tagged [html-helper]

Get object instance from HtmlHelper

Get object instance from HtmlHelper Using the following code in an htmlhelper gives me some metadata. It even has the container type. What I want is the container instance. In the expression I want to...

TagBuilder.MergeAttributes does not work as expected

TagBuilder.MergeAttributes does not work as expected I am trying to make a HtmlHelper and I need to allow users to add their own custom attributes to the html tag. I tried to do this using the TagBuil...

ASP.NET MVC 3: Override "name" attribute with TextBoxFor

ASP.NET MVC 3: Override "name" attribute with TextBoxFor Is it possible when using `Html.TextBoxFor` to override the name attribute? I have tried with no success. I need to use TextBoxFor to get clien...

19 May at 11:33

I want to understand the lambda expression in @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.FirstName)

I want to understand the lambda expression in @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.FirstName) I’m fairly new at C# and MVC and have used lambdas on certain occasions, such as for anonymous methods and o...

Exclude/Remove Value from MVC 5.1 EnumDropDownListFor

Exclude/Remove Value from MVC 5.1 EnumDropDownListFor I have a list of enums that I am using for a user management page. I'm using the new HtmlHelper in MVC 5.1 that allows me to create a dropdown lis...

Static types cannot be used as parameters

Static types cannot be used as parameters I'm following the MVC Music Store tutorial, but I've just gotten a bit stuck with the Html Helper in part 5: [Part 5](http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/mvc-mus...

5 Sep at 10:25

Knockout.js and MVC

Knockout.js and MVC Just started playing with knockout.Js which is a fantastic framework Steve's really done well with that one. One thing I can't seem to do at the minute is impliment it with my Html...

How can I create an ASP.Net MVC Helper to inspect other inputs on a form

How can I create an ASP.Net MVC Helper to inspect other inputs on a form I would like to create an extension helper with the following signature: - I would like this method to reflect through the supp...

30 Mar at 13:20

If Statement (For CSS Class) on Razor Views

If Statement (For CSS Class) on Razor Views I need to switch between a CSS class depending if the message is read. In simple it should be like this: I am having trouble achieving this though. Can some...

7 Dec at 09:35

How can I create a Html Helper like Html.BeginForm

How can I create a Html Helper like Html.BeginForm I have an Extension Method that verifies if the user is able to see a portion of the webpage, based on a Role. If I simple remove the content, this b...

28 Nov at 07:8

MVC HTML Helpers and Lambda Expressions

MVC HTML Helpers and Lambda Expressions I understand Lambda queries for the most part, but when I am trying to learn MVC, and I see the default Scaffolding templates, they use Lambda expressions for s...

What is the difference, if any, between string.Format and TagBuilder in ASP.NET MVC?

What is the difference, if any, between string.Format and TagBuilder in ASP.NET MVC? I have a Html Helper file for my ASP.NET MVC application. The majority of them simply return a formatted string. He...

28 Sep at 14:18

How can I add a class attribute to an HTML element generated by MVC's HTML Helpers?

How can I add a class attribute to an HTML element generated by MVC's HTML Helpers? ASP.NET MVC can generate HTML elements using HTML Helpers, for example `@Html.ActionLink()`, `@Html.BeginForm()` and...

23 May at 12:17

ASP.NET MVC: Hidden field value does not get rendered using HtmlHelper.Hidden

ASP.NET MVC: Hidden field value does not get rendered using HtmlHelper.Hidden Something pretty weird is happening with my app: I have the following property in my ViewModel: It gets rendered in a view...

31 Mar at 10:33

How do you tell Resharper that a method parameter is a string containing a CSS class?

How do you tell Resharper that a method parameter is a string containing a CSS class? I have this HTMLhelper: I want Resharper to give me IntelliSense for CSS classes defined in my application when pa...

Unit testing HtmlHelper extension method fails

Unit testing HtmlHelper extension method fails I am trying to test some `HtmlHelper` extension methods I have written. My first problem was how to create a `HtmlHelper` instance, but I solved that usi...

dropdown in mvc3 edit form

dropdown in mvc3 edit form This maybe very simple but I cant seem to sort it out on my own. I have created a simple db and entity modal that looks like this ![enter image description here](https://i.s...

3 Apr at 15:44

How to pass in a lambda to a Razor helper method?

How to pass in a lambda to a Razor helper method? I have a razor helper method that needs to take in a `Func` that will return some HTML content to print out. This is what I originally had: ``` @helpe...