tagged [jvm]
Cannot assign requested address using ServerSocket.socketBind
Cannot assign requested address using ServerSocket.socketBind When I'm trying to set up a socket server, I've got an error message: ``` Exception in thread "main" java.net.BindException: Cannot assign...
What's the difference between the inner workings of Java's JVM and .NET's CLR?
What's the difference between the inner workings of Java's JVM and .NET's CLR? What's the difference between the inner workings of Java's JVM and .NET's CLR? Perhaps a starting point would be, are the...
Eclipse gives “Java was started but returned exit code 13”
Eclipse gives “Java was started but returned exit code 13” All hell broke loose after i uninstalled my java 6 and installed java 7 (both jdk and jre). On opening eclipse it gave the error that "No JVM...
Maximum Java heap size of a 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit OS
Maximum Java heap size of a 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit OS The question is not about the maximum heap size on a 32-bit OS, given that 32-bit OSes have a maximum addressable memory size of 4GB, and that the...
Getting the parameters of a running JVM
Getting the parameters of a running JVM Is there a way to get the parameters of a running JVM? Is there a command-line tool, like jstat, which takes as input the [PID](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pr...
How to set a JVM TimeZone Properly
How to set a JVM TimeZone Properly I am trying to run a Java program, but it is taking a default GMT timezone instead of an OS defined timezone. My JDK version is 1.5 and the OS is Windows Server Ente...
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- 3 Jun at 11:54
String s = new String("xyz"). How many objects has been made after this line of code execute?
String s = new String("xyz"). How many objects has been made after this line of code execute? The commonly agreed answer to this interview question is that two objects are created by the code. But I d...
How to deal with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error?
How to deal with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error? I am writing a client-side application (graphical font designer) on . Recently, I am running into `java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Jav...
- Modified
- 24 Oct at 14:58
How to set JVM parameters for Junit Unit Tests?
How to set JVM parameters for Junit Unit Tests? I have some Junit unit tests that require a large amount of heap-space to run - i.e. 1G. (They test memory-intensive functionality for a webstart app th...
- Modified
- 28 Sep at 08:40
Android Studio - No JVM Installation found
Android Studio - No JVM Installation found I'm having issues trying to boot-up `Android Studio` When I try to launch it after installation I'm getting this error: `No JVM Installation found. Please in...
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- 23 May at 11:54
Java is scaling much worse than C# over many cores?
Java is scaling much worse than C# over many cores? I am testing spawning off many threads running the same function on a 32 core server for Java and C#. I run the application with 1000 iterations of ...
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- 4 Apr at 14:4
Why doesn't Sun do a C# to Java byte code compiler?
Why doesn't Sun do a C# to Java byte code compiler? ## We Want to Run Our C# Code on the JVM My company has a large C# code base. Well over half of this code is our core engine for creating, reading, ...
- Modified
- 30 Jan at 03:31
Java vs C# Multithreading performance, why is Java getting slower? (graphs and full code included)
Java vs C# Multithreading performance, why is Java getting slower? (graphs and full code included) I have recently been running benchmarks on Java vs C# for 1000 tasks to be scheduled over a threadpoo...
- Modified
- 10 Apr at 13:53
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: SIGSEGV, libjvm
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: SIGSEGV, libjvm Hi and thanks for reading, I have the following error while running my program and can't figure out what the solution w...
- Modified
- 14 May at 20:0