tagged [mutex]

How to gracefully get out of AbandonedMutexException?

How to gracefully get out of AbandonedMutexException? I use the following code to synchronize mutually exclusive access to a shared resource between several running processes. The mutex is created as ...

Abandoned mutex exception

Abandoned mutex exception I am trying to use a mutex for the first time and have the following code executing on two separate instances of the program ``` public void asynchronousCode() { using ...

Object synchronization method was called from an unsynchronized block of code. Exception on Mutex.Release()

Object synchronization method was called from an unsynchronized block of code. Exception on Mutex.Release() I have found different articles about this exception but none of them was my case. Here is t...

30 Jan at 05:14

How to find that Mutex in C# is acquired?

How to find that Mutex in C# is acquired? How can I find from mutex handle in C# that a mutex is acquired? When `mutex.WaitOne(timeout)` timeouts, it returns `false`. However, how can I find that from...

understanding of pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_signal()

understanding of pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_signal() Generally speaking, `pthread_cond_wait()` and `pthread_cond_signal()` are called as below: The steps are

2 Mar at 07:7

Synchronizing 2 processes using interprocess synchronizations objects - Mutex or AutoResetEvent

Synchronizing 2 processes using interprocess synchronizations objects - Mutex or AutoResetEvent Consider the following scenario: I'm running my application which, during its execution, has to run anot...

8 Nov at 12:44

Why doesn't Mutex get released when disposed?

Why doesn't Mutex get released when disposed? I have the following code: I've set a breakpoint within the `if` block, and ran the same code within anoth

4 Sep at 01:41

UnauthorizedAccessException when trying to open a mutex

UnauthorizedAccessException when trying to open a mutex I'm getting this exception when trying to open a mutex (it happens only sometimes; the most of calls is successful): ``` System.UnauthorizedAcce...

23 Oct at 08:48

WPF Single Instance Best Practices

WPF Single Instance Best Practices This is the code I implemented so far to create a single instance WPF application: ``` #region Using Directives using System; using System.Globalization; using Syste...

24 Jan at 16:48