tagged [programming-languages]

Is C# used anywhere besides .NET programming?

Is C# used anywhere besides .NET programming? It's my understanding that C#, though created by Microsoft, is a programming language that can be used or implemented for things other than .NET programmi...

What features should Java 7 onwards have to encourage switching from C#?

What features should Java 7 onwards have to encourage switching from C#? C# has a good momentum at the moment. What are the features that you would to have in order to switch (or return) to Java? It w...

primitives of a programming language

primitives of a programming language Which do the concepts control flow, data type, statement, expression and operation belong to? Syntax or semantics? What is the relation between control flow, data ...

26 Mar at 23:34

What is "mumble typing?"

What is "mumble typing?" I've seen several mentions of "mumble typing," such as this StackOverflow answer: [Will a future version of .NET support tuples in C#?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/152...

23 May at 12:7

Is it there any LRU implementation of IDictionary?

Is it there any LRU implementation of IDictionary? I would like to implement a simple in-memory LRU cache system and I was thinking about a solution based on an IDictionary implementation which could ...

15 Apr at 23:55

Guid Uniqueness On different machine

Guid Uniqueness On different machine > [Is a GUID unique 100% of the time?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39771/is-a-guid-unique-100-of-the-time) After reading all posts on Guid, still I am un...

c++ array assignment of multiple values

c++ array assignment of multiple values so when you initialize an array, you can assign multiple values to it in one spot: but what if the array is already initialized and I want to completely replace...

Why do .net languages vary in performance?

Why do .net languages vary in performance? I have heard that C++ .NET is fastest , C# is next, followed by VB .NET and Languages like Iron-Python and Boo come last in terms of performance. If all .NET...

Is C# a single dispatch or multiple dispatch language?

Is C# a single dispatch or multiple dispatch language? I'm trying to understand what single and multiple dispatch are, exactly. I just read this: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_dispatch](http:...

What is a good desktop programming language to learn for a web developer?

What is a good desktop programming language to learn for a web developer? I'm want to learn a desktop programming language, preferably C, C++ or C#. I'm a PHP/HTML/CSS programmer and I would like to g...

16 Jan at 00:49

Origin of the C# language name

Origin of the C# language name I am a C and C++ programmer and am now trying to learn C#. I have bought the book [Professional C#](https://rads.stackoverflow.com/amzn/click/com/0470191376) by Wrox pub...

3 Jan at 13:13

What programming languages can one use to develop Android applications?

What programming languages can one use to develop Android applications? > [Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1994703/which-programming-lang...

Why does Java main() method accept an array of String args?

Why does Java main() method accept an array of String args? Since its possibly one of the most widely used methods of the Java language, why does it have to accept an array of Strings and doesn't work...

17 Apr at 10:28

What Python features will excite the interest of a C# developer?

What Python features will excite the interest of a C# developer? For someone who’s been happily programming in C# for quite some time now and planning to learn a new language I find the Python communi...

20 Nov at 21:58

Main method code entirely inside try/catch: Is it bad practice?

Main method code entirely inside try/catch: Is it bad practice? Usually I put all of my Main method code inside of a try/catch block like so: I do this just in case any exceptions manage to slip out o...

C# How to loop through Properties.Settings.Default.Properties changing the values

C# How to loop through Properties.Settings.Default.Properties changing the values I have the following code: It gets the new val

3 May at 17:0

Boo vs C# vs Python?

Boo vs C# vs Python? Compared to C#, Boo feels a bit more Pythonic but it's also compiled down to .NET MSIL. I liked its syntax, even more than C#'s syntax. But I couldn't find a single book teaching ...

6 Jun at 18:39

How to start programming from scratch?

How to start programming from scratch? I've never really had any experience with programming at all, my uncle told me to come to this site for help from total strangers if I wanted to start programmin...

7 Aug at 09:42

Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages

Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages I'm trying to get a better understanding of the difference. I've found a lot of explanations online, but they tend towards the abstract differences rather than the p...

Is it possible to write (a*b)+(c*d) in a way that doesn't use order of operations?

Is it possible to write (a*b)+(c*d) in a way that doesn't use order of operations? Alright, so [warsow](http://www.warsow.net/) has some pretty excellent hud code with the exception that the math logi...

21 Sep at 23:39

Why was constness removed from Java and C#?

Why was constness removed from Java and C#? I know this has been discussed many times, but I am not sure I really understand Java and C# designers chose to omit this feature from these languages. I am...

The Benefits of Using Function Pointers

The Benefits of Using Function Pointers I have been programming for a few years now and have used function pointers in certain cases. What I would like to know is when is it appropriate or not to use ...

Can you monkey patch methods on core types in Python?

Can you monkey patch methods on core types in Python? Ruby can add methods to the Number class and other core types to get effects like this: But it seems like Python cannot do this. Is this true? And...

Why does C# implement anonymous methods and closures as instance methods, rather than as static methods?

Why does C# implement anonymous methods and closures as instance methods, rather than as static methods? As I'm not exactly an expert on programming languages I'm well aware this may be a stupid quest...

10 Feb at 18:57

How is C# inspired by C++ more than by Java?

How is C# inspired by C++ more than by Java? When looking at the [history of C#](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Sharp_(programming_language)#History), I found out that C# was seen as an update to C an...