tagged [maven]
Why use Gradle instead of Ant or Maven?
Why use Gradle instead of Ant or Maven? What does another build tool targeted at Java really get me? If you use Gradle over another tool, why?
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- 30 Aug at 10:6
How to override maven property in command line?
How to override maven property in command line? I have the following plain pom running by Maven 3.0.4. ``` 4.0.0
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- 14 Dec at 09:47
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration (JBossas 7 EAR archetype)
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration (JBossas 7 EAR archetype) I am using Eclipse 3.7 Indigo with Maven M2E Plugin 1.0.100. Using the JBoss 7.x JavaEE 6 EAR archetype, the pom for E...
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- 15 Jul at 07:45
Maven -DskipTests ignored
Maven -DskipTests ignored I'm building a Maven project with following [SureFire](http://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-surefire-plugin/) configuration: ``` org.apache.maven.plugins maven-surefire...
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- 4 Dec at 16:34
Maven project.build.directory
Maven project.build.directory In Maven, what does the `project.build.directory` refer to? I am a bit confused, does it reference the source code directory or the target directory in the Maven project?
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- 3 Feb at 09:13
How to add local jar files to a Maven project?
How to add local jar files to a Maven project? How do I add local jar files (not yet part of the Maven repository) directly in my project's library sources?
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- 21 Jan at 16:50
Maven 3 and JUnit 4 compilation problem: package org.junit does not exist
Maven 3 and JUnit 4 compilation problem: package org.junit does not exist I am trying to build a simple Java project with Maven. In my pom-file I declare JUnit 4.8.2 as the only dependency. Still Mave...
C# Project Management with Maven
C# Project Management with Maven Anyone had experience of managing C# based projects with Maven? If yes , please tell me a few words about it , how weird would it be to create such a setup. Thanks
Adding maven nexus repo to my pom.xml
Adding maven nexus repo to my pom.xml I have installed nexus on my local machine. I want my pom file to point to this repo. How can I add my custom repository to my pom.xml file?
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- 29 Jan at 00:52
Import Maven dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA
Import Maven dependencies in IntelliJ IDEA I just imported a project from subversion to IntelliJ IDEA 11 - it's a maven project. But I have a problem in maven library dependencies so that I can't incl...
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- 23 Sep at 01:45
How do I use Maven through a proxy?
How do I use Maven through a proxy? I want to share my experience of using maven through a proxy. You would most likely face exceptions and messages like: or How to configure Maven to use proxy server...
How can I download a specific Maven artifact in one command line?
How can I download a specific Maven artifact in one command line? I can install an artifact by `install:install-file`, but how can I download an artifact? For example:
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- 6 Nov at 15:6
Where is Maven Installed on Ubuntu
Where is Maven Installed on Ubuntu I installed maven on my Ubuntu machine with the command `sudo apt-get install maven` Now I need to know where it is installed in order to configure the same in Intel...
How do I configure Maven for offline development?
How do I configure Maven for offline development? Does maven require a connection to the internet at some point to be able to use it? Meaning specifically getting the internal maven plugins for compil...
Where is a good place to find maven archetypes?
Where is a good place to find maven archetypes? I'm aware of the archetype list in [codehaus](http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVENUSER/Archetypes+List). Are there any other good places to find Maven...
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- 30 Jul at 19:45
What is the purpose of mvnw and mvnw.cmd files?
What is the purpose of mvnw and mvnw.cmd files? When I created a Spring Boot application I could see `mvnw` and `mvnw.cmd` files in the root of the project. What is the purpose of these two files?
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- 23 Jan at 09:34
How to run Maven from another directory (without cd to project dir)?
How to run Maven from another directory (without cd to project dir)? Supposing my maven project is located in `/some/location/project` and my current location is `/another/location/` how can I run mav...
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- 7 Sep at 21:44
Maven Jacoco Configuration - Exclude classes/packages from report not working
Maven Jacoco Configuration - Exclude classes/packages from report not working I have a maven multi-module project and I'm using jacoco-maven for code coverage reports. Some classes should not be repor...
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- 9 Jun at 07:2
Where is my m2 folder on Mac OS X Mavericks
Where is my m2 folder on Mac OS X Mavericks I cant seem to find the local .m2 folder on Mac OS X mavericks. Ideally it should be at `{user.home}/.m2` but I cant seem to find it. Should I create it?
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- 30 Jun at 17:58
How can I create an executable/runnable JAR with dependencies using Maven?
How can I create an executable/runnable JAR with dependencies using Maven? I want to package my project in a single executable JAR for distribution. How can I make a Maven project package all dependen...
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- 15 Oct at 10:6
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize When building a Java 8 project with Maven: I get this message: > Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPe...
Add a dependency in Maven
Add a dependency in Maven How do I take a jar file that I have and add it to the dependency system in maven 2? I will be the maintainer of this dependency and my code needs this jar in the class path ...
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- 30 Jul at 22:34
Get Maven artifact version at runtime
Get Maven artifact version at runtime I have noticed that in a Maven artifact's JAR, the project.version attribute is included in two files: Is there a recommended way to read this version at runtime?
Passing command line arguments from Maven as properties in pom.xml
Passing command line arguments from Maven as properties in pom.xml Is it possible to pass arguments from command line to properties in `pom.xml` file ? for example I run `mvn ... argument` and in pom....
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- 2 Jun at 14:36
how to run the command mvn eclipse:eclipse
how to run the command mvn eclipse:eclipse I'm following [these instructions](http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-ide-eclipse.html), but having problems with running commands like `mvn eclipse:e...