tagged [drag-and-drop]

DragDrop registration did not succeed in Setup Project

DragDrop registration did not succeed in Setup Project We have some installation project in Visual Studio solution (Other project types -> Setup and deployment -> Setup project). This project has anot...

Why is drop allowed even if Effects = DragDropEffects.None is set?

Why is drop allowed even if Effects = DragDropEffects.None is set? Dragging happens from "source" to "target". When the source calls DoDragDrop() with allowedEffects as DragDropEffects.Copy, then I'm ...

11 Dec at 18:40

C# WinForms - DragDrop within the same TreeViewControl

C# WinForms - DragDrop within the same TreeViewControl I'm attempting to implement a DragDrop of a treeview item within the same control. I want to be able to move an item from 1 node to another. Here...

4 Jan at 00:41

Make WPF window draggable, no matter what element is clicked

Make WPF window draggable, no matter what element is clicked My question is 2 fold, and I am hoping there are easier solutions to both provided by rather than the standard solutions from WinForms (whi...

14 Sep at 15:2

How can I allow Drag and Drop from Windows Explorer into a C# WPF application?

How can I allow Drag and Drop from Windows Explorer into a C# WPF application? I know there have been tons of answers on this subject, but I still cannot get it to work at all. I've enabled AllowDrop ...

21 May at 16:5

Implement file dragging to the desktop from a .net winforms application?

Implement file dragging to the desktop from a .net winforms application? I have a list of files with their names in a listbox and their contents stored in an SQL table and want the user of my app to b...

18 Jun at 19:54

Drag/Drop inside an Application AND to another Application

Drag/Drop inside an Application AND to another Application I have a ListView containing file names. These file names need to be draggable to a TreeView, which is a drag/drop inside the application and...

31 Aug at 19:34

Whilst using drag and drop, can I cause a Treeview to Expand the node over which the user hovers?

Whilst using drag and drop, can I cause a Treeview to Expand the node over which the user hovers? ## In brief: Is there any built-in function in .Net 2.0 to Expand `TreeNode`s when hovered over whilst...

Is there a good jQuery Drag-and-drop file upload plugin?

Is there a good jQuery Drag-and-drop file upload plugin? Is there a nice tidy jQuery plugin that allows including a single JS script then using a simple snippet to enable a form? Something like this: ...

Invalidate vs Update

Invalidate vs Update I have code that lets be drag around a borderless form in winforms that I've been using for several months now, which works extremely well. But when I first was given the code, th...

Scrolling while dragging and dropping (WPF)

Scrolling while dragging and dropping (WPF) Okay guys, I have been scratching my head like mad over this issue and have spent a good few hours trying to research how it works but I am yet to find an a...

7 Jun at 13:10

UWP ListView/GridView DragItems results to Catastrophic Failure

UWP ListView/GridView DragItems results to Catastrophic Failure We are developing an UWP App that needs the ability to drag items from one GridView to another. While testing this functionality we enco...

17 Sep at 17:19

Drag'n'drop one or more mails from Outlook to C# WPF application

Drag'n'drop one or more mails from Outlook to C# WPF application I'm working on a windows client written in WPF with C# on .Net 3.5 Sp1, where a requirement is that data from emails received by client...

25 Nov at 11:48

C# WinForms: Identify type of drag-drop action event

C# WinForms: Identify type of drag-drop action event users need the ability to drag & drop email items from Outlook onto a form in my WinForms (.Net 4) application. The application saves these items i...

3 Jul at 16:27

drag and drop cell from datagridview to another

drag and drop cell from datagridview to another I have 2 datagridviews and i want to copy cells from the datagridview1 to datagridview2 (a cell at a time).I´m able to select the cell I want and drag i...

15 Jan at 07:11

how to stop Drag event in OnBeginDrag() in unity 4.6

how to stop Drag event in OnBeginDrag() in unity 4.6 I have a script that handles dragging of an items from and to a given slot. But i want to add a function to stop dragging of a specific items. i th...

28 Jan at 21:37

Drag and Drop between Instances of the same Windows Forms Application

Drag and Drop between Instances of the same Windows Forms Application I have created a small Windows Forms test application to try out some drag/drop code. The form consists of three PictureBoxes. My ...

29 Jul at 17:26