tagged [compiler-construction]

Why does C# generate different EXEs for the same source-code?

Why does C# generate different EXEs for the same source-code? Every time we recompile our C# application we end up with EXEs with different MD5 signatures. We are recompiling on the same machine, minu...

What makes the Java compiler so fast?

What makes the Java compiler so fast? I was wondering about what makes the primary Java compiler (javac by sun) so fast at compilation? ..as well as the C# .NET compiler from Microsoft. I am comparing...

31 Dec at 13:39

C# variance annotation of a type parameter, constrained to be value type

C# variance annotation of a type parameter, constrained to be value type It is possible in C# to add variance annotation to type parameter, constrained to be value type: Why is this allowed by compile...

8086 Assembler - Generating the object code from opcodes

8086 Assembler - Generating the object code from opcodes I'm working on an assembler for the 8086 . My question is how do you convert the hex opcodes to an executable file like .EXE,.ELF,.COM,a.out et...

9 Aug at 09:36

String.IsNullOrEmpty or string.IsNullOrEmpty

String.IsNullOrEmpty or string.IsNullOrEmpty I have been looking through code for the last 3 days, and the original developer is defining Strings using the class rather than the class. So, when they'v...

9 Mar at 10:52

How does the compilation/linking process work?

How does the compilation/linking process work? How does the compilation and linking process work? [Stack Overflow's C++ FAQ](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/c++-faq)[the posting on meta tha...

Sort and remove (unused) using statements Roslyn script/code?

Sort and remove (unused) using statements Roslyn script/code? Sort and remove (unused) using statements Roslyn script/code? I'm looking for some .NET/Roslyn (compiler as service) code that can run thr...

What is the difference between a token and a lexeme?

What is the difference between a token and a lexeme? In Compiler Construction by Aho Ullman and Sethi, it is given that the input string of characters of the source program are divided into sequence o...

Is it possible to debug code compiled at runtime?

Is it possible to debug code compiled at runtime? I have a need to compile some code using [CodeDomProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.codedom.compiler.c...

It is more efficient to use if-return-return or if-else-return?

It is more efficient to use if-return-return or if-else-return? Suppose I have an `if` statement with a `return`. From the efficiency perspective, should I use or Should I prefer one or another when u...

Constructor Overloading with Default Parameters

Constructor Overloading with Default Parameters I accidentally overloaded a constructor in C# as follows: With this code my project compiled fine. If I call the constructor with just a `string` argume...

What does "out" mean before a Generic type parameter?

What does "out" mean before a Generic type parameter? I've just saw an unfamiliar syntax while looking for `GroupBy` return type: [MSDN Source](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb344977.aspx) ...

Is C# used anywhere besides .NET programming?

Is C# used anywhere besides .NET programming? It's my understanding that C#, though created by Microsoft, is a programming language that can be used or implemented for things other than .NET programmi...

Compiler Magic: Why?

Compiler Magic: Why? I just noticed that given the following code: the Microsoft C# 3.0 (VS2008 SP1) compiler will optimize it to this: ``` if (!((x.Id

What does the error "the exec task needs a command to execute" mean?

What does the error "the exec task needs a command to execute" mean? When compiling a project in Visual Studio, the error message "the exec task needs a command to execute" appears, with no line numbe...

JIT compiler vs offline compilers

JIT compiler vs offline compilers Are there scenarios where JIT compiler is faster than other compilers like C++? Do you think in the future JIT compiler will just see minor optimizations, features bu...

27 Feb at 06:18

Inline property initialisation and trailing comma

Inline property initialisation and trailing comma ``` void Main() { Test t = new Test { A = "a", B = "b", //

9 Mar at 11:30

TargetedPatchingOptOut: "Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries"?

TargetedPatchingOptOut: "Performance critical to inline across NGen image boundaries"? Been going through some framework classes using reflector and noticed a number of the methods and properties have...

21 Aug at 19:22

Why are collection initializers on re-assignments not allowed?

Why are collection initializers on re-assignments not allowed? I always thought it worked fine both ways. Then did this test and realized it's not allowed on re-assignments: works fine but not: Any te...

Define a preprocessor value from command line using MSBuild

Define a preprocessor value from command line using MSBuild I need to create a demo version of an existing large application consisting of multiple projects. I'd like to use the existing projects, and...

Why C# compiler does not allows private property setters in interfaces?

Why C# compiler does not allows private property setters in interfaces? In certain scenario like a MVVM view-model, I sometimes needs to have private setter as the view-model exposes a state that can ...

Translate C# code into AST?

Translate C# code into AST? Is it currently possible to translate C# code into an Abstract Syntax Tree? Edit: some clarification; I don't necessarily expect the compiler to generate the AST for me - a...

Is it costly to do array.length or list.count in a loop

Is it costly to do array.length or list.count in a loop I know that in JavaScript, creating a for loop like this: `for(int i = 0; i

Why null == false does not result in compile error in c#?

Why null == false does not result in compile error in c#? This is not to solve any particular problem. Simply a compiler question. Why does the following code not result in compile error? It's compari...

4 May at 01:12

Is keyword 'event' optional in C#?

Is keyword 'event' optional in C#? What is the difference between eventOne (with keyword 'event') and eventTwo (w/o keyword)? ``` class Program { public event EventHandler eventOne; public EventHa...

2 Apr at 21:42