tagged [modal-dialog]

Avoiding Dialog Boilerplate in Delphi and /or C++

Avoiding Dialog Boilerplate in Delphi and /or C++ I often need to design a dialog in Delphi/C++Builder that allows various properties of an object to be modified, and the code to use it typically look...

10 Oct at 14:11

Bootstrap 3 modal vertical position center

Bootstrap 3 modal vertical position center This is a two part question: 1. How can you position the modal vertically in the center when you don't know the exact height of the modal? 2. Is it possible ...

Set bootstrap modal body height by percentage

Set bootstrap modal body height by percentage I am trying to make a modal with a body that will scroll when the content becomes too large. However, I want the modal to be responsive to the screen size...

Using :before CSS pseudo element to add image to modal

Using :before CSS pseudo element to add image to modal I have a CSS class `Modal` which is absolutely positioned, z-indexed above it's parent, and nicely positioned with JQuery. I want to add a caret ...

12 Jul at 17:46

Bootstrap 3 - How to load content in modal body via AJAX?

Bootstrap 3 - How to load content in modal body via AJAX? As you can see [here](http://bootply.com/thiezar/90757), I have a button that launches a modal. Setting an href url for the button this url is...

How do I "Hide()" a Modal WPF Window without it closing?

How do I "Hide()" a Modal WPF Window without it closing? I have a WPF window that is run on a background thread as a sort of "notifier window"... when an event is raised, it displays a message... a us...

30 Nov at 17:44

Can't set DialogResult in WPF

Can't set DialogResult in WPF I show a WPF window using ShowDialog() from the calling window. The window opens and is modal as expected. However, in my OK and Cancel button's click events in the dialo...

30 Jul at 22:54

Which is your favourite javascript modal plugin?

Which is your favourite javascript modal plugin? I'm trying to choose a JavaScript modal plugin to use it on a web site. I used to use nyroModal (without making any research on this topic) but they ha...

23 May at 11:51

Trying to make bootstrap modal wider

Trying to make bootstrap modal wider I am using this code but the modal is too thin: ```

16 Sep at 01:30

Close Bootstrap Modal

Close Bootstrap Modal I have a bootstrap modal dialog box that I want to show initially, then when the user clicks on the page, it disappears. I have the following: ``` $(function () { $('#modal').mo...

asp.net button/linkbutton webcontrol dynamically added in bootstrap modal body doesn't postback

asp.net button/linkbutton webcontrol dynamically added in bootstrap modal body doesn't postback I have added linkbutton inside html table dynamically and add into bootstrap modal's body. (linkbutton h...

Closing a kendoui window with custom Close button within the window

Closing a kendoui window with custom Close button within the window I'm using Kendo UI's window component, which is similar to any modal dialog. I have a close button in it, how do I close the window ...

Convert a modeless dialog to modal at runtime

Convert a modeless dialog to modal at runtime I have a dialog (CDialog derived class) that can be used in two different ways (edition mode and programming mode). When the dialog is open to be used in ...

4 Aug at 06:24

How can I display a modal dialog in Redux that performs asynchronous actions?

How can I display a modal dialog in Redux that performs asynchronous actions? I'm building an app that needs to show a confirm dialog in some situations. Let's say I want to remove something, then I'l...

ASP.NET MVC Postback on Modal Dialog/ Popup

ASP.NET MVC Postback on Modal Dialog/ Popup I have a link on an asp.net mvc view which opens a modal popup in which a second MVC view is rendered. The view in the Modal popup exposes several features ...

How to refresh a parent page after closing sharepoint dialog?

How to refresh a parent page after closing sharepoint dialog? How to refresh a parent page after closing sharepoint dialog? Here is my coding to open a pop-up. ``` //User Defined Function to Open Di...

8 Dec at 05:51

Calling a function on Bootstrap modal open

Calling a function on Bootstrap modal open I used to use jQuery UI's dialog, and it had the `open` option, where you can specify some Javascript code to execute once the dialog is opened. I would have...

How to use Bootstrap modal using the anchor tag for Register?

How to use Bootstrap modal using the anchor tag for Register? I have a list of anchor tags for my navigation bar. I want to open a modal when "Register" is clicked. Here is the code: ``` Login data-t...

How to handle the modal closing event in Twitter Bootstrap?

How to handle the modal closing event in Twitter Bootstrap? In Twitter bootstrap, looking at the [modals](http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#modals) documentation. I wasn't able to fi...

Using Bootstrap Modal window as PartialView

Using Bootstrap Modal window as PartialView I was looking to using the [Twitter Bootstrap Modal windows](http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html) as a partial view. However, I do not reall...

Bootstrap Modal immediately disappearing

Bootstrap Modal immediately disappearing I'm working on a website using bootstrap. Basically, I wanted to use a modal in the home page, summoned by the button in the Hero Unit. Button code: Modal code...

18 Jun at 01:47

Is it possible to overload the ShowDialog method for forms and return a different result?

Is it possible to overload the ShowDialog method for forms and return a different result? I have a form in which you click one of three buttons. I have defined an enum for the returned results. I want...

Bootstrap close modal not working

Bootstrap close modal not working I have two button here that are being used to close the modal. The first is the close icon and the other one is cancel button, both use data-dismiss to close the moda...

The 'await' operator can only be used within an async lambda expression

The 'await' operator can only be used within an async lambda expression I've got a c# Windows Store app. I'm trying to launch a `MessageDialog` when one of the command buttons inside another `MessageD...

ASP.NET button inside bootstrap modal not triggering click event

ASP.NET button inside bootstrap modal not triggering click event I'm working in Bootstrap modal in my asp.net site, modal is working fine but the button btnSaveImage inside modal footer is not firing ...