tagged [resize]

How to set iframe size dynamically

How to set iframe size dynamically How should I set the dimensions of an iframe dynamically, so the size is flexible for different viewport sizes? For example: In this case the height is different dep...

3 May at 19:54

C# - Stretching a textbox to fit the containing window

C# - Stretching a textbox to fit the containing window I want the text box to stay a certain distance from the top, bottom, left, and right edges of the parent form, and to stretch as the window does....

19 Apr at 19:30

WPF: Setting the Width (and Height) as a Percentage Value

WPF: Setting the Width (and Height) as a Percentage Value Say I want a `TextBlock` to have its `Width` equal to it's Parent container's `Width` (ie, stretch from side to side) or a percentage of it's ...

16 Apr at 14:48

TextBox size change when re-sizing the form

TextBox size change when re-sizing the form Many programs re-size their text boxes, labels, picture boxes, etc... when you change the the whole form's size. But when I drag a text box in my form and m...

2 Apr at 16:51

How can I make all images of different height and width the same via CSS?

How can I make all images of different height and width the same via CSS? I am trying to create an image wall consisting of product photos. Unfortunately, all of them are of different height and width...

16 Oct at 22:11

Scale image to fit a bounding box

Scale image to fit a bounding box Is there a css-only solution to scale an image into a bounding box (keeping aspect-ratio)? This works if the image is bigger than the container: Example: - [http://js...

22 Jul at 00:37

Autoresize textbox control vertically

Autoresize textbox control vertically In a C# form, I have a panel anchored all sides, and inside, a textbox, anchored top/left/right. When text gets loaded into the textbox, i want it to auto expand ...

11 Jan at 06:11

Change form size at runtime in C#

Change form size at runtime in C# How can I change window form size at runtime? I saw examples, but every one requires Form.Size property. This property can be set like here: [http://msdn.microsoft.co...

3 Jan at 14:16

PHPExcel auto size column width

PHPExcel auto size column width I'm trying to auto size the columns of my sheet. I'm writing the file and in the end I try to resize all of my columns. ``` // Add some data $objPHPExcel->setActiveShee...

13 Oct at 23:48

Why do my WinForms controls flicker and resize slowly?

Why do my WinForms controls flicker and resize slowly? I'm making a program where I have a lot of panels and panels in panels. I have a few custom drawn controls in these panels. The resize function o...

14 Jan at 11:20

C# Resize textbox to fit content

C# Resize textbox to fit content I'm writing a program where the user should be able to write text in a `TextBox`. I'd like the `TextBox` to resize itself, so it fits to the content. I've tried the fo...

17 May at 12:7

How to resize a button depending on its text

How to resize a button depending on its text In the process of translating an application with C# + Winforms, I need to change a button's text depending on the language. My problem is the following : ...

10 Aug at 13:17

window.resize event firing in Internet Explorer

window.resize event firing in Internet Explorer As you are aware, in Internet Explorer, It does not matter whether the page element is resized through assigning/changing its height or style attribute,...

How to resize datagridview control when form resizes

How to resize datagridview control when form resizes I found a lot of questions about how to resize the form when a child control resizes, but I'm trying to do something much simpler (maybe so simple ...

23 Apr at 07:35

Prevent window redraw when resizing c# windows forms

Prevent window redraw when resizing c# windows forms What windows message or event can i listen to in order to stop a window from being redrawing every pixel of it's resize? That is, when a user click...

29 Jul at 12:38

How to easily resize/optimize an image size with iOS?

How to easily resize/optimize an image size with iOS? My application is downloading a set of image files from the network, and saving them to the local iPhone disk. Some of those images are pretty big...

Numpy Resize/Rescale Image

Numpy Resize/Rescale Image I would like to take an image and change the scale of the image, while it is a numpy array. For example I have this image of a coca-cola bottle: [bottle-1](https://i.stack.i...

5 Jan at 22:3

How to resize an image with OpenCV2.0 and Python2.6

How to resize an image with OpenCV2.0 and Python2.6 I want to use OpenCV2.0 and Python2.6 to show resized images. I used and adopted [this](http://opencv.willowgarage.com/documentation/python/cookbook...

Listening to another window resize events in C#

Listening to another window resize events in C# I am implementing a small application (observer) that needs to "attach" itself to the bottom of another window (observed). The latter is not a window in...

21 May at 07:6

When the keyboard appears, the Flutter widgets resize. How to prevent this?

When the keyboard appears, the Flutter widgets resize. How to prevent this? I have a Column of Expanded widgets like this: ``` return new Container( child: new Column( crossAxisAlignment: Cross...

What's preventing me from resizing (downsizing) my windows form object?

What's preventing me from resizing (downsizing) my windows form object? I've got a windows form object that contains 3 objects, a treeview, a richtextbox, and a tabcontrol. They are not docked into th...

25 Aug at 23:31

Automatically resize images with browser size using CSS

Automatically resize images with browser size using CSS I want all (or just some) of my images getting resized automatically when I resize my browser window. I've found the following code - it doesn't...

25 Apr at 14:30

C# Getting the pixel data efficiently from System.Drawing.Bitmap

C# Getting the pixel data efficiently from System.Drawing.Bitmap I have several (~2GB) raw 24bpp RGB files on HDD. Now I want to retrieve a portion of it and scale it to the desired size. (The only sc...

10 Sep at 18:21

Resize transparent images using C#

Resize transparent images using C# Does anyone have the secret formula to resizing transparent images (mainly GIFs) ANY quality loss - what so ever? I've tried a bunch of stuff, the closest I get is n...

8 May at 10:24

GridBagLayout manager and resizing controls

GridBagLayout manager and resizing controls I'm not sure if GridBagLayoutManager is the only layout manager that does this, but here is my problem. I have 4 controls layed out horizontally in a GridBa...

15 Dec at 13:58