tagged [log4net]

What is the difference between log4net and ELMAH?

What is the difference between log4net and ELMAH? Some people are using [ELMAH](https://elmah.github.io/) instead of log4net. What makes it better? I found out about ELMAH in [an answer to Stack Overf...

17 Oct at 08:1

How to add log4net appender in runtime?

How to add log4net appender in runtime? How do I add an extra log appender in runtime? (all pre-existing appenders must keep on working) I'm trying it this way: ``` var layout = new PatternLayout("%ut...

7 Nov at 10:21

unable to get log4net working with .net windows service

unable to get log4net working with .net windows service I have a windows service with an `app.config` and a `log4net.config`. `app.config`: `log4net.config`: ```

How to create a file in the AppData folder using log4net

How to create a file in the AppData folder using log4net How to create the log file in appData folder. The path is C:\Users\MYNAME\AppData\Roaming\Project\My Project\Application. As soon as my project...

When does log4net write or commit the log to file?

When does log4net write or commit the log to file? We use the log4net to log the winform application's event and error. Our customer want check the log file during the application running. But I can't...

9 Apr at 15:54

Thread Safety of log4net

Thread Safety of log4net There seems to be some discussion on whether log4net is thread-safe, the consensus is that the framework is thread-safe, but appenders are not and need to be used correctly to...

4 Nov at 15:43

C# Static Readonly log4net logger, any way to change logger in Unit Test?

C# Static Readonly log4net logger, any way to change logger in Unit Test? My class has this line: When I go to unit test, I can't inject a moq logger into this interface so I could count log calls. Is...

28 May at 16:9

ILog or ILogger?

ILog or ILogger? Should I be using the ILog or ILogger interface? I find the ILog interface to be easier to use since I can just declare one instance per class by calling: It's a much simpler interfac...

14 Jun at 01:15

How i can use the connectionString of the current website for log4Net instead of configuring

How i can use the connectionString of the current website for log4Net instead of configuring I use log4Net for my system's log. The connectionString node is mandatory if the appender type is the AdoNe...

15 May at 14:51

Check if ServiceStack logger is initialized

Check if ServiceStack logger is initialized I am using ServiceStack logger and need to know if my logger is properly initialized or not. When I call `LogManager.GetLogger(...)` there is no way to know...

7 Feb at 21:27

Does the Log4j security violation vulnerability affect log4net?

Does the Log4j security violation vulnerability affect log4net? I have recently read about the [zero-day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-day_(computing)) issue in Log4J. I work with a few applicat...

4 Jan at 22:59

log4net hierarchy and logging levels

log4net hierarchy and logging levels [This site](http://logging.apache.org/log4net/release/manual/introduction.html) says > Loggers may be assigned levels. Levels are instances of the log4net.Core.Lev...

24 Aug at 07:37

Best practice to include log4Net external config file in ASP.NET

Best practice to include log4Net external config file in ASP.NET I have seen at least two ways to include an external log4net config file in an ASP.NET web application: Having the following attribute ...

17 Jan at 21:52

How to configure log4net for WCF

How to configure log4net for WCF On my asp webforms app I would do the log4net initialization; on global.asax on Application_Start so that it is done once when the application starts. What is the righ...

7 Dec at 10:54

Process cannot access the file "MyFile.log" because it is being used by another process

Process cannot access the file "MyFile.log" because it is being used by another process I am getting > The process cannot access the file "MyFile.log" because it is being used by another process. whil...

3 Jan at 10:0

Enterprise Logging Block vs NLog vs log4net

Enterprise Logging Block vs NLog vs log4net I need to use a logging library in my project and considering between Enterprise Logging Block vs NLog vs log4net. I found some links on the comparison but ...

11 Feb at 16:19

MemoryAppender PatternLayout not rendering?

MemoryAppender PatternLayout not rendering? App.config looks like this: Code looks like this: Th

14 Jan at 12:38

How do I use a GlobalContext property in a log4net appender name?

How do I use a GlobalContext property in a log4net appender name? I'm trying to customise a log4net file path to use a property I have set in the `log4net.GlobalContext.Properties` dictionary. I can s...

5 Mar at 14:24

SharePoint and Log4Net

SharePoint and Log4Net I'm looking for best practices to integrate log4net to SharePoint for web request, feature activation and all timer stuff. I have several subprojects in my farm, and I would li...

22 Oct at 16:20

Log4NET setting overwritten by AssemblyInfo Task

Log4NET setting overwritten by AssemblyInfo Task I have a project that uses log4net and works fine on the developer machines. When we build, a step in our build scripts calls the AssemblyInfo task to ...

9 Apr at 08:0

Can you pull the connectionString for a log4net AdoNetAppender from elsewhere in a web.config file?

Can you pull the connectionString for a log4net AdoNetAppender from elsewhere in a web.config file? I already have a db connection string in my web.config file. I scanned the log4net docs, but can't s...

28 Nov at 19:24

app.config for a class library

app.config for a class library I cannot see a app.config file generated for a class library by the VS2008 wizard. In my research I found that in an application only one app.config exists. Is it a bad ...

How I can set log4net to log my files into different folders each day?

How I can set log4net to log my files into different folders each day? 1. I want to save all logs during each day in folder named YYYYMMdd - log4net should handle creating new folder depending on syst...

5 Mar at 09:29

Log4net - Suppress "exception" from being appended to custom "PatternLayout"

Log4net - Suppress "exception" from being appended to custom "PatternLayout" When using a custom "PatternLayout", log4net is appending the "exception" information (when present) to every log entry. I ...

12 Sep at 18:22

log4net logger defined in base class

log4net logger defined in base class I want to build my log4net logger in my MVC controller abstract base class like so: In this manner I can define the logger once and be done with it. The only probl...

17 Aug at 15:20