tagged [multiline]

Multiline C# interpolated string literal

Multiline C# interpolated string literal C# 6 brings compiler support for interpolated string literals with syntax: This is great for short strings, but if you want to produce a longer string must it ...

Cannot get regular expression work correctly with multiline

Cannot get regular expression work correctly with multiline I have a quite big XML output from an application. I need to process it with my program and then feed it back to the original program. There...

25 Nov at 20:8

Regular expression matching a multiline block of text

Regular expression matching a multiline block of text I'm having a bit of trouble getting a Python regex to work when matching against text that spans multiple lines. The example text is ('\n' is a ne...

18 Mar at 15:20

XML multiline comments in C# - what am I doing wrong?

XML multiline comments in C# - what am I doing wrong? According to [this article](http://blogs.msdn.com/ansonh/archive/2006/09/11/750056.aspx), it's possible to get multiline XML comments -- instead o...