tagged [filesystemwatcher]

FileSystemWatcher Dispose call hangs

FileSystemWatcher Dispose call hangs We just started running in to an odd problem with a FileSystemWatcher where the call to Dispose() appears to be hanging. This is code that has been working without...

1 Jun at 09:40

What are practical limits on the number of FileSystemWatcher instances a server can handle?

What are practical limits on the number of FileSystemWatcher instances a server can handle? I have a windows service that is currently instantiating about a dozen `FileSystemWatcher` instances to moni...

FileSystemWatcher causes crash to desktop

FileSystemWatcher causes crash to desktop I'm writing a solution where I use some configuration files that should be editable at runtime. I've been using `FileSystemWatcher` for this purpose before an...

6 Jan at 19:44

FileSystemWatcher to watch UNC path

FileSystemWatcher to watch UNC path There are no shortage of questions on this topic, but I'm still having trouble. Here is my situation. I've got a service that I need to watch a path that is specifi...

8 Dec at 04:22

BackgroundWorker & Timer, reading only new lines of a log file?

BackgroundWorker & Timer, reading only new lines of a log file? My application writes a log file (currently using ). I'd like to setup a timer and a background worker to read the log file and print it...

Detecting moved files using FileSystemWatcher

Detecting moved files using FileSystemWatcher I realise that FileSystemWatcher does not provide a Move event, instead it will generate a separate Delete and Create events for the same file. (The Files...

17 Aug at 07:39

Why FileSystemWatcher doesn't work in Linux container watching Windows volume

Why FileSystemWatcher doesn't work in Linux container watching Windows volume Given the program: ``` using System; using System.IO; namespace fsw_bug_poc { class Program { private static FileS...

FileSystemWatcher does not report changes in a locked file

FileSystemWatcher does not report changes in a locked file I'm monitoring a folder using a FileSystemWatcher like this: When I open a new file in notepad in that folder and save it, I get a notificati...

9 Apr at 13:18

Global Error Handler for FileSystemWatcher and BackgroundWorker

Global Error Handler for FileSystemWatcher and BackgroundWorker I have written a FileProcessor class which wraps the FileSystemWatcher (fsw), and also has a BackgroundWorker (bgw) thread to process it...

File access error with FileSystemWatcher when multiple files are added to a directory

File access error with FileSystemWatcher when multiple files are added to a directory I am running into an issue with a FileSystemWatcher when multiple files are placed into the watched directory. I w...