tagged [join]

How to select all rows which have same value in some column

How to select all rows which have same value in some column I am new to sql so please be kind. Assume i must display all the employee_ids which have the same phone number(Both columns are in the same ...

16 Sep at 18:16

Linq Sub-Select

Linq Sub-Select How do I write a sub-select in LINQ. If I have a list of customers and a list of orders I want all the customers that have no orders. This is my pseudo code attempt:

9 Feb at 11:50

How to inner join tables from different Data Context?

How to inner join tables from different Data Context? I have two tables from two different Data Contexts. Although both tables are from the same database, two separate datacontexts exist. Error messa...

4 Mar at 05:33

C# Outer Apply in LINQ

C# Outer Apply in LINQ How can I achieve Outer Apply in LINQ? I'm having a bit of a problem. Here's the SQL Query I'm using.

10 Jun at 12:39

How can I delete using INNER JOIN with SQL Server?

How can I delete using INNER JOIN with SQL Server? I want to using `INNER JOIN` in . But I get this error: > Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 15 syntax near the 'INNER'. My code:

What is the syntax for an inner join in LINQ to SQL?

What is the syntax for an inner join in LINQ to SQL? I'm writing a LINQ to SQL statement, and I'm after the standard syntax for a normal inner join with an `ON` clause in C#. How do you represent the ...

21 Aug at 10:31

Join vs. sub-query

Join vs. sub-query I am an old-school MySQL user and have always preferred `JOIN` over sub-query. But nowadays everyone uses sub-query, and I hate it; I don't know why. I lack the theoretical knowled...

3 Nov at 18:0

SQL Inner join 2 tables with multiple column conditions and update

SQL Inner join 2 tables with multiple column conditions and update I am using this script, trying to join 2 tables with 3 conditions and update T1: but I encounter: `Incorrect syntax near the keyword ...

3 May at 15:30

How to join multiple collections with $lookup in mongodb

How to join multiple collections with $lookup in mongodb I want to join more than two collections in MongoDB using the aggregate `$lookup`. Is it possible to join? Give me some examples. Here I have t...

21 Feb at 20:53

Joining 2 SQL SELECT result sets into one

Joining 2 SQL SELECT result sets into one I've got 2 select statements, returning data like this: If I do union, I get something like And rows joined. What i need is getting it like this: Joined on da...

19 Jan at 21:28