tagged [reporting-services]

SSRS expression to format two decimal places does not show zeros

SSRS expression to format two decimal places does not show zeros I am using the following expression to format my value to show only two decimal points. Which Works fine if the value is not 0. However...

In SQL Reporting Services, how to filter a dataset according to a parameter?

In SQL Reporting Services, how to filter a dataset according to a parameter? I've got an unfiltered dataset to deal with so as to generate a report . Let's say I've got a column, and I'd want to add a...

SSRS Field Expression to change the background color of the Cell

SSRS Field Expression to change the background color of the Cell I'm trying to write a field expression for a Cell in my report where I have to change the background color of the cell depending on the...

Reporting Services 2005 Timeout When Exporting via Web Service

Reporting Services 2005 Timeout When Exporting via Web Service We're running into the same problem as reported here: [PDF Export Huge Report](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15310/optimizing-the-p...

23 May at 11:55

Using Dataset for Microsoft reporting

Using Dataset for Microsoft reporting When we use SSRS to create reports, we can use query box in Dataset window to create custom queries. But in local reports (.RDLC) when we want to create reports w...

SSRS chart does not show all labels on Horizontal axis

SSRS chart does not show all labels on Horizontal axis My SSRS report does not show all the labels on the horizontal axis. Please see below. [](http://www.flickr.com/photos/76579226@N04/6980282675/) N...

8 Feb at 14:34

How to check for null values before doing .AddDays() in SSRS?

How to check for null values before doing .AddDays() in SSRS? I have the following as the value for my textbox in SSRS report: It gives me an "#Error" every time MyDate is null. How do i work around ...

Can SSRS support multi-tenant usage?

Can SSRS support multi-tenant usage? I have a webforms application built on top of the standard microsoft stack - asp.net, sqlserver2008, ssis, ssrs. In certain cases I would like to run this entire s...

SSRS Conditional Formatting Switch or IIF

SSRS Conditional Formatting Switch or IIF I currently have the following 2008 SSRS Report and I want to conditionally format background of the columns based on some logic. I have three columns and two...

Execute SSRS Report from C# save as PDF

Execute SSRS Report from C# save as PDF So, here's my delema. The title says it all. I cannot seem to find any guidance on how to execute a SSRS report remotely and save it as a PDF. I have tried to f...

12 Jul at 17:46

Render rdlc to pdf in azure website

Render rdlc to pdf in azure website I get the following error when trying to export a localreport .rdlc to PDF on azure. > Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.LocalProcessingException: An error occurred dur...

Servicestack and Sql Server Reporting Services and Snapshot

Servicestack and Sql Server Reporting Services and Snapshot i'm investigating integrating ssrs with servicestack, but as i'm using the new razor release, there are no references to any asp.net or mvc ...

Microsoft.Reporting.* vs XML/XSLT

Microsoft.Reporting.* vs XML/XSLT I would like to add reporting capabilities to a .NET application. My data source is just the data model of the application, i.e. a bunch of objects that may have been...

In SSRS, why do I get the error "item with same key has already been added" , when I'm making a new report?

In SSRS, why do I get the error "item with same key has already been added" , when I'm making a new report? I'm getting the following error in `SSRS`: > An error occurred while the query design method...

7 Sep at 00:29

How to print a ReportViewer's report without showing a form

How to print a ReportViewer's report without showing a form While I realize that I could just show the form off-screen and hide it, along with many other forms of WinForms hackish wizardry, I'd rather...

8 Apr at 17:46

SQL variable to hold list of integers

SQL variable to hold list of integers I'm trying to debug someone else's SQL reports and have placed the underlying reports query into a query windows of SQL 2012. One of the parameters the report ask...

User defined reports with SSRS

User defined reports with SSRS I have an web application which serves SQL reporting services reports via the reportviewer control. Because of the complexity of some of the reports I use rdlc reports a...

2 Feb at 12:37

SSRS multi-value parameter using a stored procedure

SSRS multi-value parameter using a stored procedure I am working on a SSRS report that uses a stored procedure containing a few parameters. I am having problems with two of the parameters because I wa...

17 Mar at 20:29

How to use multiple conditions (With AND) in IIF expressions in ssrs

How to use multiple conditions (With AND) in IIF expressions in ssrs I want to hide rows in SSRS report having Zero Quantity. There are following multiple Quantity Columns like Opening Stock, Gross Di...

21 Dec at 21:36

Report viewer does not load, showing blank space - running local RDLC files

Report viewer does not load, showing blank space - running local RDLC files I got a problem with reporting services, running local rdlc files on the 2005 version. I have in the HTML a report viewer se...

SSRS: Get list of all reports and parameters in a single web service call?

SSRS: Get list of all reports and parameters in a single web service call? Short and sweet version: Is there a single web service method that would return the names of all available reports, and each ...

2 Jul at 20:56

How to use ReportingService2010?

How to use ReportingService2010? I'm trying to deploy a reporting server solution by code using the reporting server web service: [http://_Server_Name_/ReportServer/ReportService2010.asmx?wsdl](http:/...

28 Mar at 16:59

Reporting Services: Overriding a default parameter with an expression in a linked report

Reporting Services: Overriding a default parameter with an expression in a linked report So I've got a "daily dashboard" report in SSRS 2005. It has a parameter, @pDate, which defaults to "=Now". I'd ...

The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized IN SSRS

The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized IN SSRS My Application is in `Asp.Net MVC3` coded in `C#`, i have a SSRS solution in `SQL Server Business Intelligence Developement Studio` in `Vi...

How to toggle (Expand/Collapse) group data in rdlc

How to toggle (Expand/Collapse) group data in rdlc In my rdlc report,I want to show my group data just like this example-- [](https://i.stack.imgur.com/PCNSM.png) When I click (+) sign group data unde...