tagged [language-agnostic]

Database, Table and Column Naming Conventions?

Database, Table and Column Naming Conventions? Whenever I design a database, I always wonder if there is a best way of naming an item in my database. Quite often I ask myself the following questions: ...

What are bitwise shift (bit-shift) operators and how do they work?

What are bitwise shift (bit-shift) operators and how do they work? I've been attempting to learn C in my spare time, and other languages (C#, Java, etc.) have the same concept (and often the same oper...

When do you design the GUI first and the backend code later, or vice versa?

When do you design the GUI first and the backend code later, or vice versa? When I'm working on a project, sometimes I'll design the GUI first and then write the backend code to make it work, but othe...

9 Oct at 09:51

Way to go from recursion to iteration

Way to go from recursion to iteration I've used recursion quite a lot on my many years of programming to solve simple problems, but I'm fully aware that sometimes you need iteration due to memory/spee...

What is the difference between value types and primitive types?

What is the difference between value types and primitive types? Reading a book about C# I noticed that sometimes is mentioned value type and sometimes primitive type for some data type (e.g. int, doub...

15 Nov at 08:29

When to use unsigned values over signed ones?

When to use unsigned values over signed ones? When is it appropriate to use an unsigned variable over a signed one? What about in a `for` loop? I hear a lot of opinions about this and I wanted to see ...

7 Jul at 15:23

how to always round up to the next integer

how to always round up to the next integer i am trying to find total pages in building a pager on a website (so i want the result to be an integer. i get a list of records and i want to split into 10 ...

31 Jan at 00:29

How to parse relative time?

How to parse relative time? This question is the other side of the question asking, "[How do I calculate relative time?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11/how-do-i-calculate-relative-time)". Give...

22 Apr at 16:0

Interface vs Base class

Interface vs Base class When should I use an interface and when should I use a base class? Should it always be an interface if I don't want to actually define a base implementation of the methods? If ...

What is the difference between concurrent programming and parallel programming?

What is the difference between concurrent programming and parallel programming? What is the difference between concurrent programming and parallel programing? I asked google but didn't find anything t...