tagged [http-post]
Reading FromUri and FromBody at the same time
Reading FromUri and FromBody at the same time I have a new method in web api where request class is like I'm making a query to localhost/Pusher/PushMessage?
- Modified
- 25 Jul at 02:30
How can you add a Certificate to WebClient (C#)?
How can you add a Certificate to WebClient (C#)? I know it is pretty simple to add a certificate to a HttpWebRequest. However, I have not found a way to do the equivalent using WebClient. Basically, I...
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- 17 Aug at 19:7
How to submit a multipart/form-data HTTP POST request from C#
How to submit a multipart/form-data HTTP POST request from C# What is the easiest way to submit an HTTP POST request with a multipart/form-data content type from C#? There has to be a better way than ...
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- 30 Jul at 00:24
How to get ALL parameters send to a servicestack service?
How to get ALL parameters send to a servicestack service? I was just wondering how to use base.Request in a service. for example, if the caller Post a form to the servicestack service, normally I can ...
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- 10 Apr at 11:6
How do I send a very simple status update with the iPhone SDK?
How do I send a very simple status update with the iPhone SDK? I'm building an app that will allow the user to send a status update to twitter about something they have done in the app. What is the ea...
How do I send a POST request with PHP?
How do I send a POST request with PHP? Actually I want to read the contents that come after the search query, when it is done. The problem is that the URL only accepts `POST` methods, and it does not ...
HTTP test server accepting GET/POST requests
HTTP test server accepting GET/POST requests I need a live test server that accepts my requests for basic information via HTTP GET and also allows me to POST (even if it's really not doing anything). ...
Send POST with WebClient.DownloadString in C#
Send POST with WebClient.DownloadString in C# I know there are a lot of questions about sending HTTP POST requests with C#, but I'm looking for a method that uses `WebClient` rather than `HttpWebReque...
- Modified
- 28 Nov at 00:51
HTTP POST Returns Error: 417 "Expectation Failed."
HTTP POST Returns Error: 417 "Expectation Failed." When I try to POST to a URL it results in the following exception: > The remote server returned an error: (417) Expectation Failed. Here's a sample ...
How to use getJSON, sending data with post method?
How to use getJSON, sending data with post method? I am using above method & it works well with one parameter in URL. e.g. `Students/getstud/1` where controller/action/parameter format is applied. Now...
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- 27 Jan at 20:37
Ruby: How to post a file via HTTP as multipart/form-data?
Ruby: How to post a file via HTTP as multipart/form-data? I want to do an HTTP POST that looks like an HMTL form posted from a browser. Specifically, post some text fields and a file field. Posting te...
How to post data in PHP using file_get_contents?
How to post data in PHP using file_get_contents? I'm using PHP's function `file_get_contents()` to fetch contents of a URL and then I process headers through the variable `$http_response_header`. Now ...
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- 3 Nov at 10:46
Sending HTTP POST Request In Java
Sending HTTP POST Request In Java lets assume this URL... (Here id needs to be sent in a POST request) I want to send the `id = 10` to the server's `page.php`, which accepts it in a POST method. How c...
Access POST values in Symfony2 request object
Access POST values in Symfony2 request object OK, this is a newbie question, but I can't find the answer anywhere. In a controller in Symfony2, I want to access the POST value from one of my forms. In...
Is there a max size for POST parameter content?
Is there a max size for POST parameter content? I'm troubleshooting a Java app where XML is sent between two systems using HTTP POST and Servlet. I suspect that the problem is that the XML is growing ...
How do I POST a x-www-form-urlencoded request using Fetch?
How do I POST a x-www-form-urlencoded request using Fetch? I have some parameters that I want to POST form-encoded to my server: I'm sending my request (currently without parameters) like this ``` var...
- Modified
- 25 Jun at 00:45
Receiving a HTTP POST in HTTP Handler?
Receiving a HTTP POST in HTTP Handler? I need to listen and process a HTTP POST string in a HTTP handler. Below is the code for posting the string to handler - What I tried in Handler is - `
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- 8 Jun at 06:44
How do I POST form data with UTF-8 encoding by using curl?
How do I POST form data with UTF-8 encoding by using curl? I would like to `POST` (send) some form data to a webserver using `cURL` on a terminal-prompt. This is what I got so far: The problem is that...
ServiceStack Receiving posts without entity
ServiceStack Receiving posts without entity I've a scenario where I get changing post content. So I can't map it to an entity. I need is to get the json body of the post. I would like to create an ent...
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- 15 May at 01:59
Reading file input from a multipart/form-data POST
Reading file input from a multipart/form-data POST I'm POSTing a file to a WCF REST service through a HTML form, with `enctype` set to `multipart/form-data` and a single component: ``. The resulting s...
asp.net MVC 4 multiple post via different forms
asp.net MVC 4 multiple post via different forms Right now I understand checks all post methods on that page. However, I have 2 different forms posting 2 different information. These are a login form a...
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- 8 May at 14:56
Uploading file using POST request in Node.js
Uploading file using POST request in Node.js I have problem uploading file using POST request in Node.js. I have to use `request` module to accomplish that (no external npms). Server needs it to be mu...
- Modified
- 19 Dec at 13:25
.NET: Simplest way to send POST with data and read response
.NET: Simplest way to send POST with data and read response To my surprise, I can't do anything nearly as simple as this, from what I can tell, in the .NET BCL: This hypothetical code above mak
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- 25 Mar at 11:33