tagged [finally]

C# Time of finally execution

C# Time of finally execution Take this code: ``` using System; namespace OddThrow { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { try { throw new Exception("Excepti...

19 May at 20:20

Curious C# using statement expansion

Curious C# using statement expansion I've run ildasm to find that this: generates IL code that is equivalent to this:

3 Jun at 20:28

Finally is not executed when in a Thread running in a Windows Service

Finally is not executed when in a Thread running in a Windows Service Can anyone explain why this finally block is not executed? I have read posts about when to expect finally block not be executed, b...

Determine if executing in finally block due to exception being thrown

Determine if executing in finally block due to exception being thrown Is it possible to determine if code is currently executing in the context of a `finally` handler as a result of an exception being...

Try-catch-finally-return clarification

Try-catch-finally-return clarification By reading all the questions already asked in this forum related to the topic above (see title), I thoroughly understand that `finally` gets always called. (exce...

2 Mar at 17:9

Using statement and try-catch()-finally repetition?

Using statement and try-catch()-finally repetition? The using(...) statement is syntactic sugar for try{} finally {}. But if I then have a using statement like below: Now I want to catch the exception...

15 Sep at 17:54

Overhead of try/finally in C#?

Overhead of try/finally in C#? We've seen plenty of questions about when and why to use `try`/`catch` and `try`/`catch`/`finally`. And I know there's definitely a use case for `try`/`finally` (especia...

23 May at 11:53

await in try-finally block

await in try-finally block I've been playing around with the Visual Studio 14 CTP 2. This version of C# vNext enables the use of the `await` keyword inside a finally block. I am trying to figure out h...

Why doesn't C# have support for first pass exception filtering?

Why doesn't C# have support for first pass exception filtering? Note: this is not [a duplicate of Jeff's question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/181188/c-equivalent-to-vb-net-catch-when). That q...

23 May at 12:30