tagged [messagebox]

MessageBox.Show-- font change?

MessageBox.Show-- font change? I'm using the MessageBox class to show errors to users, and while that might not be the right behavior, it's very convenient. This is a touchscreen application, however,...

24 Oct at 00:14

What is the difference between Invoking and BeginInvoking a MessageBox?

What is the difference between Invoking and BeginInvoking a MessageBox? In a form, compare with What is the difference, and when should I use one over the other? How is the behavior affected by the me...

12 May at 13:33

How to write superscript in a string and display using MessageBox.Show()?

How to write superscript in a string and display using MessageBox.Show()? I am trying to output the area using a message box, and it should be displayed as, for example, 256 unit^2... How can I write ...

23 May at 10:31

How to show a MessageBox with a checkbox?

How to show a MessageBox with a checkbox? I would like to create a `MessageBox` that has / buttons AND a checkbox. The application is a picture resizer and it will be re-sizing a number of pictures at...

30 Jun at 00:37

C# formatting a MessageBox

C# formatting a MessageBox I want to display a MessageBox alerting the user that the process is complete, and giving a breakdown on how long each stage of the process took. I've got the text that I wa...

24 Mar at 14:55

ASP.NET Web Application Message Box

ASP.NET Web Application Message Box In an asp.net windows forms application, in the C# code behind you can use: Is there any equivalent in a asp.net web application? Can I call something from the C# c...

How to create Hyperlink in MessageBox.show?

How to create Hyperlink in MessageBox.show? I have tried creating a hyperlink in MessageBox in this way: Note: The Above code was actually "chosen as a answer" in an another question [

23 May at 10:29

C# MessageBox To Front When App is Minimized To Tray

C# MessageBox To Front When App is Minimized To Tray I have some code that popups a message box: My problem is when this pops up my

New line is not working in MessageBox in C#/WPF

New line is not working in MessageBox in C#/WPF Short question: I have a string in my resources: "This is my test string {0}\n\nTest" I'm trying to display this string in my Messagebox: However I don'...

14 Mar at 10:44

MessageBox buttons - set language?

MessageBox buttons - set language? When you use `MessageBox.Show()` you have a selection of [MessageBoxButtons](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.messageboxbuttons%28v=vs.11...

20 Dec at 07:32

How can I show a message box with details in WinForms?

How can I show a message box with details in WinForms? Just now I noticed that Visual Studio shows a message box with details when a property is set to an invalid value. For example: ![](https://i.sta...

20 Jun at 09:12

How to create a custom MessageBox?

How to create a custom MessageBox? I'm trying to make a custom message box with my controls. Actually I need to place some controls (a gridview) in this form and I have to apply my own theme for this ...

3 Aug at 20:41

Force to close MessageBox programmatically

Force to close MessageBox programmatically Let me give you the background. We have an Application(medium sized) that is using MessageBox.Show (....) at various places (in hundreds). These message boxe...

13 Dec at 03:0

Messagebox and Unit testing

Messagebox and Unit testing I'm trying to find the best way to uncouple messageboxes from my logic so I can properly unittest it. Now I was wondering if it would be enough if I just made a seperate he...

19 Dec at 11:48

Why isn't MessageBox TopMost?

Why isn't MessageBox TopMost? I recently found out that by default MessageBoxes were not the top most form when displayed by default and I was wondering if anyone knew any circumstances when you would...

18 May at 16:3

Popping a MessageBox for the main app with Backgroundworker in WPF

Popping a MessageBox for the main app with Backgroundworker in WPF In a WPF app, I am using a BackgroundWorker to periodically check for a condition on the server. While that works fine, I want to pop...

Link to a file in a MessageBox VC++2008 Windows xp

Link to a file in a MessageBox VC++2008 Windows xp after some processing my program shows a messagebox saying you can read a log file to know more about what has been done. I would like to show a link...

c# select text from messagebox.show popup

c# select text from messagebox.show popup i've been searching on google and stackoverflow for 2hours now. There has to be something i am just simply overlooking. Is there an easy way to make the text ...

20 Oct at 19:10

System.Windows.MessageBox doesn't wait for user input before going poof!

System.Windows.MessageBox doesn't wait for user input before going poof! ...and it makes no sense why. T-T In my `Application_Startup` event handler I have code that looks kinda like this: ``` private...

7 May at 19:1

Dialog MessageBox sometimes hidden behind the main form

Dialog MessageBox sometimes hidden behind the main form Some of our non-technical users are having problems where a dialog MessageBox in our application can sometimes be displayed behind the main form...

12 Aug at 12:4

Close a MessageBox after several seconds

Close a MessageBox after several seconds I have a Windows Forms application VS2010 C# where I display a MessageBox for show a message. I have an okay button, but if they walk away, I want to timeout a...

23 May at 12:9

Getting the text from a dialog box that does not use a label control?

Getting the text from a dialog box that does not use a label control? This is a continuation of my previous question [How to supress a dialog box an Inproc COM Server displays](https://stackoverflow.c...

23 May at 11:54