tagged [listview]

Flutter: filter list as per some condition

Flutter: filter list as per some condition I'm having a list of movies. That contains all animated and non-animated movies. To identify whether it's Animated or not there is one flag called `isAnimate...

14 Feb at 11:51

What's better to use: a DataGrid or ListView for displaying large amounts of data?

What's better to use: a DataGrid or ListView for displaying large amounts of data? I want to display >50000 rows in a table. Which is the best control to use: a DataGrid or a ListView (in details view...

Programmatically scroll to a specific position in an Android ListView

Programmatically scroll to a specific position in an Android ListView How can I programmatically scroll to a specific position in a `ListView`? For example, I have a `String[] {A,B,C,D....}`, and I ne...

4 Nov at 18:21

Disallow ListView to have zero selected items

Disallow ListView to have zero selected items My project is .NET/WinForms. I have a list view which is always filled with items. I would like it to have selection always. However, if I click on an emp...

15 Jul at 11:22

How do I get the SelectedItem or SelectedIndex of ListView in vb.net?

How do I get the SelectedItem or SelectedIndex of ListView in vb.net? As you know by question that what I want. I was using listbox. In `ListBox` we can get selected item by a simple line of code: `li...

17 Dec at 12:6

Editable ListView

Editable ListView I am looking to create an editable ListView in a C# winforms application where a user may double click on a cell in order to change its contents. It would be great if someone could p...

30 Apr at 19:14

Determine clicked column in ListView

Determine clicked column in ListView I need to get the column clicked in a ListView in C# I have some sample code from [How to determine the clicked column index in a Listview](http://bytes.com/topic/...

22 Jan at 15:9

Making ListView scrollable in vertical direction

Making ListView scrollable in vertical direction I am using a `System.Windows.Forms.ListView` with `checkboxes = true`. I can see that when the list items are more than what can fit, I get a horizonta...

1 Nov at 13:54

Android ListView with different layouts for each row

Android ListView with different layouts for each row I am trying to determine the best way to have a single ListView that contains different layouts for each row. I know how to create a custom row + c...

12 Jul at 20:21

ListView with Add and Delete Buttons in each Row in android

ListView with Add and Delete Buttons in each Row in android I am developing an android application in which I have made one ListView. I have to add 2 buttons with each row in ListView. These 2 buttons...

12 Jul at 15:13

Scrolling two views together

Scrolling two views together I currently have one Scrollview which contains a table layout and one list in my activity. Now my problem is that I wanted to move both of them(Scrollview and list) togeth...

13 Apr at 12:16

How do I apply a style to the ListViewItems in WPF?

How do I apply a style to the ListViewItems in WPF? First of all, I am new to WPF. --- I have this style ready for my items: ```

12 Aug at 17:50

Force resize of GridView columns inside ListView

Force resize of GridView columns inside ListView I have a `ListView` WPF control with a `GridView`. I'd like to resize the `GridView` columns when the content of the columns changes. I have several di...

16 Jun at 00:45

How to select an item in a ListView programmatically?

How to select an item in a ListView programmatically? I'm trying to select the first item in a ListView programmatically, but it doesn't appear to have been selected. I am using the following code: Ac...

31 Aug at 22:40

Access a control inside a the LayoutTemplate of a ListView

Access a control inside a the LayoutTemplate of a ListView How do I access a Control in the `LayoutTemplate` of a `ListView` control? I need to get to `litControlTitle` and set its `Text` attribute. `...

1 Oct at 20:50

C#: How do you edit items and subitems in a listview?

C#: How do you edit items and subitems in a listview? How do you edit items and subitems in a listview? Let's say I have a listview with 3 columns,and subitems, How would I Add items like that to list...

24 Jan at 00:43

How to lazy load images in ListView in Android

How to lazy load images in ListView in Android I am using a `ListView` to display some images and captions associated with those images. I am getting the images from the Internet. Is there a way to la...

Android ListView Divider

Android ListView Divider I have this code: where `@drawable/list_divider` is: ```

25 Jun at 10:24

How to bind list inside ListView in Xamarin.Forms

How to bind list inside ListView in Xamarin.Forms I have one ListView on my page having `ItemSource` as `List` as shown below: How c

C# ListView mouse wheel scroll without focus

C# ListView mouse wheel scroll without focus I'm making a WinForms app with a ListView set to detail so that several columns can be displayed. I'd like for this list to scroll when the mouse is over t...

8 Jan at 14:58

ListView with OnItemClickListener

ListView with OnItemClickListener I am using a custom [ListView](http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/layout/listview.html) with `RatingBar` and `ImageButton`. Here is my problem: When I click...

14 Feb at 05:29

WPF ListView Selecting Multiple List View Items

WPF ListView Selecting Multiple List View Items I am figuring out a way to Select Multiple items in list view and deleting them on a certain action. What I can't figure out is, how should I have these...

24 Sep at 18:6

How can I change the ForeColor of a single sub item in a ListView control?

How can I change the ForeColor of a single sub item in a ListView control? I have a Windows Form application in which I have a `ListView` control. I want to change the forecolor of a single subitem. A...

2 Jan at 04:54

Find control in ListView EmptyDataTemplate

Find control in ListView EmptyDataTemplate I have the a `ListView` like this In `Page_Load()` I have the following:

27 Jan at 17:51

C# .NET: if ((e.State & ListViewItemStates.Selected) != 0) <- What does it mean?

C# .NET: if ((e.State & ListViewItemStates.Selected) != 0)

19 May at 14:33