tagged [finally]

Using statement and try-catch()-finally repetition?

Using statement and try-catch()-finally repetition? The using(...) statement is syntactic sugar for try{} finally {}. But if I then have a using statement like below: Now I want to catch the exception...

15 Sep at 17:54

Overhead of try/finally in C#?

Overhead of try/finally in C#? We've seen plenty of questions about when and why to use `try`/`catch` and `try`/`catch`/`finally`. And I know there's definitely a use case for `try`/`finally` (especia...

23 May at 11:53

await in try-finally block

await in try-finally block I've been playing around with the Visual Studio 14 CTP 2. This version of C# vNext enables the use of the `await` keyword inside a finally block. I am trying to figure out h...

Why doesn't C# have support for first pass exception filtering?

Why doesn't C# have support for first pass exception filtering? Note: this is not [a duplicate of Jeff's question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/181188/c-equivalent-to-vb-net-catch-when). That q...

23 May at 12:30