tagged [finally]

Why do we need the "finally" clause in Python?

Why do we need the "finally" clause in Python? I am not sure why we need `finally` in `try...except...finally` statements. In my opinion, this code block is the same with this one using `finally`: Am ...

4 Dec at 12:30

@try - catch block in Objective-C

@try - catch block in Objective-C Why doesn't @try block work? It crashed the app, but it was supposed to be caught by the @try block.

Throw exception from Called function to the Caller Function's Catch Block

Throw exception from Called function to the Caller Function's Catch Block ``` internal static string ReadCSVFile(string filePath) { try { ... ... } catch(FileNotFoundException ex) { ...

16 Apr at 10:2

Throw an exception in try catch block

Throw an exception in try catch block My question is would the `catch` catches the `ApplicationException` thrown in the try block? is it in poor coding style? Should it be written in another wa

1 May at 05:0