tagged [internationalization]

Best Practice - Format Multiple Currencies

Best Practice - Format Multiple Currencies What is best practice for the scenario listed below? We have an application which we would like to support multiple currencies. The software will respect the...

Problem with encoding in Django templates

Problem with encoding in Django templates I'm having problems using {% ifequal s1 "some text" %} to compare strings with extended characters in Django templates. When string s1 contains ascii characte...

What is a minimal set of unicode characters for reasonable Japanese support?

What is a minimal set of unicode characters for reasonable Japanese support? I have a mobile application that needs to be ported for a Japanese audience. Part of the application is a custom font file ...

Best practice to make a multi language application in C#/WinForms?

Best practice to make a multi language application in C#/WinForms? I've been looking into making applications suitable for multiple languages in C# since I need to work on a small project where this i...

C#.NET & Translation of external component

C#.NET & Translation of external component I'm maintaining one program written in C# 2.0 (VS2005). It has pretty large codebase, lot of authors, it is almost internal app, but currently it is also one...

Best alternatives to using Resource files in .net site

Best alternatives to using Resource files in .net site In the past I have used asp.net's built in Resource files for handling localization. It's worked pretty well and we find it easy to use and maint...

Multilingual website using OWIN and asynchronous methods

Multilingual website using OWIN and asynchronous methods ### Background I'm creating a simple, multilingual website using ASP.NET 4.6, C#, OWIN pipeline on IIS (`Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb`), lots ...

hardcoded string "row three", should use @string resource

hardcoded string "row three", should use @string resource ```

Localization of singular/plural words - what are the different language rules for grammatical numbers?

Localization of singular/plural words - what are the different language rules for grammatical numbers? I have been developing a .NET string formatting library to assist with localization of an applica...

Best practice multi language website

Best practice multi language website I've been struggling with this question for quite some months now, but I haven't been in a situation that I needed to explore all possible options before. Right no...