tagged [overriding]

Can I override a property in c#? How?

Can I override a property in c#? How? I have this Base class: And the following descendant: When I compile I get this warning saying Derived class's definition of `x` is gonna hide Base's version o

Difference between new and override

Difference between new and override Wondering what the difference is between the following: Case 1: Base Class Case 1: Inherited class Case 2: Base Class Case 2: Inherited class Both case 1 and 2 appe...

How does reflection tell me when a property is hiding an inherited member with the 'new' keyword?

How does reflection tell me when a property is hiding an inherited member with the 'new' keyword? So if I have: How can I use reflection to see that ChildClass is hiding the Base implementation of Tem...

The difference between virtual, override, new and sealed override

The difference between virtual, override, new and sealed override I'm pretty confused between some concepts of OOP: `virtual`, `override`, `new` and `sealed override`. Can anyone explain the differenc...

22 Dec at 10:54

Calling virtual functions inside constructors

Calling virtual functions inside constructors Suppose I have two C++ classes: If I write the following code: One might expect that `n

Why / when would it be appropriate to override ToString?

Why / when would it be appropriate to override ToString? I'm studying C# and I wonder what the point and benefit of overriding `ToString` might be, as shown in the example below. Could this be done in...

4 May at 23:47

Overriding GetHashCode

Overriding GetHashCode As you know, GetHashCode returns a semi-unique value that can be used to identify an object instance in a collection. As a good practice, it is recommended to override this meth...

How to override default(T) in C#?

How to override default(T) in C#? > [Howto change what Default(T) returns in C#](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5088682/howto-change-what-defaultt-returns-in-c-sharp) Similarly if I have a cust...

23 May at 10:29

virtual keyword in c#

virtual keyword in c# I have knowledge of Java and have been learning C# for the last couple of days. Now I have come across the "virtual" keyword which, as suggested at [this link](http://msdn.micros...

20 May at 20:52

How can I assure a class to have a static property by using interface or abstract?

How can I assure a class to have a static property by using interface or abstract? I have one abstract class -let's say myBase. And I want all the classes derived from myBase to have one static field ...

.net XmlSerializer on overridden properties

.net XmlSerializer on overridden properties I have a base class with an abstract property: now, I have a subclass, which is XmlSerialized. So, it has: I cannot move the XmlElement attribute to basecla...

C#: Any way to skip over one of the base calls in polymorphism?

C#: Any way to skip over one of the base calls in polymorphism? ``` class GrandParent { public virtual void Foo() { ... } } class Parent : GrandParent { public override void Foo() { base.Foo(...

Detect if a method was overridden using Reflection (C#)

Detect if a method was overridden using Reflection (C#) Say I have a base class TestBase where I define a virtual method TestMe() Now I inherit this class: Now, using Reflection, I need to find if the...

24 Aug at 13:13

Why is it important to override GetHashCode when Equals method is overridden?

Why is it important to override GetHashCode when Equals method is overridden? Given the following class ``` public class Foo { public int FooId { get; set; } public string FooName { get; set; } ...

4 Jul at 15:37

Can I call a base class's virtual function if I'm overriding it?

Can I call a base class's virtual function if I'm overriding it? Say I have classes `Foo` and `Bar` set up like this: ``` class Foo { public: int x; virtual void printStuff() { std::cout

8 Jul at 17:39

Why does this work? Method overloading + method overriding + polymorphism

Why does this work? Method overloading + method overriding + polymorphism In the following code: ``` public abstract class MyClass { public abstract bool MyMethod( Database database, AssetDeta...

How to override Equals on a object created by an Entity Data Model?

How to override Equals on a object created by an Entity Data Model? I have an Entity Data Model that I have created, and its pulling in records from a SQLite DB. One of the Tables is People, I want to...

18 Mar at 18:38

internal abstract methods. Why would anyone have them?

internal abstract methods. Why would anyone have them? I was doing some code review today and came across an old code written by some developer. It goes something like this If you have a derived class...

I need to access a non-public member (Highlighted Item) of a Combo Box

I need to access a non-public member (Highlighted Item) of a Combo Box I am implementing Key Navigation for an application and I want to override the space key functionality when a Combo Box is focuse...

17 Feb at 17:0

What is the use of 'abstract override' in C#?

What is the use of 'abstract override' in C#? Just out of curiosity I tried overriding a abstract method in base class, and method the implementation abstract. As below: ``` public abstract class Firs...

18 Jan at 05:3

Inheritance and Overriding __init__ in python

Inheritance and Overriding __init__ in python I was reading 'Dive Into Python' and in the chapter on classes it gives this example: The author then says that if you want to override the `__init__` met...

5 May at 16:8

Why does C#/CLR not support method override co/contra-variance?

Why does C#/CLR not support method override co/contra-variance? There are quite a few questions & answers about hacking around the limitation of C# not allowing method return (and argument) types to b...

7 May at 21:29

Make sure base method gets called in C#

Make sure base method gets called in C# Can I somehow force a derived class to always call the overridden methods base? And then in a derived class : ``` public override void Update() { bas

31 May at 17:45

Invocation of a polymorphic field-like event

Invocation of a polymorphic field-like event Considering the code below: ``` public class TableMain { public virtual event Action UpdateFilter; .... } public class TableSub : TableMain { public ...

27 Aug at 07:44

Why would you override wndproc

Why would you override wndproc I have been looking around and haven't really seen much information on why someone would override wndproc to handle messages. So I wondering: I have tried using it when ...

21 May at 16:29