference to ...

NuGet fails to find existing package

NuGet fails to find existing package How it's possible that NuGet's `Install-Package` fails with `Unable to find version 'x' of package 'y'` when that exact version is released as NuGet to the officia...

Enable NuGet Package Restore on Visual Studio 2013

Enable NuGet Package Restore on Visual Studio 2013 I'm following [this easy tutorial](https://developers.google.com/+/quickstart/csharp) to start coding with the Google+ API in C#. However, I've been ...

Nuget - Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'WebApplication1'. 0

Nuget - Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'WebApplication1'. 0 It's my own custom nuget package that I've not published yet and testing locally. The nuget package consists of a ...

Nuget Automatic Restore for WebSite

Nuget Automatic Restore for WebSite I'm trying to migrate all my C# projects to new Nuget Automatic Restore, following this tutorial: [Migrating MSBuild-Integrated solutions to use Automatic Package R...

How do I backup and restore the system clipboard in C#?

How do I backup and restore the system clipboard in C#? I will do my best to explain in detail what I'm trying to achieve. I'm using C# with IntPtr window handles to perform a CTRL-C copy operation on...

3 Jul at 15:51

MSBuild restore target - MSB4057: The target "restore" does not exist in the project

MSBuild restore target - MSB4057: The target "restore" does not exist in the project We have over 20 solutions in our main product portfolio (over 880 projects), and we have a complex set of build scr...

.Net 2015 References with yellow triangle for Nuget packages on portable libraries

.Net 2015 References with yellow triangle for Nuget packages on portable libraries I know the question has been asked before but none of the suggested resolutions are working for me so I'm going to as...