tagged [outlook]

Microsoft.Office.Core Reference Missing

Microsoft.Office.Core Reference Missing Using the example provided in [codeproject](http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/outlookconnector.aspx) I am struggling to work out where I can find the reference t...

26 Sep at 13:58

How to avoid Outlook security alert when reading outlook message from C# program

How to avoid Outlook security alert when reading outlook message from C# program I have a requirement of reading subject, sender address and message body of new message in my Outlook inbox from a C# p...

24 Oct at 20:56

Sending Outlook meeting requests without Outlook?

Sending Outlook meeting requests without Outlook? I just wonder if it is possible to send Meeting Requests to people without having Outlook installed on the Server and using COM Interop (which I want ...

20 Jan at 15:57

How do I get the current mail item from Outlook ribbon context menu

How do I get the current mail item from Outlook ribbon context menu I am creating an Outlook 2010 add-in and have added a context menu to my ribbon for idMso="contextMenuMailItem". On click, I would l...

28 Jul at 20:55

.msg file gives download error

.msg file gives download error In my application, I keep some files on server and make them available for download on some business logic. All other file types are getting downloaded but `.msg(Outlook...

.NET: Get all Outlook calendar items

.NET: Get all Outlook calendar items How can I get all items from a specific calendar (for a specific date). Lets say for instance that I have a calendar with a recurring item every Monday evening. Wh...

10 Oct at 04:35

Add the default outlook signature in the email generated

Add the default outlook signature in the email generated I am using the `Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application` to generate an email and display it on the screen before the user can send it. Th...

23 Jun at 12:29

Convert email address from X400 to SMTP

Convert email address from X400 to SMTP I'm trying to get the SMTP address from an X400 address in VB.Net. If I bring up the Outlook properties for a user in our domain, and look at the "Email Address...

10 Jul at 22:57

EWS Exchange Web service API AutodiscoverUrl exception

EWS Exchange Web service API AutodiscoverUrl exception I get an error when I try to create an appointment: > The expected XML node type was XmlDeclaration, but the actual type is Element. This Except...

Read emails from exchange online (Office 365) through windows forms application

Read emails from exchange online (Office 365) through windows forms application I am trying to read emails from my O365 mailbox through a windows forms application. I want my application to read email...

13 Feb at 14:16

How to copy Outlook mail message into excel using VBA or Macros

How to copy Outlook mail message into excel using VBA or Macros I'm a newbie in VBA and Macros. If someone helps me with VBA code and macros, it will be helpful. Daily I'll receive around 50-60 mails ...

20 Jun at 23:18

Adding items to RibbonDropDown at runtime

Adding items to RibbonDropDown at runtime So I have a dropdown menu in a ribbon with contents that can be changed while it is being used. Outlook is also happy to let me 'add' or 'insert' items into i...

Hooked events Outlook VSTO continuing job on main Thread

Hooked events Outlook VSTO continuing job on main Thread I have developed an Outlook VSTO addin. Some tasks should be made on a background thread. Typically, checking something in my local db or invok...

MailMessage is adding two dots for one dot when email is opened in Outlook or other clients

MailMessage is adding two dots for one dot when email is opened in Outlook or other clients I am generating and sending email using C#. The mail message is html formatted, and everything appears fine ...

22 Sep at 16:43

Custom Ribbon in VSTO Addin for Outlook 2010 doesn't display

Custom Ribbon in VSTO Addin for Outlook 2010 doesn't display I've got a minimal VSTO Addin for Outlook 2010 with a ribbon. My only goal is to display a ribbon (created via designer) with no functional...

15 Feb at 20:20

Outlook MailItem: How to distinguish whether mail is incoming or outgoing?

Outlook MailItem: How to distinguish whether mail is incoming or outgoing? I am writing VSTO Outlook addin in C#, and I need to distinguish, whether given MailItem is incoming or outgoing (or neither,...

17 Aug at 00:12

Read Outlook .msg File

Read Outlook .msg File I believe that the only way to read an Outlook .msg file (in order to extra metadata like subject, attachments etc), is to use the Outlook API - the `Application.Session.OpenSha...

29 Oct at 14:34

Trying to Programmatically Create & Open a new Outlook Email

Trying to Programmatically Create & Open a new Outlook Email I have a winforms application and I am trying to create a method that will create and open a new Outlook Email. So far I have ``` private v...

28 Jun at 10:32

Remove outlook meeting request

Remove outlook meeting request I'm creating an application in C#. In this i can create a meeting request that is sent to the user through code and appears in Outlook mail. The below code is what I am ...

22 Jun at 23:20

How to add multiple recipients to mailitem.cc field c#

How to add multiple recipients to mailitem.cc field c# Oki, so im working on outlook .msg templates. Opening them programmatically, inserting values base on what's in my db. ex. when i want to add mul...

VSTO - Is it possible to have both designer and XML ribbons?

VSTO - Is it possible to have both designer and XML ribbons? I'm working on an Outlook 2010 add-in that has multiple ribbons created with the Visual Studio 2010 ribbon designer. I've made an additiona...

20 Jun at 14:30

Reading Outlook Mail with C#

Reading Outlook Mail with C# I am using the following code as I attempt to connect to my Outlook mail. Now, I must be doing something wrong because I try to get the inbox mails and I always get 0 mail...

3 Dec at 14:36

Get list of all Outlook folders and subfolders

Get list of all Outlook folders and subfolders I have been trying to figure out how to get a list of all outlook folders for quite some time now, but can only get a list of the default folders (i.e. I...

3 May at 13:32

When searching Global Address List, is there a way to do a partial search and not just a "startsWith"

When searching Global Address List, is there a way to do a partial search and not just a "startsWith" I have the following code to search the global address book by a certain string: "CONF" ``` var es...

Outlook 2003 Add-in won't load, but is in working order

Outlook 2003 Add-in won't load, but is in working order I have created an Outlook add-in for 2003, 2007 & 2010. The add-in works fine in 2007 and 2010, but is not loading correctly in 2003 on any mach...