tagged [css]

Vertical Align Center in Bootstrap 4

Vertical Align Center in Bootstrap 4 I am trying to center my Container in the middle of the page using Bootstrap 4. I have been unsuccessful thus far. Any help would be appreciated. I have built it a...

How to change CSS property using JavaScript

How to change CSS property using JavaScript I want to change a CSS property of a class using JavaScript. What I actually want is when a `` is hovered, another `` should become visible. ``` .left, .rig...

20 Jan at 15:40

How can I align text center on small screens with Bootstrap?

How can I align text center on small screens with Bootstrap? I have html as:- ``` © 2015 example.com. All rights reserved.

See :hover state in Chrome Developer Tools

See :hover state in Chrome Developer Tools I want to see the `:hover` style for an anchor I'm hovering on in . In , there's a style dropdown that allows me to select different states for an element. >...

How to prevent text from overflowing in CSS?

How to prevent text from overflowing in CSS? How can I prevent text in a div block from overflowing in CSS?

11 Jan at 21:27

Using :focus to style outer div?

Using :focus to style outer div? When I begin writing text in the textarea, I want the outer div, with a class box, to have its border turned solid instead of dashed, but somehow the :focus doesn't ap...

10 Jan at 12:26

How to use jQuery to wait for the end of CSS3 transitions?

How to use jQuery to wait for the end of CSS3 transitions? I'd like to fade out an element (transitioning its opacity to 0) and then when finished remove the element from the DOM. In jQuery this is st...

Set height of <div> = to height of another <div> through .css

Set height of = to height of another through .css I have two `` elements. Right now my simplified .css is thus: I've set a hard min- and max-heights for both so t

2 Jan at 16:38

How to make an empty div take space?

How to make an empty div take space? This is my 960 grid system case: ``` ID Namn Anv.Namn Email Roll Aktiv

28 Dec at 19:55

Position DIV relative to another DIV?

Position DIV relative to another DIV? Is it possible to position a DIV relative to another DIV? I imagine this can be done by first placing it inside of the reference DIV, and then using `position: re...

28 Dec at 08:43

Vertical and horizontal align (middle and center) with CSS

Vertical and horizontal align (middle and center) with CSS I am confused about how can I force my `div` element to be center (`vertically` and `horizontally`) at my page (mean which way or ways for cr...

24 Dec at 23:3

Using external images for CSS custom cursors

Using external images for CSS custom cursors Is it possible to use external image URLs for CSS custom cursors? The following example doesn't work: Fiddle: [http://jsfiddle.net/wNKcU/4/](http://jsfiddl...

22 Dec at 19:36

Is it possible to remove the hand cursor that appears when hovering over a link? (or keep it set as the normal pointer)

Is it possible to remove the hand cursor that appears when hovering over a link? (or keep it set as the normal pointer) I would like to remove the hand cursor that appears when you hover over a hyperl...

22 Dec at 19:33

Change cursor to hand when mouse goes over a row in table

Change cursor to hand when mouse goes over a row in table How do I change the cursor pointer to hand when my mouse goes over a `` in a `` ``` NameAge Jennifer24 Kate36

22 Dec at 19:23

Combining border-top,border-right,border-left,border-bottom in CSS

Combining border-top,border-right,border-left,border-bottom in CSS Is there a way of combining border-top,border-right,border-left,border-bottom in CSS like a super shorthand style. eg:

13 Dec at 11:13

Controlling Spacing Between Table Cells

Controlling Spacing Between Table Cells I'm trying to create a table where each cell has a background color with white space between them. But I seem to be having trouble doing this. I tried setting `...

10 Dec at 19:24

How can I add space between Bootstrap card elements?

How can I add space between Bootstrap card elements? I'm trying to add space between the two card decks. I'm using bootstrap 4 alpha 6. I've no idea why using `mt-20` on the second card deck wont do i...

8 Dec at 15:20

Vue.js toggle class on click

Vue.js toggle class on click How does toggle a class in vue.js? I have the following: When I click `` tag I want to apply `active` as a class as follows: ```

8 Dec at 02:42

How do I remove the default link color of the html hyperlink 'a' tag?

How do I remove the default link color of the html hyperlink 'a' tag? The default link color is blue. How do I remove the default link color of the html hyperlink tag ``?

8 Dec at 01:34

How to center content in a Bootstrap column?

How to center content in a Bootstrap column? I am trying to center column's content. Does not look like it works for me. Here is my HTML: [JSFiddle Demo](https://jsfiddle.net/usth0kd2/2/)

2 Dec at 22:19

How to remove/ignore :hover css style on touch devices

How to remove/ignore :hover css style on touch devices I want to ignore all `:hover` CSS declarations if a user visits our website via touch device. Because the `:hover` CSS does not make sense, and i...

1 Dec at 20:8

How can I write a ':hover' condition for 'a:before' and 'a:after'?

How can I write a ':hover' condition for 'a:before' and 'a:after'? How can I write `:hover` and `:visited` condition for `a:before`? I'm trying `a:before:hover`, but it's not working.

How to remove outline border from input button

How to remove outline border from input button When I click somewhere else the border disappears, I tried to use `onfocus: none`, but that didn't help. How to make this ugly button border disappear wh...

27 Nov at 21:36

Dynamically change color to lighter or darker by percentage CSS

Dynamically change color to lighter or darker by percentage CSS We have a big application on the site and we have a few links which are, let's say blue color like the blue links on this site. Now I wa...

23 Nov at 15:38

Change select box option background color

Change select box option background color I have a select box and I'm trying to change the background color of the options when the select box has been clicked and shows all the options. ``` body { b...