tagged [path]

How do I get the path to the current C# source code file?

How do I get the path to the current C# source code file? How do I get the path to the current C# source code file, or the directory the file is stored in? (I'm answering this question myself because ...

16 Dec at 00:25

ASP.Net C# ResolveClientUrl inside Class

ASP.Net C# ResolveClientUrl inside Class I have the following code: But I would like to have: ``` public class NavigationPath { private string menuItems = "" + "

Import a module from a relative path

Import a module from a relative path How do I import a Python module given its relative path? For example, if `dirFoo` contains `Foo.py` and `dirBar`, and `dirBar` contains `Bar.py`, how do I import `...

28 Aug at 13:52

Regex Last occurrence?

Regex Last occurrence? I'm trying to catch the last part after the last backslash I need the `\Web_ERP_Assistant` (with the `\`) My idea was : ``` C:\Projects\Ensure_Solution\Assistance\App_WebReferen...

27 Aug at 09:29

How to combine paths in Java?

How to combine paths in Java? Is there a Java equivalent for [System.IO.Path.Combine()](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.path.combine.aspx) in C#/.NET? Or any code to accomplish this?...

22 Aug at 08:53

Check whether a path is valid

Check whether a path is valid I am just wondering: I am looking for a way to validate if a given path is valid. . Problem is, I can't find anything in the .Net API. Due to the many formats and locatio...

8 Aug at 01:42

Difference between forward slash (/) and backslash (\) in file path

Difference between forward slash (/) and backslash (\) in file path I was wondering about the difference between `\` and `/` in file paths. I have noticed that sometimes a path contains `/`and sometim...

2 Jul at 20:52

How can I determine if a given drive letter is a local, mapped, or USB drive?

How can I determine if a given drive letter is a local, mapped, or USB drive? Given the letter of a drive, how can I determine what type of drive it is? For example, whether E:\ is a USB drive, a netw...

30 Jun at 17:13

Getting path to the parent folder of the solution file using C#

Getting path to the parent folder of the solution file using C# I am a beginner in C#, and I have a folder from which I am reading a file. I want to read a file which is located at the parent folder o...

25 Jun at 00:34

Check if full path given

Check if full path given Is there a method to check if given path is full path? Right now im doing this: But there must be more elegant way for checking this?

23 Jun at 12:36

@(at) sign in file path/string

@(at) sign in file path/string > [What's the @ in front of a string for .NET?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/556133/whats-the-in-front-of-a-string-for-net) I have the following code: What does...

23 May at 12:34

Graphviz's executables are not found (Python 3.4)

Graphviz's executables are not found (Python 3.4) I am running Python3.4 on Windows 7. I am trying to use the Python interface for graphviz. This is a script I intend to run: ``` from graphviz import ...

23 May at 12:34

‘ant’ is not recognized as an internal or external command

‘ant’ is not recognized as an internal or external command I have the same issue as this user: [ant - not recognized as an internal](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1587172/ant-not-recognized-as-a...

23 May at 12:26

Fatal Error C1083 - Cannot open include file: "windows.h": No such file or directory

Fatal Error C1083 - Cannot open include file: "windows.h": No such file or directory I'm trying to get IKVM to build (see [this question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71599/how-to-get-ikvm-to-b...

23 May at 12:9

list recursively all files and folders under the given path?

list recursively all files and folders under the given path? > [How to recursively list all the files in a directory in C#?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/929276/how-to-recursively-list-all-the...

23 May at 11:54

How to get my project path?

How to get my project path? > [get path for my .exe using c#](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3991933/get-path-for-my-exe-using-c-sharp) Hello I have a question: How can I get my root project pa...

23 May at 11:47

Path.Combine for URLs (part 2)

Path.Combine for URLs (part 2) For awhile now, I've been searching for a Path.Combine method that works on URLs. This is similiar to [Path.Combine for URLs?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/372865...

23 May at 10:30

How do relative file paths work in Eclipse?

How do relative file paths work in Eclipse? So my 2009 new years resolution is to learn Java. I recently acquired "Java for Dummies" and have been following along with the demo code in the book by re-...

6 Apr at 19:12

C# get file paths of just files with no extensions

C# get file paths of just files with no extensions I am wanting to get a string array of paths of files that do not have extensions. They are binary files with no extensions if that helps. For example...

4 Apr at 10:13

'csc' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

'csc' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file I'm fairly new to C# and I'm trying to use cmd to compile a basic hello world file called `test.cs`. It conta...

28 Mar at 21:44

Get current folder path

Get current folder path I want to create a program that converts files. I would like the user to be able to place the executable file in any directory, and when executing that program (double-clicking...

17 Jan at 10:11

Get path to execution directory of Windows Forms application

Get path to execution directory of Windows Forms application I would like to get the path to the execution directory of a Windows Forms application. (That is, the directory in which the executable is ...

20 Dec at 16:15

What is the difference between user variables and system variables?

What is the difference between user variables and system variables? What is the difference between user variables such as `PATH`, `TMP`, etc. and system variables? I accidentally deleted the user vari...

Determine via C# whether a string is a valid file path

Determine via C# whether a string is a valid file path I would like to know how to determine whether string is valid file path. The file path may or may exist.

8 Dec at 19:48

Where is Python's sys.path initialized from?

Where is Python's sys.path initialized from? Where is Python's sys.path initialized from? : Python is adding some paths before refering to PYTHONPATH: ``` >>> import sys >>> from pprint import pprin...

30 Oct at 09:11