tagged [code-formatting]
ReSharper Line Breaks and Wrapping
ReSharper Line Breaks and Wrapping So, this: gets formatted to: ``` cmd = new OdbcCommand( string.Format( @" SELECT * FROM Bobby_Tables WHERE Name = {0}", "Little Bobby Dro...
- Modified
- 31 Jul at 23:6
ReSharper formatting: align equal operands
ReSharper formatting: align equal operands > , this question is somewhat out of date as the requested feature is now supported in the current version of ReSharper 2017.3.1 I like to formatting my code...
- Modified
- 10 Jan at 03:11
Disable code formatting for specific block of code in Visual Studio
Disable code formatting for specific block of code in Visual Studio How can I for a specific block of code in (C# 7)? I have this method: And I would like to format it like so: ``` public CarViewModel...
- Modified
- 1 Dec at 00:39
Is there a way to mark up code to tell ReSharper not to format it?
Is there a way to mark up code to tell ReSharper not to format it? I quite often use the ReSharper "[Clean Up Code](http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/features/code_formatting.html)" command to format...
- Modified
- 1 Feb at 21:36
Declaring long strings that use string interpolation in C# 6
Declaring long strings that use string interpolation in C# 6 I usually wrap long strings by concatenating them: This is perfectly efficient, since the compiler handles concatenation of string literals...
- Modified
- 23 May at 12:10
JavaScript Chart.js - Custom data formatting to display on tooltip
JavaScript Chart.js - Custom data formatting to display on tooltip I have looked at various documentation and similar questions on here, but cannot seem to find the particular solution. Apologies if I...
- Modified
- 17 Feb at 18:42
Is there a more readable alternative to calling ConfigureAwait(false) inside an async method?
Is there a more readable alternative to calling ConfigureAwait(false) inside an async method? I'm currently writing a lot of `async` library code, and I'm aware of the practice of adding `ConfigureAwa...
- Modified
- 24 Nov at 16:18
Declaring a looooong single line string in C#
Declaring a looooong single line string in C# Is there a decent way to declare a long single line string in C#, such that it isn't impossible to declare and/or view the string in an editor? The option...
- Modified
- 16 Jul at 17:26