tagged [if-statement]

check if variable empty

check if variable empty 1. Is there any shortest way to do it ? 2. And if i right, it should be tested with is_null? 3. It's possible $user_id, $user_name and $user_logged write in one line (ma

8 Jan at 12:42

Python syntax for "if a or b or c but not all of them"

Python syntax for "if a or b or c but not all of them" I have a python script that can receive either zero or three command line arguments. (Either it runs on default behavior or needs all three value...

7 Sep at 01:35

If "0" then leave the cell blank

If "0" then leave the cell blank I am trying to create a simple ledger and on the far right of the "Book" it totals any debit/credit that I input. But instead of leaving the unused rows blank, it keep...

6 Dec at 20:49

Does it matter performance wise if there is an `else` after the first `return`?

Does it matter performance wise if there is an `else` after the first `return`? I've now seen two different ways to make a boolean returning method: Which one is faster? Does it make sense to not writ...

List comprehension with if statement

List comprehension with if statement I want to compare 2 iterables and print the items which appear in both iterables. But it gives me a invalid syntax error where the `^` has been placed. What is wro...

javascript: building a conditional off of array items

javascript: building a conditional off of array items if I have an array like this: how could I go about building a conditional like so: the caveat is that I do not know how many items could be in thi...

20 Jan at 15:35

shorthand If Statements: C#

shorthand If Statements: C# Just a quick one, Is there anyway to shorthand this? It's basically determining the direction left or right, 1 for left, 0 for right In C#: The statement following this wil...

8 Jun at 09:41

One-liner if statements, how to convert this if-else-statement

One-liner if statements, how to convert this if-else-statement Total noob here so be gentle. I've looked everywhere and can't seem to find the answer to this. How do I condense the following? I can't ...

7 Jan at 04:54

Conditional C# breakpoint?

Conditional C# breakpoint? I'm debugging a `foreach` loop which will iterate well over 1000 times - so I only want a breakpoint within the loop to break for a particular item. So... Do I have to write...

30 Apr at 16:12

Not Equal to This OR That in Lua

Not Equal to This OR That in Lua I am trying to verify that a variable is NOT equal to either this or that. I tried using the following codes, but neither works: Is there a way to do this?

25 Jul at 21:33

Unexpected 'else' in "else" error

Unexpected 'else' in "else" error I get this error: > Error: unexpected 'else' in " else" From this `if, else` statement: ``` if (dsnt

22 Jun at 19:16

Will an IF statement stop evaluating if it fails the first condition?

Will an IF statement stop evaluating if it fails the first condition? If I have an `If` statement with 2 conditions - and the first fails, will the 2nd condition even be considered or will it go strai...

Multiple IF statements between number ranges

Multiple IF statements between number ranges I'm trying to set up a formula with multiple IF statements between number ranges but I'm seeing the error: > Formula parse error Here is the forumula: ``` ...

Java function Else issue

Java function Else issue Sooo I'm having an issue with my function. Well soo my issue is : if x is even, return x/2 OR is x if odd. returns 3x+1. But when I try to compile java tells me that ( 'else...

8 Feb at 03:20

MySQL IF ELSEIF in select query

MySQL IF ELSEIF in select query I'm trying to select different prices of a product based on the quantity that user chooses. This is the query I'm working on (it has a syntax error): ``` select id, (...

10 Sep at 13:56

Perl - Multiple condition if statement without duplicating code?

Perl - Multiple condition if statement without duplicating code? This is a Perl program, run using a terminal (Windows Command Line). I am trying to create an "if this and this is true, or this and th...

14 Feb at 00:12

How to have multiple conditions for one if statement in python

How to have multiple conditions for one if statement in python So I am writing some code in python 3.1.5 that requires there be more than one condition for something to happen. Example: The problem is...

How can I express that two values are not equal to eachother?

How can I express that two values are not equal to eachother? Is there a method similar to `equals()` that expresses "not equal to"? An example of what I am trying to accomplish is below: ``` if (seco...

Single line if statement with 2 actions

Single line if statement with 2 actions I'd like to do a single line if statement with more than 1 action. Default is this: But I don't need an "else" only, I need an "else if" like that in multi line...

18 Sep at 20:1

Syntax for an If statement using a boolean

Syntax for an If statement using a boolean I just recently joined the python3 HypeTrain. However I just wondered how you can use an if statement onto a boolean. Example: And also, can I just switch t...

How to check if a string contains an element from a list in Python

How to check if a string contains an element from a list in Python I have something like this: I am wondering what would be the more elegant way to do this in Python (without using the for loop)? I wa...

16 Jun at 09:53

Meaning of "[: too many arguments" error from if [] (square brackets)

Meaning of "[: too many arguments" error from if [] (square brackets) I couldn't find any one simple straightforward resource spelling out the meaning of and fix for the following BASH shell error, so...

8 May at 23:26

Compare cell contents against string in Excel

Compare cell contents against string in Excel Consider the following: I need a formula to populate the `B` column with `1` if the `A` column contains the string `ENG`, or `0` otherwise. I've tried (in...

25 Apr at 21:10

How to SUM parts of a column which have same text value in different column in the same row

How to SUM parts of a column which have same text value in different column in the same row I have a column with names and a column with numbers: Names with same `FirstName` a

If statements for Checkboxes

If statements for Checkboxes I wanted to know how to write if statements to see if one or another check box is checked or not. I have two check boxes. I wanted it to check to see if checkbox 1 is chec...