tagged [readonly]

Set readonly fields in a constructor local function c#

Set readonly fields in a constructor local function c# The following does not compile. It fails with this error: > CS0191 A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or a variable ...

CheckBoxField columns in ASP.NET GridView are disabled even if ReadOnly set to false

CheckBoxField columns in ASP.NET GridView are disabled even if ReadOnly set to false I have a GridView with two CheckBoxField columns. They both have ReadOnly property set to false, but html code gene...

30 Jul at 09:15

Why can't I initialize readonly variables in a initializer?

Why can't I initialize readonly variables in a initializer? Why can't I initialize readonly variables in a initializer? The following doesn't work as it should: Is this due to some technical limits of...

assign value of readonly variable in private method called only by constructors

assign value of readonly variable in private method called only by constructors C# compiler gave me the following error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or a var...

27 Jul at 17:38

Property or indexer cannot be assigned to "--" it is read only

Property or indexer cannot be assigned to "--" it is read only So I'm trying to pass a local string to another form in a c# project. This is my code: Form 1: Form 2 I'm getting the error: > Property o...

27 Jun at 13:5

C# and immutability and readonly fields... a lie?

C# and immutability and readonly fields... a lie? I have found that People claim that using all readonly fields in a class does not necessarily make that class's instance immutable because there are "...

18 Jul at 17:36

How to Setup a readonly property with Moq?

How to Setup a readonly property with Moq? I am trying to unit test using Moq. Here is the example code: ``` public class ConcreteClass { private readonly FirstPropery firstProperty; private reado...

20 Apr at 09:53

C# return a variable as read only from get; set;

C# return a variable as read only from get; set; I swear I have seen an example of this but have been googling for a bit and can not find it. I have a class that has a reference to an object and need ...

2 Jun at 13:37

How can a readonly static field be null?

How can a readonly static field be null? So here's an excerpt from one of my classes: As you can see, it's a singleton-per-thread - i.e. the instance is marked with

Declaring a const double[] in C#?

Declaring a const double[] in C#? I have several constants that I use, and my plan was to put them in a const array of doubles, however the compiler won't let me. I have tried declaring it this way: T...

10 Jul at 14:18

Why is this field declared as private and also readonly?

Why is this field declared as private and also readonly? In the following code: ``` public class MovieRepository : IMovieRepository { private readonly IHtmlDownloader _downloader; public MovieRepo...

23 May at 12:10

Why does ReSharper prefer consts over readonly?

Why does ReSharper prefer consts over readonly? I've noticed ReSharper suggestion under "Common Practices and Code Improvements": . I've also noticed that in Bill Wagner's book "[Effective C#: 50 Spec...

11 Aug at 02:24

How should I use properties when dealing with read-only List<T> members

How should I use properties when dealing with read-only List members When I want to make a value type read-only outside of my class I do this: What can I do to make a `List` type readonly (so they can...

9 Aug at 00:9

Static readonly vs const — different assemblies POV?

Static readonly vs const — different assemblies POV? There are many questions about this subject , but none (except [one but still a short one](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/755685/c-static-read...

23 May at 12:19

How to create an empty IReadOnlyCollection

How to create an empty IReadOnlyCollection I'm creating an extension method for [MultiValueDictionary](http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2014/08/05/multidictionary-becomes-multivaluedictionary.as...

How to keep the Text of a Read only TextBox after PostBack()?

How to keep the Text of a Read only TextBox after PostBack()? I have an ASP.NET `TextBox` and I want it to be `ReadOnly`. (The user modify it using another control) But when there is a `PostBack()`, T...

18 Jul at 09:26

const vs. static readonly

const vs. static readonly > [What is the difference between const and readonly?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55984/what-is-the-difference-between-const-and-readonly) So from what I read, in ...

23 May at 10:29

How do I set a readonly field in an initialize method that gets called from the constructor?

How do I set a readonly field in an initialize method that gets called from the constructor? I'm sure I've seen somewhere that I can do the following by using an attribute above my Init() method, that...

16 Sep at 15:58

Is a readonly field in C# thread safe?

Is a readonly field in C# thread safe? Is a `readonly` field in C# thread safe? Have gone through some posts: - [What are the benefits to marking a field

21 May at 17:0

Why IReadOnlyCollection has ElementAt but not IndexOf

Why IReadOnlyCollection has ElementAt but not IndexOf I am working with a `IReadOnlyCollection` of objects. Now I'm a bit surprised, because I can use `linq` extension method `ElementAt()`. But I don'...

readonly-fields as targets from subclass constructors

readonly-fields as targets from subclass constructors A readonly field should be used when you have a variable that will be known at object-instatiation which should not be changed afterwards. However...

ReadOnlyCollection or IEnumerable for exposing member collections?

ReadOnlyCollection or IEnumerable for exposing member collections? Is there any reason to expose an internal collection as a ReadOnlyCollection rather than an IEnumerable if the calling code only iter...

What does immutable and readonly mean in C#?

What does immutable and readonly mean in C#? Is it correct that it is not possible to change the value of an immutable object? I have two scenarios regarding `readonly` that I want to understand: 1. W...

27 Jul at 18:36

Converting Dictionary<TKey, List<TValue>> to ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, ReadOnlyCollection<TValue>>

Converting Dictionary> to ReadOnlyDictionary> I have a dictionary as follows: Now I want to be

"Read only" Property Accessor in C#

"Read only" Property Accessor in C# I have the following class: I want users to be able to get mMyList which is why i exposed the "get" via a property however i don't want changes they make to the obj...

30 Aug at 20:54